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P09 Chugidex Programming II (CS300) Fall 2022 Pair Programming: ALLOWED Due: 9:59PM on December 5th P09 Chugidex 1 Overview For this project you will be collecting Chugimon pocket monsters....

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P09 Chugidex
Programming II (CS300) Fall 2022
Pair Programming: ALLOWED
Due: 9:59PM on December 5th
P09 Chugidex
1 Overview
For this project you will be collecting Chugimon pocket monsters. There are 22,650 (completely
unique and not at all derivative) Chugimon which populate the magical land of Yudabuyu.
That’s a lot of Chugimon!
In order to store your collectable Chugimon you will be writing a recursive binary search tree
(BST) to provide storage for a Chugidex. No loops allowed! A binary search tree is a data
structure used to reduce to the average time complexity of certain operations like add, lookup,
To visualize your collected Chugimon, we have provided a GUI which will work once your BST
methods are implemented. Hooking up the GUI isn’t a required part of the assignment, but it
can help you determine if your add, previous, and next methods are working co
ectly. We
have also added an extra challenge for those who would like to make the Chugidex GUI more
Grading Ru
5 points Pre-Assignment Quiz: accessible through Canvas before 11:59PM on
Thursday 12/01/2022. You CANNOT take the pre-assignment quiz fo
credit after its deadline, but you may still access it. It contains hints which
can help you in the development of this assignment.
15 points Immediate Automated Tests: Upon submission of your assignment
to Gradescope, you will receive feedback from automated grading tests
about whether specific parts of your submission conform to this write-up
specification. If these tests detect problems in your code, they will attempt to
give you some feedback about the kind of defect that they noticed. Note that
passing all of these tests does NOT mean your program is otherwise co
To become more confident of this, you should write and run additional tests
of your own.
20 points Additional Automated Tests: When your manual grading feedback
appears on Gradescope, you will also see the feedback from these additional
automated grading tests. These tests are similar to the Immediate Automated
Tests, but may test different parts of your submission in different ways.
10 points Manual Grading Feedback: After the deadline for an assignment has
passed, the course staff will begin manually grading your submission. We
will focus on looking at your algorithms, use of programming constructs, and
the style and readability of your code. This grading usually takes about a week
from the hard deadline, after which you will find feedback on Gradescope.
©2022 Kacem, LeGault, Park, & Nyhoff - University of Wisconsin - Madison.
Learning Objectives
The goals of this assignment include:
• Implement common Binary Search Tree (BST) operations.
• Further developing your experience in recursive problem-solving.
• Improve your experience in developing unit tests.
Additional Assignment Requirements and Notes
(Please read carefully!)
• Pair programming is ALLOWED but not required for this assignment. If you decide
to work with a partner on this assignment, REGISTER your partnership NO LATER
than 11:59PM on Thursday 12/01/2022 and MAKE SURE that you have read and
understood the CS300 Pair Programming Policy.
• The ONLY external li
aries you may use in your submitted files are relevant exceptions.
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
• Only your submitted ChugidexTester class can contain a main method.
• Javadocs of the classes to be implemented in this assignments are available here.
• You CAN define local variables (inside a method) or private helper methods that you
may need to implement the methods defined in this program.
• You MUST NOT add any additional fields either instance or static to your program.
• You MUST NOT add any public methods either static or instance, other than those
defined in this write-up to the following classes:
– BSTNode,
– Chugimon, and
– ChugidexTree.
• Any source code provided in this specification may be included ve
atim in your program
without attribution.
• All the String comparisons in this assignment should be CASE-SENSITIVE.
• ALL your test methods MUST be implemented in your ChugidexTester class.
• In addition to the required test methods, we HIGHLY recommend (not require) that
you develop your additional own unit tests (public static methods that return a
• You can submit your work in progress multiple times on gradescope. Your submission
may include methods not implemented or with partial implementation or with a default
eturn statement. But avoid submitting a code which does not compile. A submission
which contains compile e
ors won’t pass any of the automated tests on gradescope.
• Ensure that your code for every assignment is styled in conformance to CS300 Course
Style Guide.
• You MUST adhere to the Academic Conduct Expectations and Advice.
• YouMAYNOT use any iterative strategies (loops, etc) or import additional data structure
classes (eg, A
ayList) in ChugidexTree. Recursive strategies only.
2 Getting Started
Start by creating a new Java Project in Eclipse named P09 Chugidex. Make sure that you
are using Java 17, don’t add a module, and that you use the default package.
You will need the following files. All of them have been provided for you in part or in full
except which you will implement from scratch.
• p9Utility.jar - Provides methods for getting names/types/stats for a specific Chugimon;
Add to Build Path
• - Node class used in the BST has been provided for you in full; DO NOT
SUBMIT to gradescope
• - Interface which is implemented by ChugiTree; DO NOT SUBMIT
to gradescope
• - The main class you will be implementing; COMPLETE and SUBMIT
to gradescope
• - The tester for your BST; COMPLETE and SUBMIT to gradescope
• - The data class which will be stored in the BST. You will write this from
scratch in the next section; COMPLETE and SUBMIT to gradescope
3 Implement the Chugimon class
Each Chugimon has two integer IDs (private final int FIRST ID and private final int
SECOND ID) ranging from XXXXXXXXXXThese IDs cannot be the same. The combination of FIRST ID
and SECOND ID determine the following features of each Chugimon:
• private final String NAME - The name of the Chugimon
• private final ChugiType PRIMARY TYPE - The primary type of the Chugimon; cannot
e null; cannot be the same as the secondary type
• private final ChugiType SECONDARY TYPE - The secondary type of the Chugimon;
may be null; cannot be the same as the primary type
• private final double HEIGHT - The height of the Chugimon in meters
• private final double WEIGHT - The weight of the Chugimon in kilograms
Implement the Chugimon class as per these javadocs. You will need to use the ChugidexUtility
class to get name, primary type, secondary type, height, and weight of the Chugimon from a
pair of IDs.
• A Chugimon equals another Chugimon if their respective FIRST ID and SECOND ID
are identical.
• Chugimon names are not unique! Some Chugimon may have the same name, but different
• A Chugimon cannot have the same FIRST ID and SECOND ID.
• Each Chugimon has a primary type and may have a secondary type. If the Chugimon
does not have a secondary type, SECONDARY TYPE is set to null.
• The enum ChugiType in the p09utility.jar provides possible types.
3.1 Chugimon comparison
In order to power the BST, we have to provide a way to compare two Chugimon and determine
which is greater and which is lesser. The Chugimon class implements the Comparable interface.
According to the Comparable interface, a compareTo(T o) method must return:
• a positive int if this is greater than the specified object
• a negative int if this is less than the specified object
• 0 if the this is equal to specified object
For this assignment, we will consider a Chugimon less than another Chugimon if:
1. The Chugimon’s name comes before the other alphabetically
2. (If the names are equal) the Chugimon’s FIRST ID is less than the other’s FIRST ID
3. (If the names and FIRST ID are equal) this Chugimon’s SECOND ID is less than the other’s
3.2 Test your Chugimon
Before you continue, implement the following tester methods in
• testChugimonCompareToEquals()
• testChugimonToString()
To check whether you are testing enough cases, upload to gradescope.
4 Implement a Binary Search Tree
4.1 Checking for a valid BST
We will use the formal definition of a BST to write a method to determine whether you
ChugiTree contains a valid tree.
For every internal (non-leaf) node of a binary tree, all the values in a node’s left
subtree are less than the value in the node, and all the values in a node’s right
subtree are greater than the value in the node.
isValidBST should return true if the above conditions are satisfied and false otherwise.
• You will implement this method in the ChugiTree recursively (for what it’s worth, the
the recursive strategy is easier than the iterative strategy).
• The BST you are writing cannot contain any duplicates. In other words, if one node
equals another node, it is not a valid BST.
• DO NOT catch any exceptions in this method. You want to be able to distinguish between
1) isValidBST returning false because of inco
ect node ordering, and 2) other e
deeper than the node ordering.
• You might wondering how to test this method without having implemented the add
method. Instead of testing isValidBST you will be testing isValidBSTHelper in
testIsValidBSTHelper. In order to do this, you can manually build a tree by creating
new BSTNodes and using the setter methods setLeft and setRight.
4.2 Draw the rest of the owl
Suggested order:
1. getRoot(), isEmpty(), size()
2. toString(), toStringHelper()
3. add(), addHelper(), testAddToStringSize()
4. lookup(), lookupHelper(), and testLookup()
5. countType and testCountType()
6. height(), heightHelper(), and testHeight()
7. getFirst(), getFirstHelper(), and testGetFirst()
8. getLast(), getLastHelper(), and testGetLast()
9. next(), nextHelper(), and testNext()
10. previous(), previousHelper(), testPrevious()
11. delete(), deleteChugimonHelper(), and testDelete()
• There are a lot of methods to implement so we have provided method signatures and
documentation for helpers along with the occasional skeleton code and hints.
• Test each method as you go. If you try implement the BST all at once and save testing
for later, you will be sad.
• testAdd() and testDelete() should make ample use of isValidBST()
• Paper and pencil are your friends. Draw a diagram of your BST to help visualize what
needs to happen during each method.
5 Final Thoughts
Once your ChugiTree is implemented, you can use the provided GUI. In order to do so, you
will need to download the additional files. You’ll need to change the code in the constructor of as indicated by
TODO tags.
6 Assignment Submission
Congratulations on finishing this CS300 assignment! After verifying that your work is
ect, and written clearly in a style that is consistent with the CS300 Course Style Guide,
you should submit your final work through Gradescope. The only THREE files that you must
submit include:
Your score for this assignment will be based on your “active” submission made prior to the hard
deadline. The second portion of your grade for this assignment will be determined by running
that same submission against additional offline automated grading tests after the submission
deadline. Finally, the third portion of your grade for your submission will be determined by
humans looking for organization, clarity, commenting, and adherence to the CS300 Course Style
Extra Challenges
Here are some suggestions for interesting ways to extend this project, after you have completed,
acked up, and submitted the graded portion of this assignment. No extra credit will be
awarded for implementing these features, but they will provide valuable experience so
that you can be the very best, like no one ever was. DO NOT submit such extensions via
1. Suggestion 1 – Using the Storage interface, implement a storage class using a linked
list instead of a BST.
2. Suggestion 2 – Improve the GUI. Here are some ideas. You are welcome to share
customized and code with your classmates on Piazza.
©Copyright: This write-up is a copyright programming assignment. It belongs to UW-Madison. This
document should not be shared publicly beyond the CS300 instructors, CS300 Teaching Assistants, and CS300
Fall 2022 fellow students. Students are NOT also allowed to share the source code of their CS300 projects on
any public site including github, bitbucket, etc.
    Getting Started
    Implement the Chugimon class
    Chugimon comparison
    Test your Chugimon
    Implement a Binary Search Tree
    Checking for a valid BST
    Draw the rest of the owl
    Final Thoughts
    Assignment Submission
Answered 1 days After Dec 05, 2022


Chirag answered on Dec 06 2022
34 Votes

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