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Identify a project concept that could be executed at either your workplace or home (such as a planned extension, overhaul or refurbishment, IT infrastructure expansion or private function...

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Identify a project concept that could be executed at either your workplace or home (such as a planned extension, overhaul or refurbishment, IT infrastructure expansion or private function for an extensive audience). Prepare a detailed analysis of this proposal that incorporates all of its discrete tasks, costs, time frames, resources, outcomes, stakeholders and contingencies. Please note: This assessment must be in an essay format and approximately 1,000 words in length. must also include work break down structure, organisational work break down structure and risk severity matrix.
Answered Same Day Jun 10, 2021


Swati answered on Jun 13 2021
131 Votes
Project proposal
Kitchen Renovation
Project introduction
Beginning of this kitchen renovation will be from planning where in phase of designing will be most aligned to customer’s requirements regarding demolition as well as construction. Beneath the activity of construction, all other tasks will be requiring submission of quote that will have all details about equipment, labor, required material etc so as to complete that job part. Project manager will have responsibility to choose best out of all quotes based on the cost and requirements so that customer needs can be met well.
Safety and efficacy standards will be considered vitally for all material that is used for electrical, mechanical, paint, cabinetry, plumbing, appliances or floor installation. The standards used for efficacy and safety will be as stated by International Housing Code. On prospect that customer does have children and enjoys hosting kitchen gatherings, the cabinets, counters and flooring materials used in renovation will be durable. Accessible as well as storage space in kitchen needs to be maximized for guests and family without cutting customer’s need and requirement about equipments and appliances as mentioned to project manager.
Key points of project
    Project sponso
    Owner of house
    Mr. Smith
    Project client
    Owner of house/sponsor
    Mr. Smith
    Project leade
    Wife of owne
    Mrs. Smith
    Project budget
    Project time frame
    3 months
    July 2020- October 2020
    Target audience
    5 members (2 adults, 3 children)
    Strategic objective of project
    Remodelling of house for value enhancement
    Part by part, all crucial areas of house will be renovated.
Objective of project
Major objectives of project includes-
· To cleanup of existing interiors and cupboards from the kitchen.
· Setup new infrastructure in approximately 150 square ft area of kitchen.
· Handover the renovated kitchen to client.
Scope of project
Scope of project extends from cleaning up existing interio
cupboards of 150 square feet kitchen and installing the new setup to handing it over to client. The kitchen renovation must not exceed $25000 in total cost and must be completed no later than October 1, 2020.
Project duration
Kitchen Renovation is short duration project which needs to be setup and handover in 3 months only.
Expected starting date- 1/7/2020
Expected handing over date- 1/10/2020
Required resources
Sponsor to provide budget and funding to project along with taste and...

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