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Imposing tougher sentences on crimes is ahallmark of a rational choice perspective. This perspective suggests that a criminal will "rationally" choosenotto commit a crime if the punishment is severe...

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Imposing tougher sentences on crimes is ahallmark of a rational choice perspective. This perspective suggests that a criminal will "rationally" choosenotto commit a crime if the punishment is severe enough. Three Strikes enacted in 1994 (modified in 2012) in Californiaembraces this type of deterrencemodel. View the video below on 3 strikes and discuss.

Discussion Prompt

Do you agree that as a societywe should increase punishment for repeat offenders? Is 3 strikes a good policy? Was the change to the 3 Strikes policy in 2012 a good reform? Are there enough issues with 3 Strikes that would justify overturning the policy as a whole? Is all criminalbehavior rational? These questions are only suggested for the discussion you are not requiredto cover all of them in your response this to write the discussion prompt)

Answered 2 days After Nov 25, 2023


Dipali answered on Nov 28 2023
27 Votes
Table of contents
Introduction    3
Analysis of Three Strikes Policy    3
Conclusion    4
The Three Strikes law in California, which was enacted in 1994 and revised in 2012, is an example of a dete
ent-based crime prevention tactic. The premise behind this strategy is that punishing someone harshly dissuades them from committing crimes; therefore repeat offenders face harsh penalties. However, the effectiveness of this tactic and its moral implications must be carefully addressed.
Analysis of Three Strikes Policy
· Increasing Punishment for Repeat Offenders: The justification for tougher punishments for serial offenders is consistent with the rational choice approach, which holds that people consider their options before...

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