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It is a research report and topic is Adaptation of e-banking in rural areas of india... and I just need to complete Part A.... can it be done???

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It is a research report and topic is Adaptation of e-banking in rural areas of india... and I just need to complete Part A.... can it be done???
Answered Same Day May 22, 2020 ITECH7406


Akansha answered on May 28 2020
146 Votes
Adoption of E-banking in Rural India
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Banking is at the heart of the economy of any country. Similar is the case for the Indian economy, where the performance of financial institutions and banking sector represent the health of its economy. Advancement of technology has made enormous changes in the operations of the banking sector and the way people used to perceive banking services. It has evolved from traditional banking to i-banking, m-banking, e-banking, UPI mode of banking etc. People have realized their dream of transacting from any place, at any time for anything they want in fractions of seconds. But, the awareness of this technology based banking services is less amongst the customers of rural areas of India as compared to the u
an regions. They lack awareness, accessibility to the technology, convenience; knowledge etc. which hinders them in the adoption of these banking services also known as e-banking services. This paper includes the research proposal for the subject of adoption of e-banking services in rural areas of India. This paper will provide insight towards the factors which affect the adoption of e-banking services in rural India and also the level of awareness amongst rural customers regarding the same.
Abstract    2
Introduction    4
Review of Literature    4
Research Methodology    7
Conclusion    10
References    12
It is said that the health and wealth of the nation depend on the vitality of the banking sector of the economy. The economy of India is characterized by indigenous banking system since long. The banking technology has advanced with many new methodologies such as mobile banking, internet banking, cashless banking, UPI technology etc. All these technologies utilize computer systems in tangling the manner of consumer behavior by examining their details like demographic details, transactional data and psychographic details (Kesharwani and Singh Bisht, 2012). Electronic banking represents the utilization of technology that will allow the consumers to access services through electronic mode such as paying bills, funds transfer, account details, getting information etc. It offers customers to make payments electronically and settle the services. It can be refe
ed to as the most pragmatic purpose of IT as a channel of communication worldwide (Swamy, 2011). The financial sector of India embeds very important role of rural banks which is not apparent. It consists of 51%
anches which are rural and 30% semi-u
anches (Reddy and A. Padmavathi, 2012). The system of E-banking has
ought unparalleled changes in the industry and economy. It has also evolved as a strategic source of getting greater efficiency, better control of processes, productivity as well as the profitability of Banks and it is beneficial for the customers as it presents the recognition of their banking dream motto which states ‘anywhere, anyway and anytime'. In spite of so many benefits, there is lack of awareness and low rate of adoption of Electronic banking services amongst the rural sector of India. This study, hence, will specifically focus on investigating the level of awareness amongst customers and adoption of e-banking services in rural India (Singh, Goyal and Sharma, 2018). Many variables have been identified such as security, trust, privacy, awareness level, innovation, knowledge and understanding of the technology that affect the acceptance and adoption of technology-driven banking services in the rural customers. This study will include the review of the literature on the subject to understand the variables in details, research design and methodology proposed by the researcher and concluding remarks.
Review of Literature
The banks can only survive with continual innovation in financial system in today’s contemporary environment as stated by Malik (2014). It has been well-recognized that financial innovations are of utmost importance for the economy (Mukhopadhyay, 2016). Banks use this in product development as one of the types of innovation. Where as, it has been mentioned by Srivastav (2013) that conservative banking is a form of an art while e-banking is more kind of a science rather than art because it utilizes more expertise and is scientific while utilizing electronic tools (Kaur, 2011). The development in e-banking process has created unparalleled opportunities for the financial institutes to establish their services, finance products, marketing and profits. Suresh (2008) analyzed and found that e-banking would be an innovation if done right in terms of business model and knowledge of technology and it will turn to be destructive if not done properly. The e-banking service provides ample opportunities to the banks as well as the customers as identified by the experts of the field (Suresh Chandra, 2015). The electronic payment method in India, its performance and its effect on the banking sector was highlighted by Manoharan (2007). He described that the banks were pressurized to rethink and restructure their operations due to competition in banking. E-banking has provided alternate method for banking processes. The author, in his study, highlighted three types of payment system of Indian industry i.e. retail payment, retail electronic method and large value system. Author Sakkthivel (2006) ca
ied out a primary study in India to examine the inclination of internet users to purchase products and services through internet and the relation of demographics in controlling the Indian customers in buying online services. The findings of the research will help the business world to deploy their marketing tools related to demographic variables for better responses.
In his study Jun (2001) has mentioned 17 dimensions of service quality for i-banking which are responsiveness, courtesy, reliability, access, competence, ease of use, communication, security, customer understanding, diversity of features, collaboration, timeliness, continuous improvement, aesthetics, content and accuracy. Further, it was identified in 2006 by a report given by IAMAI on online banking sector, that 45% of the banking users have not even started their financial transaction online due to the security measures, 40% gave the reason that they rely on personal transactions, 23% did not have the knowledge of using the online system, 9% mentioned that the websites are not understandable and remaining mentioned that their banks do not provide internet banking facilities (Alam and Dangarwala, 2011). According to the survey, 60% of the customers were unable to tell when they will start the online transactions. Further, it has been found that 40% of the internet users of India are from the top cities, i.e. Bangalore, Calcutta, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Nagpur, Delhi, Pune, Surat, Chennai, Hyderabad and Nagpur. The Reserve Bank of India revealed in 2001 that only 50% of the 46 majority banks of India offered online banking services at different levels (Boro, 2015).
It has been pointed out by Van (2003) that security must be maintained both the ways in e-transactions, i.e. the identity of the user must...

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