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ITEC 274:VM and Windows Lab1/ Part#2-[30 marks] [Name, course & section go here…] Individual Assignment Exercise Answer the questions below thoroughly and completely (one sentence answers will not...

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ITEC 274:VM and Windows Lab1/ Part#2-[30 marks]

[Name, course & section go here…]

Individual Assignment Exercise

Answer the questions below thoroughly and completely (one sentence answers will not be sufficient for some questions). Use your own words or paraphrase (this is not a Google copy and paste exercise).Submit answers for the assignment in thisword documentvia BlackBoard / LAB.Plagiarize work with be given a zero grade.

Task 1:Windows [25mks]

1.Exploring Windows Updates features. [ 5pts]

a.The computer system updates was last done/check on?

b.List one application that updates was installed for in June 2020

i.Provide Show screenshot

c.View the update history

i.List [2]application software that was successfully instead and date of installation.

ii.Provide Show screenshot

2.Exploring Firewall features.[ 5pts]

a.List two apps that are allowed to communicate through Windows Defender Firewall?

i.Provide Show screenshot

b.What is the purpose of a host base firewall?

c.What is the purpose of a network base firewall?

Troubleshooting Scenarios

3.A user is not able to connect to the internet from their computer and thus no web browsing can be done. [ 4pts]

i.Describe two ways to resolve the above issues?

4.Describe 3 differences between Windows10 Home, Professional and Enterprise [i.e. what is not included]. List the ram size requirement for each. Explain which is best for student use and business use. Cite your sources. [11pts]

Task2: Using the Ubuntu VM

Instructions:Your screenshot must be clear enough to understand what is on the image. You will lose points if screenshots are not clear.

Note: all screenshot should been shown from theTerminal Console windowNOTfrom the GUI window.You will lose point otherwise.*Show the full command and results after you execute each command

Use the Ubuntu virtual machine that you created in class to perform the following:

1.Open a Terminal Console and perform the following.[5mks.]

a.Use the following command(ping-c4) to ping

i.[Paste screen shot showing ping results here …]

ii.Was the ping successfully? Ifnostate why? What does the“-c4”option do?

b.Using the “whoami” command find the username of the current user.

i.[Paste screen shot showing results here …]

c.Show a list of the running processes on the system [hint: use ctrl + C to stop ]

i.Show only the top section of after running command >> provide screenshot

Answered Same Day Jun 30, 2021


Divya answered on Jul 02 2021
144 Votes
ITEC 274:VM and Windows Lab1
Output: -
Task 1:Windows [25mks]
1.Exploring Windows Updates features

Ans: click on local server button Then click on Download updates only, using Windows update.

a. The computer system updates were last done/check on?
Ans: Click on local server button and on right corner last updated and last checked for update is mentioned
. List one application that updates was installed for in June 2020
Answer: Noting is updated in last June but in 2019. System have updates.
I. Provide Show screenshot
c.View the update history
I. List [2]application software that was successfully installed.
Cmd: wmic
> /output:C:\update.txt product get name, version
> exit
ii.Provide Show screenshot
2.Exploring Firewall features.
Ans: By triggering the netsh ?, You will get all the command.
a. List two apps that can communicate through Windows Defender Firewall?
Answer: You will see all Windows apps will have permission through the firewall and any app that you do not use it is safe to block them. That would be up to your which apps to block because I am not sure which ones you use.
Basically, if you do not open things like 3Dbuilder, xbox, etc then yes block them.
The apps you want are your
owsers like Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and ports 80 and 443 to be open. That is what you...

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