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Word limit: 800 words Weighting: 25% Due date: Monday 9:00am 30th May 2018 AEST Assignment 3 submission details · All pages should include your name and student number in the document footer · All...

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Word limit: 800 words Weighting: 25%
    Due date: Monday 9:00am 30th
    May 2018 AEST
Assignment 3 submission details
· All pages should include your name and student number in the document foote
· All references should be appropriately cited using the Harvard style
· Submit your essay as ONE Microsoft Word document
· Save your file as follows: [student numberA1.filetype] e.g. 1234567A1.doc
· Submit your final report via INF60010 Blackboard link > Assessment > Assignment Submission Link o Assistance can be obtained from the Swinburne Service Desk XXXXXXXXXX.
o DO NOT email the assignment.
o If you have any queries you may discuss it with the tutors during the tutorial classes or via email
Assignment overview
This assignment requires you to select ONE
(1) of the topics listed and develop a short essay around your chosen topic.
The essays may have different points of view, and can be in agreement or disagreement with the topic question. Your task is to convince the reader of your Essay that your point of view is valid and has merit. To achieve this, the essay will have to show evidence of research, including appropriate use of references to support your claims, good usage of resources (books, papers, online articles and other relevant academic resources) as well as following a clear essay structure with an adherence to the recommended referencing standard.
You may include figures, tables or pictures which can provide more detailed information and enhance your discussions.
Note: You should link your essay to the Virtual Child International case and your discussions in both of your assignments (1 & 2).
You may prefer to consider another relevant topic (which must reflect our unit content). Discuss this with your tutor.
Essay Topics
1. Justification of the chosen modelling approach – compare and contrast the structured analysis and design techniques and models with other modelling techniques (e.g., the object-oriented models and techniques), and clearly identify the strengths and weaknesses of each set. Your justification should be supported by appropriate references and linked to the Virtual Child International case.
Page 1
Research Requirements:
Students are encouraged to research and access relevant resources (e.g., books, papers, and government websites). You will need at least 5 to 8 references high quality references in the essay (you need to consider the type of resources, such as Journal articles are most value resources when discuss trends; books are good for theories and definitions; relevant years: resources should include some most recent references which represent the newest research development trends in the field.).
Your sources should be scholarly (wikipedia is not scholarly, nor are individual opinions from some Blogs and web articles). Swinburne university li
ary database contains many useful and high quality references. A quick Harvard guide was provided.
Notes on formatting and structure
It is expected that all work submitted will have been edited for spelling, grammar and clarity. If necessary, assistance is permitted for such matters as grammar and suggestions for improving clarity of expression.
Your essay needs to follow our standard format. Pages need to be numbered and your name must also appear on each page, not just the cover page. Evidence of attention to layout and structure needs to be present. The written submission is to be formatted as an essay, word-processed in 12 point font and 1.5 line spacing. Please adhere to the word count.
Essay Structure:
The essay should be based on the following structure:
· Title Page *
· Introduction
· The main body of the work (for this unit, we allow you to include tables, figures and Pictures
· Conclusion
· References * (not Bibliography)
Essay Expectations
· The word limit for the essay is 800 words.
· Essay items marked with an asterisk “*” do not count towards the final word count.
· An assignment cover sheet should be used. Assignments without the cover sheet will not be marked.
How you are assessed?
Click on a separate file ‘INF60010 Assignment 3 Marking Guide.pdf’ on the blackboard.
Essay Writing: The Basics
What does a good essay need?
· An academic essay aims to persuade readers of an idea based on evidence.
· An academic essay should answer a question or task.
Page 2
· It should have a thesis statement (answer to the question) and an argument.
· It should try to present or discuss something: develop a thesis via a set of closely related points by reasoning and evidence.
· An academic essay should include relevant examples, supporting evidence and information from academic texts or credible sources.
Basic steps in writing an essay
Although there are some basic steps to writing an assignment, essay writing is not a linear process. You might work through the different stages a number of times in the course of writing an essay. For example, you may go back to the reading and notetaking stage if you find another useful text, or perhaps to reread to locate specific information.
Possible steps (In no strict order)
Page 3

INF60010 Requirement Analysis Report
Due on 31th May. 2018 AEST
ASSESSMENT TASK Three – Critical Thinking Reflection Essay on Selected Topic
    Essay Value 25%
    Submission Requirements:
    Essay format and structure – Has appropriate structure, inc Title, Cover sheet, Reference List, Footer,
    Header, Page Number…
    Are all sources referenced co
ectly and listed appropiately both in the body of the paper and reference
    section. Reference, not Bibliography
    Does the paper use plain English to make the text and content easier to read and understand?
    Has the paper been spell-checked and proof read? Academic writing skill?
    Does the essay include a suitable title which reflects the topic?
Within word expectation, does the essay includes clear Introduction and Conclusion?

Introduction: tells the reader how the author has interpreted the topic and how the essay is 20 structured. It should also provide information on the scope and boundaries of the essay.
· Conclusion: to sum up your essay (main arguments, ideas or perspectives), avoid new things Indepth analysis and discussion of the arguments, ideas and perspectives (level of quality)
· Follow a logical structure in the main body to build your argument or develop your ideas.
    • Use evidence from your reading and examples to support your idea.
    • Ensure that there is only one main idea in each paragraph.
    • Link each paragraph to the next one.
    • Avoid using dot points.
    Does the essay answer questions (level of quality)?
    Overall Effort and value of essay (methodical, indepth, logical and clarity of discussio)
    Total Mark Obtained:
Overall comments:
Answered Same Day May 29, 2020 INF60010 Swinburne University of Technology


Sonu answered on May 31 2020
147 Votes
Virtual Child Park
Virtual Child Park
Some children have creative and multi mind to create new things then school is not sufficient because after school they have enough time so they want to play games, virtual ho
ies class, assignment class and so on. So, their guardian has some responsibility to fulfil their dream by join some virtual or physical class. Welcome to our Virtual Child International (VCI) Park. Our mission is to keep group of children connected in each other and become productive through Internet connection.
VCI also known as VCI park is a virtual world for children at home after school time. Park Rangers which support the park behind the scenes and provide guidance to the members. VCI provides different services like different kind of games which will mesh up or create logic their mind, Li
arian function for searching the internet for school search, distance learning classes to help children for assignment and also receive certificate and credits. This all service provided by VCI are paid service. then, Guardians are customers who enroll their children, nieces, nephews and others between ages of 10 and 15 years old to our VCI Park System, have responsibility to first register their children by entering their personal and credit details. After account verified by credit agency then you will get authorized login credentials to access your account.
VCI has outsourced a third-party Credit Agency for credit checks on respective guardians. VCI will get info from credit agency, after received all...

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