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Instructions All assignment must be submitted by 1 Group member through TurnitIn. Students to show calculations of relevant ratios Length: 2,000 to 2,500 words Student Name ...

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All assignment must be submitted by 1 Group

member through TurnitIn.

Students to show calculations of relevant ratios

Length: 2,000 to 2,500 words

Student Name

Student Number





Question*1*(40 marks)*


Question*2*(10 marks)*

Question*3*(15 marks)*


Question*4*(15 marks)*


Question*5*(20 marks)*




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• Go to the website for your allocated company and obtain the Income Statement and Balance Sheet for the company for the 2014/15 (Year 1) and 2016/17 (year 3) financial years. You will find this information in the relevant Annual Reports. I have provided links to some of these Reports.&



1. Based on the information contained in these statements calculate for each company for the relevant financial years. You must show the formula used and your calculations.


a. The Net Profit MarginO

b. Current RatioO

c. Capitalization ratioO

d. Asset Turnover RatioO

e. Leverage RatioO

f. Return on EquityO

g. Return on Total AssetsO

h. Earnings per share (EPS)O

i. Net Debt to Equity RatioO and

j.& Total Return to Shareholders. [40&Marks]&

2. Demonstrate and explain what would happen to the 2017 Return on Equity and the Net Debt to Equity Ratios if your allocated company just prior to the end of the 2017 financial year raised an additional $50 million loan from the bank, which it invested entirely in new plant and equipment. Assume that the immediate effect on sales and net profit was zero. [10&marks]

3. Using the ratios calculated in Task 1 of this case study, compare and contrast the financial performance of the companies over the period of your analysis. [Provide a single agreed answer per team.]&[15&marks]

4. Use your analysis of the financial performance of the companies over the past 3 years to explain any differences in the Total Return to Shareholder between the companies over the past 3 years. [Provide a single agreed answer per team.] [15&marks]

5. Compare and contrast the current market value of each company. Use the ratios you have collected, other information from the media to provide observations about the value of these companies (i.e. cheap or expensive?)![Provide a single agreed answer per team.] [20&marks]


• 100&marks


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Answered Same Day May 11, 2020


Aarti J answered on May 16 2020
153 Votes
Financial Analysis – Travel companies
Course Name
Course Date
Student’s Name
Financial Analysis – Travel companies         3
Table of Contents
Task 1: Ratio calculations    3
Task 2 : Return on equity and Net debt to equity    8
Task 3: Comparing and contrast    8
Task 4: Total return on Shareholder’s equity    13
Recommendations    14
Conclusion    14
Financial Analysis – Travel companies
Task 1: Ratio calculations
    Webject Ltd
    Net profit margin
    Net profit
    Divide: Revenue
ent ratio
ent assets
    Divide: Cu
ent liabilities
    Capitalization ratio
    Long term debt
    Divide: Long term debt + shareholder's equity
    Asset turnove
    Divide: Assets
    Leverage ratio
    Divide: Assets
    Return on equity
    Net income
    Divide: Equity
    Return on total assets
    Net income
    Divide: Assets
    Earnings per share
    Net income
    Divide: Ost shares
    Net debt to equity
    Total debt
    Divide: Total equity
    Virgin Australia
    Net profit margin
    Net profit
    Divide: Revenue
ent ratio
ent assets
    Divide: Cu
ent liabilities
    Capitalization ratio
    Long term debt
    Divide: Long term debt + shareholder's equity
    Asset turnove
    Divide: Assets
    Leverage ratio
    Divide: Assets
    Return on equity
    Net income
    Divide: Equity
    Return on total assets
    Net income
    Divide: Assets
    Earnings per share
    Net income
    Divide: Ost shares
    Net debt to equity
    Total debt
    Divide: Total equity
    Qantas Airlines
    Net profit margin
    Net profit
    Divide: Revenue
ent ratio
ent assets
    Divide: Cu
ent liabilities
    Capitalization ratio
    Long term debt
    Divide: Long term debt + shareholder's equity
    Asset turnove
    Divide: Assets
    Leverage ratio
    Divide: Assets
    Return on equity
    Net income
    Divide: Equity
    Return on total assets
    Net income
    Divide: Assets
    Earnings per share
    Net income
    Divide: Ost shares
    Net debt to equity
    Total debt
    Divide: Total equity
    Helloworld travel
    Net profit margin
    Net profit
    Divide: Revenue
ent ratio
ent assets
    Divide: Cu
ent liabilities
    Capitalization ratio
    Long term debt
    Divide: Long term debt + shareholder's equity
    Asset turnove
    Divide: Assets
    Leverage ratio
    Divide: Assets
    Return on equity
    Net income
    Divide: Equity
    Return on total assets
    Net income
    Divide: Assets
    Earnings per share
    Net income
    Divide: Ost shares
    Net debt to equity
    Total debt

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