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Informative Speech Outline Template Name: Title of Speech: Attention Grabber (Hook): Thesis Statement: 1st Main Idea: Supporting Details and Examples: 1. 2. 3. 2nd Main Idea: Supporting Details and...

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Informative Speech Outline Template
Title of Speech:
Attention Gra
er (Hook):
Thesis Statement:
1st Main Idea:
Supporting Details and Examples:
2nd Main Idea:
Supporting Details and Examples:
3rd Main Idea:
Supporting Details and Examples:
Summarizing Details for Conclusion:
References (minimum 3, in APA format):
Answered Same Day Apr 14, 2020


Ritika answered on Apr 15 2020
137 Votes
Informative Speech Outline Template
Name: Stress and its effects
Title of Speech: How stress affects our daily living
Attention Gra
er (Hook): Control Stress or it will Control you!
Thesis Statement: Today stress is present in both workplace and at home. This increasing phenomenon is creating inevitable conditions that results in negative impact on health of the individual.
1st Main Idea: Stress is mainly the psychological and emotional response that threatens and imbalances well-being of individuals. Stress can have both positive and negative effect on an individual. It all depends on how a stressor makes difference to the situation and deals with it.
Supporting Details and Examples:
1. Stress that is beneficial can be good and motivating for people as they want to do something in life....

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