ISY10212: Contemporary Issues in information technology
Task 1: Discussion Board Forum 1
You are required to participate in an online Discussion Board Forum within MySCU.
You will be assigned to a “group” based upon your campus location (such as Gold Coast, Sydney, Enga and “Online”) for this task.
Details of the forum topic question will be presented in week 2 of Session.
The discussion topic issue will be about an aspect of information technology that has received recent news coverage.
Forum Guidelines
Contributions need to display an understanding of multiple perspectives regarding the issue under discussion. Specific positions are encouraged, and need to be argued based upon critical reasoning and utilise published materials (hard copy and/or electronic) from the media and academic literature.
Ideas and words used from other sources need appropriate Harvard referencing.
Assessment Criteria for Forum 1
This discussion forum is worth 10 marks for the unit.
The criteria used to assess the discussion forum are:
2 marks = Research in media and academic literature and referencing
6 marks = Content and Analysis demonstrating logic of argument
2 marks = Clarity of structure, writing style and grammar.