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Answered Same Day Mar 15, 2022


Tanmoy answered on Mar 16 2022
121 Votes
    Car loan
    Project Description:
    In this problem, you will calculate the total interests paid for the loan with the different APRs and different lengths of time. You will also provide the results as a line chart.
    Use a cell reference or a single formula where appropriate in order to receive full credit. Do not copy and paste values or type values, as you will not receive full credit for your answers.
    Steps to Perform:
    Step    Instructions    Points Possible
    1    Start Excel. Download and open the workbook named:    0
    2    In cell C10, calculate the monthly payment for the loan if the APR is equal to the value in cell B10 and the length of time is equal to the value in cell C9. Fill cell C10 down and across to cell H19.    4
1. Be sure to use absolute, mixed, and relative cell references.
2. The outputs of the formulas in cells C10:H19 are expected as positive values.
    3    In cell C24, calculate the total interest paid over the life of the loan with the APR in cell B24 and the length of time in cell C23. Fill cell C24 down and across to cell H33.    4
1. Be sure to use absolute, mixed, and relative cell references.
2. The outputs of the formulas in cells C24:H33 are expected as positive values.
    4    In cells A36:G50, insert a Line Chart to show the relationship between total interest paid and APR. Select range B23:H33. On the Insert tab, click Recommended Charts, and then click...

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