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In your role as Director of Operations, you have collaborated with department heads to create a cross-functional and collaborative organization, good work. Thus far, Management Information Systems...

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In your role as Director of Operations, you have collaborated with department heads to create a cross-functional and collaborative organization, good work. Thus far, Management Information Systems (MIS) has been supporting the organization’s activities and assisted in organizational management. Now it is time for you to continue with the next phases of the organization’s strategic management plan. In your meeting with the board of directors, you must present on many aspects of the organization, including technology. Specifically, the board needs to understand how your current and future technology implementations will facilitate the decision-making process. Please present a detailed analysis of the following topics in the context of decision-making and strategic planning:

● Data Mining in the context of predictive analytics & Big Data, as a competitive strategy

● CRM as a source of sustaining competitive advantage

● Hardware & Software in terms of disaster recovery & business process continuity (BPC)

● Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in terms of sustaining a cross-functional organization

● Telecommunications in terms of using networks & social media to compete on the global stage

● Systems implemented to mitigate the effects of risk on information security and the ethical use of information

● Summary of how to integrate all of these systems

Answered Same Day Aug 19, 2021


Jose answered on Aug 21 2021
146 Votes
RUNNING HEAD: Management
Managing Information Technology
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While analyzing the global business environment we can understand that the companies are facing different problems. As per the report of Business Insider (2019) for managing the issues faced by the companies the organizational leaders have to implement new tools and methods. We know the fact that companies considered information as a valuable asset, for protecting the information about the company and the customers, the leaders have to implement enterprise systems and industry-specific technology. In this research paper, we are presenting the organization’s strategic management plan by integrating various MIS tools and methods for satisfying the needs of the internal and external stakeholders.
Management Information Systems (MIS) has been supporting the organization’s activities and assisted in organizational management. This is the right time for the company to integrate various IT tools and methods for meeting the needs of the customers and for attaining the goals and objectives. For attaining the competitive advantage and for satisfying the customers the company has to consider the following tools and methods;
Data Mining - predictive analytics & Big Data
Data mining and predictive analytics use algorithms and it helps the company for discovering new knowledge and ideas. Data mining helps for collecting, sorting the information from various sources that are required for the company. Predictive analytics required data patterns for making the predictions. If the company is using predictive analytics it helps for using various models for assigning scores to the data. Most of the companies considered Big Data helps them to attain a competitive advantage. Big data mainly include structured and unstructured data and it helps the company providing customized services to the customers (Bradlow et al 2017,p.79). While analyzing the example of Google we can understand that the company effectively use big data for making strategic moves and action plans.
Most of the international companies considered CRM as an effective tool for attaining the sustainable competitive advantage. We know the fact that if we are not providing quality services to the customers, the customers will shift to another company. If we are implementing...

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