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Microsoft Word - PortuguesWineBrowser_COM1003_2019.docx COM1003 Java Programming – Semester 2 Java Programming Assignment: A Portuguese wine browser Submission deadline 3pm on Friday 10 May. Note,...

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Microsoft Word - PortuguesWineBrowser_COM1003_2019.docx
COM1003 Java Programming – Semester 2
Java Programming Assignment: A Portuguese wine
Submission deadline 3pm on Friday 10 May.
Note, this is an individual assignment. You are not allowed to work in groups and your code must be all your
own work. You may not use other peoples’ code or ideas, e.g., taken from the Internet.
Any form of unfair means (plagiarism or collusion) will be treated as a serious academic offence and will be
processed under our University Discipline Regulations. These might result in a loss of marks, a possible
failure of the module or even expulsion from our University.
For further details, please visit the UG student handbook section on this topic:

In this assignment, you will build a
owser of Portuguese “Vinho Verde” wine samples. This project will make
substantial use of the material you have been taught in the course. In particular, you will employ OO programming,
the Java Collections Framework, Java Swing and event handling for the GUI-building.

To make sure that this assignment is feasible within the time available, several classes are provided to help you to
get started, and you must use and include these classes in your submission.

Before you begin, read all of this document carefully. It is intended to provide you with sufficient detail to get
started with the assignment. You need to read this document along with the classes that have been provided to you.
They need to be studied together. The comments provided in the code are written to help you. You are also strongly
ecommended to begin work on the assignment soon, do not leave it until the last minute.

General Background
Assessing the quality of wines is critical to the wine industry in countries producing this good.
In this project, you will:
- Build a
owser that will allow wine producers of the Portuguese “Vinho Verde” variety to explore the quality
of their wine, based on the wine samples previously collected by them.
owser will handle two wine types: red and white. Each wine sample is characterized by a list of wine
properties. The wine properties were obtained from a battery of objective tests (e.g. pH values, acidity) and
subjective ones based on sensory data (median of at least 3 evaluations made by wine experts). Each expert
graded the wine quality with a numerical value between 0 (worst) and 10 (best). More details about the wine
properties included in the dataset are provided in the section ‘The wine samples data’.
- Display on the console the answer to a number of questions describing the datasets containing the wine
sample data. More details about the questions are provided in the section ‘The questions’.
- Provide the user the ability to systematically explore and evaluate the quality and properties of these wine
samples. To do that, a list of queries will be provided to your
owser via a text file. The results will be displayed
on the console. You can assume that there will be no formatting e
ors in the provided list of queries. You can
find the details describing the syntax of these queries and what they are meant to do in the section ‘The queries’.
- Provide the user the possibility of interacting via a GUI with the wine sample data by using user-defined filters
(queries created by the user via GUI). You should be able to display the results interactively. You can find the
details about how the GUI will need to operate in the section ‘The GUI’.

The wine samples data
You can download the two original datasets for the red and white Portuguese “Vinho Verde” varieties from MOLE.
Both datasets were collected as part of a research project and made publicly available by the creators in the UCI
Machine Learning Repository 1 . The filenames of these two datasets will be provided to your main class
( The first argument will refer to the file containing the red wine samples and the
second argument to the one containing the white wine samples.

Both files are text and use the Comma Separated Values file format (CSV). In this case, the first row provides the
twelve categories listed below and the remaining rows list the numerical values for each of the wine samples in the
datasets. You are advised to use spreadsheet software to verify that your program is working as desired (e.g. Excel,
Google Sheet, Numbers…). In Excel this means using its ability to load CSV files and Data-Filter capabilities.
There are many online tutorials showing how to use this last feature (e.g. https:

Below you can find a
ief description of the wine properties available for each wine sample (these are the twelve
values listed in the first row of the CSV file):
Wine Properties - Objective physicochemical measurements:
1 - fixed acidity
2 - volatile acidity
3 - citric acid
4 - residual sugar
5 - chlorides
6 - free sulfur dioxide
7 - total sulfur dioxide
8 - density
9 - pH
11 – alcohol
Wine Properties - Subjective wine quality assessment (based on sensory data):
XXXXXXXXXXquality (score between 0 and 10)

You do not need to know much about these and other terms to do this assignment, but if you wish to find out more,
check the paper referenced in the UCI Machine Learning repository.

Note that the datasets do not provide a wine sample ID. You do not need to wo
y about that as the classes that you
have been provided already assign an ID to each of the wine samples. Please, study the class
AbstractWineSampleCellar and its readWineFile method.

1 http:
The questions
Your application should be able to answer the following ten questions and display the results in the console:
Q1. How many wine samples are there?
Q2. How many red wine samples are there?
Q3. How many white wine samples are there?
Q4. Which wine samples were graded with the best quality?*
Q5. Which wine samples were graded with the worst quality?*
Q6. Which wine samples have the highest PH?*
Q7. Which wine samples have the lowest PH?*
Q8. What is the highest value of alcohol grade for the whole sample of red wines?
Q9. What is the lowest value of citric acid for the whole sample of white wines?
Q10. What is the average value of alcohol grade for the whole sample of white wines?

*At least for questions Q4-Q7, when you display the answer, you will also need to show the list of wine sample
ID/s, their wine properties and wine type (red or white).

Note that for many of the questions above, there might be multiple wine samples providing the answer.

The output on the console could2 appear as follows to answer questions Q1-Q10. Note that for some of these
questions there might be multiple wine sample providing the answer (in the example below this happens for Q4).
Q1. Total number of wine samples: 234
Q2. Number of RED wine samples: 120 out of 234
Q3. Number of WHITE wine samples: 114 out of 234
Q4. The best quality wine samples are:
* Wine ID 3 of type WHITE with a quality score of 9.0
* Wine ID 23 of type WHITE with a quality score of 9.0
* Wine ID 45 of type WHITE with a quality score of 9.0

The queries
Your main class ( will receive as third argument another filename. That file will
contain a list of individual queries of the form:

select red where qual > 6
select white or red where qual < 6 and qual > 4 and pH > 2.8

In the example above, the first query should produce all red wine samples whose quality is greater than 6.
The second should find white or red wine samples whose quality is between 4 and 6, with a pH above 2.8.

In general, queries will be built as follows:

select [red | white | red or white | white or red] where [conditions]

where the[conditions] can have as many and clauses as specified by the user. Note that the or clause can
only be used to select the type of wine samples (i.e. in the first part of the select statement when indicating “red
or white”, but not in the list of query conditions)3.
For example, to select all red wine samples with fixed acidity above 8, quality below 5, and pH between 2.7 and
2.79, one would use a slightly more complex query such as:

select red where f_acid > 8 and qual < 5 and pH > 2.7 and pH < 2.79

2 This is only indicative and the results shown do not co
espond to the datasets you have been provided.
3 This is meant to simplify your programming task.
The [conditions] in your queries will be your query conditions and they should support the following
comparison operators:

Operator Meaning
Larger than
= Larger than or equal to
= Equal to
!= Not equal to
Less than
= Less
Answered Same Day Apr 28, 2021 COM1003


Amit answered on May 04 2021
151 Votes









package assignment2019;
public abstract synchronized class AbstractWineSampleBrowserPanel extends javax.swing.JPanel {
protected AbstractWineSampleCellar cellar;
protected java.util.List filteredWineSampleList;
protected java.util.List queryConditionList;
protected WineType wineType;
protected javax.swing.JButton buttonAddFilter;
protected javax.swing.JButton buttonClearFilters;
protected String[] wineTypes;
protected javax.swing.JComboBox comboWineTypes;
protected String[] propertyNames;
protected javax.swing.JComboBox comboProperties;
protected String[] operators;
protected javax.swing.JComboBox comboOperators;
protected javax.swing.JTextField value;
protected javax.swing.JLabel wineTypeSelectorLabel;
protected javax.swing.JLabel queryLabel;
protected javax.swing.JLabel operatorLabel;
protected javax.swing.JLabel operatorValueLabel;
protected javax.swing.JLabel wineResultsTitle;
protected javax.swing.JLabel wineStatsTitle;
protected javax.swing.JLabel queryConditionsLabel;
protected javax.swing.JTextArea queryConditionsTextArea;
protected javax.swing.JTextArea statisticsTextArea;
protected javax.swing.JTextArea filteredWineSamplesTextArea;
public void AbstractWineSampleBrowserPanel(AbstractWineSampleCellar);
public java.util.List getQueryConditionList();
public java.util.List getFilteredWineSampleList();
public abstract void addListeners();
public abstract void addFilter();
public abstract void clearFilters();
public abstract void updateStatistics();
public abstract void updateWineList();
public abstract void executeQuery();
package assignment2019;
public abstract synchronized class AbstractWineSampleCellar {
protected java.util.Map wineSampleRacks;
public void AbstractWineSampleCellar(String, String, String);
public static java.util.List readWineFile(String, WineType) throws IllegalArgumentException;
public static java.util.List readQueryFile(String);
public void editWineList(WineType, String);
public java.util.List getWineSampleList(WineType);
public int getWineSampleCount(WineType);
public abstract java.util.List readQueries(java.util.List);
public abstract void updateCellar();
public abstract void displayQueryResults(Query);
public abstract java.util.List bestQualityWine(WineType);
public abstract java.util.List worstQualityWine(WineType);
public abstract java.util.List highestPH(WineType);
public abstract java.util.List lowestPH(WineType);
public abstract double highestAlcoholContent(WineType);
public abstract double lowestCitricAcid(WineType);
public abstract double averageAlcoholContent(WineType);
package assignment2019;
synchronized class PropertyComparator implements java.util.Comparator {
WineProperty propertyToCompare;
public void PropertyComparator(WineProperty);
public int compare(WineSample, WineSample);
package assignment2019;
public synchronized class Query {
java.util.List wineList;
java.util.List queryConditionList;
WineType wineType;
public void Query(java.util.List, java.util.List, WineType);
public java.util.List getWineList();
public void setWineList(java.util.List);
public WineType getWineType();
public void setWineType(WineType);
public java.util.List getQueryConditionList();
public void setQueryConditionList(java.util.List);
public java.util.List executeQuery(java.util.List, WineProperty, String, double);
public java.util.List solveQuery();
package assignment2019;
public synchronized class QueryCondition {
WineProperty wineProperty;
String operator;
double value;
public void QueryCondition(WineProperty, String, double);
public WineProperty getWineProperty();
public void setWineProperty(WineProperty);
public String getOperator();
public void setOperator(String);
public double getValue();
public void setValue(double);
public String toString();
package assignment2019;
public final synchronized enum WineProperty {
public static final WineProperty FixedAcidity;
public static final WineProperty VolatileAcidity;
public static final WineProperty CitricAcid;
public static final WineProperty ResidualSugar;
public static final WineProperty Chlorides;
public static final WineProperty FreeSulfurDioxide;
public static final WineProperty TotalSulfurDioxide;
public static final WineProperty Density;
public static final WineProperty PH;
public static final WineProperty Sulphates;
public static final WineProperty Alcohol;
public static final WineProperty Quality;
private String propertyName;
public static WineProperty[] values();
public static WineProperty valueOf(String);
private void WineProperty(String, int, String);
public String getName();
public static WineProperty fromFileIdentifier(String);
static void ();
package assignment2019;
synchronized class WineSample$1 {
static void ();
package assignment2019;
public synchronized class WineSample {
private int id;
private WineType type;
private double fixedAcidity;
private double volatileAcidity;
private double citricAcid;
private double residualSugar;
private double chlorides;
private double freeSulfurDioxide;
private double totalSulfurDioxide;
private double density;
private double pH;
private double sulphates;
private double alcohol;
private double quality;
public void WineSample(int, WineType, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double);
public double getProperty(WineProperty);
public int getId();
public double getFixedAcidity();
public double getVolatileAcidity();
public double getCitricAcid();
public double getResidualSugar();
public double getChlorides();
public double getFreeSulfurDioxide();
public double getTotalSulfurDioxide();
public double getDensity();
public double getpH();
public double getSulphates();
public double getAlcohol();
public double getQuality();
public WineType getType();
public void setId(int);
public void setFixedAcidity(double);
public void setVolatileAcidity(double);
public void setCitricAcid(double);
public void setResidualSugar(double);
public void setChlorides(double);
public void setFreeSulfurDioxide(double);
public void setTotalSulfurDioxide(double);
public void setDensity(double);
public void setpH(double);
public void setSulphates(double);
public void setAlcohol(double);
public void setQuality(int);
public void setType(WineType);
public static void main(String[]);
package assignment2019;
synchronized class WineSampleBrowser {
void WineSampleBrowser();
public static void main(String[]);
package assignment2019;
public synchronized class WineSampleBrowserPanel extends AbstractWineSampleBrowserPanel {
public void WineSampleBrowserPanel(AbstractWineSampleCellar);
public void addListeners();
public void addFilter();
public void clearFilters();
public void updateStatistics();
public void updateWineList();
public void executeQuery();
package assignment2019;
public synchronized class WineSampleCellar extends AbstractWineSampleCellar {
public void WineSampleCellar(String, String, String);
public java.util.List readQueries(java.util.List);
public void updateCellar();
public void displayQueryResults(Query);
public java.util.List bestQualityWine(WineType);
public java.util.List worstQualityWine(WineType);
public java.util.List highestPH(WineType);
public java.util.List lowestPH(WineType);
public double highestAlcoholContent(WineType);
public double lowestCitricAcid(WineType);
public double averageAlcoholContent(WineType);
package assignment2019;
public final synchronized enum WineType {
public static final WineType ALL;
public static final WineType RED;
public static final WineType WHITE;
private String wineTypeName;
public static WineType[] values();
public static WineType valueOf(String);
private void WineType(String, int, String);
static void...

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