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Data.and.Domains/.DS_Store __MACOSX/Data.and.Domains/._.DS_Store Data.and.Domains/Domains FormA.csv ItemId,Domain,Domain #, 49552,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,1 49432,Athlete...

1 answer below »
Data.and.Domains/Domains FormA.csv
ItemId,Domain,Domain #,
49552,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,1
49432,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,2
49497,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,3
49473,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,4
49425,Program Design and Development,2,5
49503,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,6
49286,Program Design and Development,2,7
49563,Athlete Education and Training,3,8
49544,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,9
49334,Program Design and Development,2,10
49506,Program Design and Development,2,11
49486,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,12
49536,Athlete Education and Training,3,13
49354,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,14
49568,Athlete Education and Training,3,15
49318,Program Design and Development,2,16
49343,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,17
49749,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,18
49360,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,19
49255,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,20
49356,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,21
49490,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,22
49555,Athlete Education and Training,3,23
49415,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,24
49545,Athlete Education and Training,3,25
49242,Program Design and Development,2,26
49511,Athlete Education and Training,3,27
49547,Athlete Education and Training,3,28
49265,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,29
49483,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,30
49189,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,31
49258,Program Design and Development,2,32
49466,Athlete Education and Training,3,33
49430,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,34
49530,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,35
49337,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,36
49463,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,37
49413,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,38
49194,Program Design and Development,2,39
49250,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,40
49485,Athlete Education and Training,3,41
49291,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,42
49402,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,43
49550,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,44
49282,Program Design and Development,2,45
49521,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,46
49514,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,47
49531,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,48
49268,Athlete Education and Training,3,49
49489,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,50
49387,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,51
49554,Athlete Education and Training,3,52
49206,Program Design and Development,2,53
49225,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,54
49399,Program Design and Development,2,55
49567,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,56
49414,Athlete Education and Training,3,57
49347,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,58
49411,Program Design and Development,2,59
49261,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,60
49481,Program Design and Development,2,61
49559,Athlete Education and Training,3,62
49491,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,63
49564,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,64
49346,Athlete Education and Training,3,65
49419,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,66
49394,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,67
49476,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,68
49526,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,69
49561,Athlete Education and Training,3,70
49501,Athlete Education and Training,3,71
49234,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,72
49280,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,73
49462,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,74
49488,Program Design and Development,2,75
49560,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,76
49464,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,77
49226,Program Design and Development,2,78
49533,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,79
49424,Athlete Education and Training,3,80
49575,Program Design and Development,2,81
49349,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,82
49266,Athlete Education and Training,3,83
49467,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,84
49247,Athlete Education and Training,3,85
49477,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,86
49510,Program Design and Development,2,87
49325,Program Design and Development,2,88
49745,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,89
49537,Program Design and Development,2,90
49316,Program Design and Development,2,91
49434,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,92
49558,Athlete Education and Training,3,93
49494,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,94
49397,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,95
49433,Athlete Education and Training,3,96
49469,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,97
49520,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,98
49569,Program Design and Development,2,99
49335,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,100
49217,Athlete Education and Training,3,101
49746,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,102
49551,Athlete Education and Training,3,103
49385,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,104
49232,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,105
49429,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,106
49517,Program Design and Development,2,107
49527,Athlete Education and Training,3,108
49437,Program Design and Development,2,109
49496,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,110
49556,Athlete Education and Training,3,111
49744,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,112
49391,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,113
49543,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,114
49480,Program Design and Development,2,115
49540,Athlete Education and Training,3,116
49522,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,117
49460,Athlete Education and Training,3,118
49524,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,119
49410,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,120
49412,Program Design and Development,2,121
49277,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,122
49249,Program Design and Development,2,123
49508,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,124
49405,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,125
49351,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,126
49557,Athlete Education and Training,3,127
49295,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,128
49404,Program Design and Development,2,129
49198,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,130
49572,Athlete Education and Training,3,131
49263,Program Design and Development,2,132
49529,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,133
49203,Program Design and Development,2,134
49319,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,135
49498,Program Design and Development,2,136
49196,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,137
49525,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,138
49516,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,139
49341,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,140
49515,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,141
49479,Program Design and Development,2,142
49288,Program Design and Development,2,143
49311,Program Design and Development,2,144
49388,Program Design and Development,2,145
49502,Athlete Education and Training,3,146
49228,Program Design and Development,2,147
49428,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,148
49407,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,149
49421,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,150
__MACOSX/Data.and.Domains/._Domains FormA.csv
Data.and.Domains/Domains FormB.csv
ItemId,Domain,Domain #,
49294,Athlete Education and Training,3,1
49231,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,2
49342,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,3
49267,Athlete Education and Training,3,4
49542,Athlete Education and Training,3,5
49488,Program Design and Development,2,6
49526,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,7
49352,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,8
49515,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,9
49420,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,10
49392,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,11
49429,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,12
49521,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,13
49327,Program Design and Development,2,14
49437,Program Design and Development,2,15
49195,Program Design and Development,2,16
49498,Program Design and Development,2,17
49260,Program Design and Development,2,18
49313,Program Design and Development,2,19
49508,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,20
49412,Program Design and Development,2,21
49533,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,22
49251,Program Design and Development,2,23
49531,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,24
49472,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,25
49544,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,26
49289,Program Design and Development,2,27
49464,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,28
49312,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,29
49350,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,30
49461,Athlete Education and Training,3,31
49244,Program Design and Development,2,32
49278,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,33
49746,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,34
49497,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,35
49559,Athlete Education and Training,3,36
49408,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,37
49272,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,38
49432,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,39
49479,Program Design and Development,2,40
49481,Program Design and Development,2,41
49529,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,42
49245,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,43
49524,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,44
49572,Athlete Education and Training,3,45
49209,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,46
49530,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,47
49538,Athlete Education and Training,3,48
49560,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,49
49548,Athlete Education and Training,3,50
49522,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,51
49494,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,52
49503,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,53
49221,Athlete Education and Training,3,54
49568,Athlete Education and Training,3,55
49480,Program Design and Development,2,56
49348,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,57
49418,Athlete Education and Training,3,58
49227,Program Design and Development,2,59
49340,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,60
49190,Athlete Education and Training,3,61
49468,Athlete Education and Training,3,62
49290,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,63
49336,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,64
49534,Athlete Education and Training,3,65
49358,Athlete Education and Training,3,66
49546,Athlete Education and Training,3,67
49421,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,68
49520,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,69
49471,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,70
49317,Program Design and Development,2,71
49411,Program Design and Development,2,72
49355,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,73
49462,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,74
49204,Program Design and Development,2,75
49321,Program Design and Development,2,76
49550,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,77
49567,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,78
49563,Athlete Education and Training,3,79
49517,Program Design and Development,2,80
49486,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,81
49483,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,82
49516,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,83
49496,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,84
49557,Athlete Education and Training,3,85
49410,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,86
49504,Athlete Education and Training,3,87
49275,Program Design and Development,2,88
49390,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,89
49555,Athlete Education and Training,3,90
49259,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,91
49434,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,92
49569,Program Design and Development,2,93
49518,Athlete Education and Training,3,94
49426,Athlete Education and Training,3,95
49239,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,96
49489,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,97
49208,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,98
49220,Program Design and Development,2,99
49271,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,100
49514,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,101
49554,Athlete Education and Training,3,102
49262,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,103
49402,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,104
49188,Program Design and Development,2,105
49285,Program Design and Development,2,106
49556,Athlete Education and Training,3,107
49248,Athlete Education and Training,3,108
49463,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,109
49345,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,110
49419,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,111
49482,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,112
49393,Program Design and Development,2,113
49525,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,114
49552,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,115
49510,Program Design and Development,2,116
49430,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,117
49338,Program Design and Development,2,118
49357,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,119
49467,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,120
49476,Athlete Testing and Evaluation,4,121
49386,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,122
49575,Program Design and Development,2,123
49425,Program Design and Development,2,124
49428,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,125
49233,Program Design and Development,2,126
49362,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,127
49749,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities,5,128
49397,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,129
49519,Assessment of Performance Needs,1,130
49474,Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities
Answered Same Day Feb 28, 2021


Kshitij answered on Mar 03 2021
137 Votes
Reading the data
data1 =scan(“Form_A1_only.csv”, character(), quote=“”,
file not present code not working
Student_ans= matrix(0, nrow=50, ncol= 150) # Extracting
students answer as matrix
for( i in 1: 50)
l=((i-1)* 152+ 3)
m= 152 *i
# Student_ans[i,]= data1[seq(l,m)] #} #data2 <-
ead.csv(“Domains_Form_A1.csv”) ### file not present code
not working
X=as.vector(scan(“A1_Ans_only.txt”, character(), quote=“”,
sep=“,”)) # Scanning as a vecto
file not present code not working
Ans=X[-c(1,2)] # Exracting co
ect answers
1. To find the score (number co
ect) for each student
file not present code not working
{r} #S= 50 # Number of students #SScore=rep(0, S) # score vector for each student #for( i in 1:S) #{ # SScore[i]= sum(
The score for each student is as follows: ### file not present code not working
{r} #SS= cbind(seq(1, 99, by=2) , SScore) #SS #
2. To find the score (number co
ect) for each question
file not present code not working
{r} #Q= 150 # Number of questions #QScore=rep(0, Q) # score vector for each student #for( i in 1:Q) #{ # QScore[i]=
The score for each student is as follows: ### file not present code not working
QS =cbind(seq(1, 150) , QScore)
3 (i). Sorting student scores from lowest to highest (with student id)
is given below:
{r} #So<-order (SScore, seq(1, 99, by=2)) #SS[So,] #
3 (ii). Sorting question scores from lowest to highest (with question
number) is given below:
{r} #Qo<-order (QScore, seq(1, 150)) #QS[Qo,] #
1. Student scores sorted by student ID is in vraible SScore
2. Student scores sortedby lowest score first is in variable
3. Question score sorted by student ID is in vraible QScore
4. Question score sorted by lowest score first is in variable
Merge the student responses to the question domains.
FormA =read.csv("FormA.csv",header=F)
FormB =read.csv("FormB.csv",header=F)
DomainA =read.csv("Domains FormA.csv")
DomainB =read.csv("Domains FormB.csv")
for( i in 2:51)
ans<-(FormA[1,2:151] == FormA[i,2:151])
FormA$Score[i] <- sum(ans)

for( i in 2:50)

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