Learners’ Guide
Diploma of Information Technology
Unit: ICASAS512 Review and Manage Delivery of
Maintenance Services
ICT50115| ICASAS512 Review and Manage Delivery of Maintenance Services
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | Feb 2018
Macquarie Education Group Australia Pty Ltd t/a Macquarie Institute | RTO Code 91305 | CRICOS Code 02657J
Approved by: QAC | Next Review: Dec 2018
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Diploma of Information Technology
ICASAS512 Review and Manage
Delivery of Maintenance Services
ICT50115| ICASAS512 Review and Manage Delivery of Maintenance Services
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | Feb 2018
Macquarie Education Group Australia Pty Ltd t/a Macquarie Institute | RTO Code 91305 | CRICOS Code 02657J
Approved by: QAC | Next Review: Dec 2018
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Mode | Classroom Delivery
ICASAS512 Review and Manage Delivery of Maintenance Services
Supporting: ICT50115 Diploma of Information Technology; May also support other qualifications based on respective packaging rules
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Le-Sharma Pty Ltd
ICT50115| ICASAS512 Review and Manage Delivery of Maintenance Services
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | Feb 2018
Macquarie Education Group Australia Pty Ltd t/a Macquarie Institute | RTO Code 91305 | CRICOS Code 02657J
Approved by: QAC | Next Review: Dec 2018
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Unit of Competency : ICASAS512 Review and Manage Delivery of Maintenance
Total Delivery Hours : TBA
Schedule : TBA
Term : TBA
1. Introduction
This assessment pack contains all the assessment tasks that need to be completed for this unit of competency.
ALL the given tasks must be completed and submitted as per the instructions provided.
Supporting information and guidelines are provided separately in the “Assessment Guide”, available from your
assessor and online portal.
2. Unit Overview
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to review and manage the delivery of maintenance
It applies to individuals with managerial experience and responsibility for supervising individuals working
under their direct or indirect supervision.
Detailed unit description, including performance criteria and competency evidence can be accessed online at;
View Unit
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, the student/trainee will be able to;
â–Ş Review service standards
â–Ş Review infrastructure
â–Ş Determine and implement solutions
â–Ş Organise reviews
As well as demonstrating the performance criteria, to be assessed as competent, the student must
demonstrate their ability to apply the required knowledge and skills in a range of situations. These are
summarised in the unit description as provided in the link above.
The students must familiarise themselves with all the competency requirements for this unit of competency and
ensure that they have received all the relevant information and support, including assessment task and
submission schedules, and any specific assessment requirements and conditions, from the traine
prior to undertaking these assessments.
Unit Prerequisites
There are no prerequisites for undertaking this unit of competency.
ICT50115| ICASAS512 Review and Manage Delivery of Maintenance Services
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | Feb 2018
Macquarie Education Group Australia Pty Ltd t/a Macquarie Institute | RTO Code 91305 | CRICOS Code 02657J
Approved by: QAC | Next Review: Dec 2018
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3. Prescribed Text and Resources
Knapp D., 2014, A Guide to Customer Service Skills for the Service Desk Professional, Cengage Learning
Allen N., 2009, Network Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide: Field Tested Solutions for Everyday
Problems (2nd Ed.), Addison-Wesley Professional
Suggested Online Resources
What is a SLA?
Five Key Points for Every SLA:
archive.today/mtN2O#selection XXXXXXXXXX
SLA Information Zone:
SLA Examples:
its.ucsc.edu/itsm/docs/slatemplate.doc (Template)
How to Develop an IT Change Management Program:
Change Management Process Guide:
How to develop an effective capacity planning process?
Capacity Planning Practices Guide:
ICT50115| ICASAS512 Review and Manage Delivery of Maintenance Services
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | Feb 2018
Macquarie Education Group Australia Pty Ltd t/a Macquarie Institute | RTO Code 91305 | CRICOS Code 02657J
Approved by: QAC | Next Review: Dec 2018
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4. Assessment Tasks
The following summative assessments are planned for this unit;
# Type Assessment Method
1 Install a Help Desk and Evaluate Performance Team Observation
2 Develop and Recommend Service Solutions Team Written
3 Knowledge Test Individual Written
These assessment tasks/activities have been described in detail in the following section.
Task schedule to be advised by traine
assessor based on the lesson and session plans.
ICT50115| ICASAS512 Review and Manage Delivery of Maintenance Services
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | Feb 2018
Macquarie Education Group Australia Pty Ltd t/a Macquarie Institute | RTO Code 91305 | CRICOS Code 02657J
Approved by: QAC | Next Review: Dec 2018
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Assessment Task 1
Note to Trainers/Assessors: This is a simulated task and the students will be required to simulate the task of a
emote IT support Team. This task must be run during a designated classroom session. To run this task;
â–Ş Create a team of two students
â–Ş Allocate each team a PC
â–Ş Provide a link to download and install free help desk software (e.g. SysAid, osTicket etc.)
â–Ş Create user queries in each help desk; at least three queries each team (examples of queries provided
â–Ş Provide a SLA (a sample provided with this unit. However, you may create/sources separate SLA
You will be playing the role of a manager working for the client organisation.
Example queries;
I Can't Access My LAN
My Wireless Card Is Not Working
I Plug in My USB Stick and Nothing Happens
Windows Won't Start!
Tried to Use a Word or PowerPoint document, and the Fonts Are All Wrong
How Do I Restore Something I Deleted on my Computer?
My Screen Resolution Is Wrong
I Tried to Upgrade My System, but I Get an E
When I Click the Close Window Icon, My Program Doesn't Go Away
I Went to a Web Site in Firefox, and the Macromedia Flash Plug-in Is Missing
My E-Mail Doesn't Work
I Downloaded a Particular Media File, and It Won't Play
My Microphone Doesn't Work
I Copied Some Files to/from My USB Stick, but When I Access It Later the Files Are Not There
I Can Read My USB Storage Device, but I Can't Write to It
How Do I Format a Disk?
How Do I Schedule Things to Happen?
My Computer Freezes
My Computer Is Running Quite Slowly—How Can I Find Out What Is Going On?
I Forgot My System Password—What Can I Do?
Ideally, read the given sample SLA and create your OWN QUERIES as appropriate to the SLA and which will
allow the user to analyse the actual service to the level anticipated in SLA. Assessment is largely based on
observation. Each student must be assessed individually within their respective role plays.
A service-level agreement (SLA) is simply a document describing the level of service expected by a customer
from a supplier, laying out the metrics by which that service is measured, and the remedies or penalties, if any,
should the agreed-upon levels not be achieved (CIO, 2014).
This is a team task, to be completed by a team of minimum two (2) students.
In this assessment task, your team will be simulating a help desk environment, respond to faults and then
evaluate the service level against the criteria set in the SLA.
To complete this task, your team will require;
ICT50115| ICASAS512 Review and Manage Delivery of Maintenance Services
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | Feb 2018
Macquarie Education Group Australia Pty Ltd t/a Macquarie Institute | RTO Code 91305 | CRICOS Code 02657J
Approved by: QAC | Next Review: Dec 2018
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â–Ş Help desk software (Freeware)
â–Ş Draft/Sample SLA
â–Ş Access to organisation/institute/college environment