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In preparation for this assignment, Meet with a spiritual mentor or with your ministry supervisor who can identify areas of growth and strategies for ethical self-assessment. Review and draw from the...

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In preparation for this assignment,

  1. Meet with a spiritual mentor or with your ministry supervisor who can identify areas of growth and strategies for ethical self-assessment.
  2. Review and draw from the content of this course.

In 1,000-1,250 words, write a self-assessment plan and practices for future ministry in the following areas:

  1. Self-care – Sabbath, retreat, continuing education, practices of prayer, and reading Scripture
  2. Pastoral care - humility, vulnerability, transparency, and accountability
  3. Caring for the community - inside and outside the church
  4. Familial care - spouse, children, parents, or other familial relationships

Use three to five scholarly resources and biblical passages.

Answered Same Day Mar 22, 2020


Priya answered on Mar 28 2020
143 Votes
    Ministry    2018
Ministry Supervisor
The Spiritual Mentor: Spiritual Leader Charles Warner is an evangelist Christian Pastor, an educator and an author who has written several books for the spread of Christianity. He is American and is cu
ently a Senior Pastor at a Community Church in Texas. He has helped to identify the areas of growth and spiritual strategies for ethical self-assessment.
This is the self-assessment plan and practice of future ministry as it is the most significant area that leads to growth and effectiveness in the ministry.
· Very Effective
· Effective
· Not Fully Effective
Self-Assessment Plan and Practices for Future Ministry in the following areas:
1. Self-care-Sa
ath, retreat, continuing education, practices of prayer and reading Scripture
For the self care there is a commitment to the personal care and personal grooming as the Bible says that “Body is the Temple of Holy Spirit who is in you and whom you have receive from God” (Buchanan 2014), prayer and studying of the Bible. Self-care is also important as it, represents the fundamental aspect of long-term success in the professional ministry (Chapman 2013). Being an avid reader for the spiritual growth is also being followed. Observe Sa
ath, a day of religious observance for personal replenishment away from the family time. The practice of prayer is done regularly for enlightenment and open to receive spiritual directions from others. The regular reading of the scriptures continues to sharpen my intellect and gives me profound understanding of the divine and the divinity.
In the self-care I rate myself as very effective as I follow the path of self-care as prescribed in the Bible. In this journey of life when I was struggling hard to understand the self-care and its importance my mentor and supervisor has helped me to find the way. Regular reading of the scriptures is enlightening me from within and prayers...

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