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ITAP2013 Software Engineering Group Assessment Report March 2020 ITAP2013 Software Engineering Group Assessment: Weightage: 30% Report deadline: Session 13 This assessment relates to the following...

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Software Engineering
Group Assessment
March 2020
ITAP2013 Software Engineering

Group Assessment:
Weightage: 30%
Report deadline: Session 13

This assessment relates to the following Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Explain software engineering principles and apply the techniques for software project
LO2 Evaluate the role of software lifecycle models and apply relevant techniques in project
control and planning
LO3 Identify and explain different categories of software quality metrics and project
estimation methods
LO4 Apply knowledge, techniques and tools to support configuration management
LO5 Construct and validate software specifications and demonstrate testing strategies
LO6 Prepare software system specifications using appropriate language and technical
specification techniques to suit the intended
Note: This is a group assignment and each group can have maximum 4 students. Students
need to inform lecturer about their groups by week 5
Case Study:
The Healthy Food Exchange (HFX) is a type of e-business exchange that does business
entirely on the Internet. The company acts as a clearing exchange for both buyers and
sellers of organic food.
For a person to offer food item for sale, he/she must register with HealthyFood. The
person must provide a cu
ent physical address and telephone number as well as a
ent e-mail address. The system will then maintain an open account for this person.
Access to the system as a seller is through a secure, authenticated portal.
A seller can list food items on the system through a special Internet form. Information
equired includes all the pertinent information about the food, its category, its general
condition, and the asking price. A seller may list as many food items as desired. The
system maintains an item ID of all food items in the system so that buyers can use the
search engine to search for food item. The search engine allows searches by category,
name, location, condition or keyword.
People wanting to buy food items come to the site and search for the item they want.
When they decide to buy, they must open an account with a credit card to pay for the
item. The system maintains all this information on secure servers.
When a request to purchase is made, along with the payment, The HealthyFood sends an
e-mail notice to the seller of the item that was chosen. It also marks the item as pending.
The system maintains this as an open order until it receives notice that the item have
een shipped and mark it as sold. After the seller receives notice that a listed item has
een sold, he/she must notify the buyer via e-mail within 12 hours that the purchase is
noted. Shipment of the order must be made within 12 hours after the seller sends the
ITAP2013 Software Engineering

notification e-mail. The seller sends a notification to both the buyer and HealthyFood
when the shipment is made.
After receiving notice of shipment, HealtyFood maintains the order in a shipped status.
At the end of each month, a check is mailed to each seller for the food item orders that
have been in a shipped status for 7 days. The 7-day waiting period is to allow the buyer
to notify HealthyFood if the shipment does not a
ive for some reason, or if the food item
is not in the same condition as advertised.
The buyers can, if they want, enter a service rating for the seller. The service rating is an
indication of how well the seller is servicing food purchases. Some sellers are very active
and use HealthyFood as a major outlet for selling food items. So, a service rating is an
important indicator to potential buyers.
Tasks and Deliverables:
Answer all the following tasks in the form of a report:
1. You are working as a Software Engineer at VITSoft Pvt Ltd. company in Sydney.
Your manager asked you to develop a software specification analysing feasibility,
functional, and non-functional requirements for above case study. As the first
task, you should develop the requirements specification for the proposed system.
In your report you should clearly indicate the assumptions and any constraints.
The specification should have the following sections. However, you could add
other topics based on your assumptions.
1. Introduction
a. Purpose
. Scope
a. Definitions, Acronyms
2. Constraints
3. Assumptions
4. Requirements
a. Functional Requirements
. Non-functional Requirements
c. Others
5. Stake holders
6. Project Management
a. Time
. Deliverables and Milestones
c. Quality
d. Risk
e. Cost
7. References
8. Appendices
ITAP2013 Software Engineering

2. Draw Use Case diagram and clearly indicate actors and use cases. You can use Ms
Visio, Ms Word, or any online tool.
3. Select FOUR Use Cases and write Use Case scenarios with preconditions and post
4. Draw Class diagram for the above system. Clearly indicate classes, possible
methods, and message calls.
5. Select FOUR functionalities and design User Interfaces. You could use some
wireframe designing tools such as Balsamiq (use trial version) or Invision. Include
your wireframes in the report.
6. Design at least FIVE test cases for each for the above scenarios.
7. Discuss the software techniques you will use to support configuration
management and the tools to manage change request by the customer.
Submission Guidelines
• You need to put all explanations, diagrams, models and test cases in one report
(.doc/pdf) file.
• Submit your report in a file named “Report_GroupX_YY.doc” (where X is your
group number and YY are the students IDs) by the due date and time.
• Only one person from the group need to submit the report.
• Follow the links in Moodle to upload your reports on or before the deadline. Late
penalty applies on late submission, 10% per day would be deducted.
• Incidence of plagiarism will be penalized.
Note: This is a group assignment and each group can have maximum 4 students. Students
need to inform lecturer about their groups by week 5
Marking Guide: 50 Marks
Task Description Marks
Specification Developed the requirements specification for the given case
study and clearly indicate the assumptions, constraints, project
quality and estimations
Modelling Used suitable tools and techniques to develop use cases diagrams,
use case scenarios, class diagrams and user interfaces
Testing Used testing strategies to identify the test cases for at least five
scenarios from given case study

Discussed techniques and tools to support configuration
Demonstration Demonstrated the appropriate use of software lifecycle models,
techniques and principles for software project development

Language Use appropriate language and notations for intended audiences.
Logical presentation of ideas with no grammar mistakes
Answered Same Day May 31, 2021 ITAP2013


Neha answered on Jun 06 2021
150 Votes
59405 - healthcare/59405 - healthcare repot.docx
Introduction    1
Purpose    1
Scope    2
Definitions    2
Constraints    2
Assumptions    2
Requirements    3
Functional Requirements    3
Non-Functional Requirements    3
Others    4
Stake Holders    4
Project Management    5
Time    5
Deliverables and Milestones    5
Quality    6
Risk    6
Cost    6
References    6
Use Case Diagram    7
Use Case Description    8
Class Diagram    10
User Interfaces    11
Test Cases    14
This report is based on the healthy food exchange e-business company which does its business over the Internet. This company acts as a mediator to clear the exchange for the sellers and buyers. If a person wants to offer food item, then he needs to register with the healthy food company. To shop the user needs to provide their cu
ent address and telephone number along with their email address. The system will maintain an open account for the user. A seller can provide a list of items over the portal. The items will have information regarding its name, category, general condition and the asking price. The seller can add multiple items as per his choice and the system will have and unique ID for all the items which helps the buyers to search for that particular item. The search engine allows the buyers to search by the category, location, name, keyboard or the condition. The buyers need to open an account over the portal along with providing their credit card details. The system maintains all the information on the server. The system will send an email notice to the seller that the item was chosen, and it is marked as pending. When the seller receive the notice then he needs to inform the buyer regarding the same within 12 hours. The shipment will be made within 12 hours after the notification. The healthy food maintains the order in the ship status and at the end of each month total amount in the form of Chan is mailed to the seller for all the items which has been in shipped status for 7 days. The system will help the company to manage all the information effectively and efficiently. This report contains all the diagrams which can help in implementing the system.
The purpose of this report is to design a system which can help the healthy food company to manage its business over the Internet. This report contains all the requirements of the system and the UML diagrams for implementing the system.
The system will help the buyers to place their orders for the requirements. They can use the search bar to search for the items using different keywords, conditions, or the names. The sellers can upload their items over the portal without any limit. All the data will be stored in database on the server securely. The payment can be made by the users using their credit cards and notifications will be sent to both buyer and sellers for each step.
Server – a computer which manages the access to a centralized resource.
This system has the following constraint. All the inputs must be checked for the validation and notification should be prompted for the improper input. When an invalid data is entered it must be ignored and e
or messages must be given. The details submitted by the seller must be stored in the database. When he wants to add new items over the portal then the mandatory fields should be checked for the validation. The system should verify that all the fields are filled with appropriate data. If there is any e
or than a proper message should be displayed or else the data will be stored in the system. While the registration is done by the buyer then all the mandatory fields must be filled accurately.
The system needs a backend database server to store the username and passwords for the different users of the system and also needs information related with different types of insurance. The user must have the basic knowledge to use the computer functionalities. He should understand the basic English. The system must respond for the queries within the reasonable...

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