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ICT710 ICT Professional Practice & Ethics Task 3 2020 ATMC Semester 1 ICT710 Professional Practice & Ethics – Task 3 Page 2 of 4 Assessment and Submission Details Marks: 50% of the Total Assessment...

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ICT Professional Practice & Ethics

Task 3

2020 ATMC Semester 1

ICT710 Professional Practice & Ethics – Task 3
Page 2 of 4
Assessment and Submission Details

Marks: 50% of the Total Assessment for the Course

Due Date: 5:00pm Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Assignments should be submitted via SafeAssign.
Please follow the submission instructions on Blackboard.

All assignments will be checked for plagiarism and/or collusion between individuals.

Refer to the assignment ru
ic on Blackboard for the marking criteria and standards. The
assignment will be marked out of a total of 100 marks.

Refer to your course outline or the course Blackboard web site for a copy of the “Student
Misconduct, Plagiarism and Collusion” guidelines.

Note: Each student MUST retain a copy of the assignment and this copy MUST be produced within 24 hours
of it being requested by the Course Coordinator. Failure to produce the second copy of the assignment when
equested may result in loss of marks or a fail grade for the assignment.

Requests for an extension to an assignment MUST be made to the Course Coordinator prior to
the date of submission and requests made on the day of submission or after the submission date
will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.

ICT710 Professional Practice & Ethics – Task 3
Page 3 of 4
Case Study: Dell

As the business landscape continues to evolve quickly, two concepts are becoming increasingly
apparent and are starting to intertwine. The first, ‘digital transformation’, is a term familiar to many,
describing the advanced technological processes designed to improve business outcomes and
operations. The second, ‘diversity and inclusion’, is rapidly growing as a business imperative.

The heart of Dell’s diversity strategy uses recruiting CRM tactics to share personalised and
segmented messaging around their employer
and and Employee Value Proposition (EVP).
In a recent article in Human Resources Director: New Zealand, Senior Vice President of Global Talent
Acquisition Marie Moynihan shared, “Our focus is very much on targeting talent with messages of
how [what they seek] can be achieved at Dell”.
In one campaign, Dell deployed recruitment marketing to create a pipeline for engineers of an
epresented ethnicity. They built a custom landing page to communicate what diversity at Dell
looks like and how and why Dell supports it as a company value.
The landing page included a registration form where people could join Dell’s Talent community, and
the recruiting team promoted the page on social media with messages targeting the
epresented demographic. People who joined the Talent community from the diversity
landing page were linked to a specific talent pool in the CRM.
At zero cost, the campaign’s 24 posts to Twitter and Facebook over a two-month period spu
ed 112
engineers from that ethnicity to apply to Dell. Dell was able to measure the campaign’s ROI from
within their CRM by leveraging its reporting capabilities, including a feature that tracks leads using
customised links.

There is limited information available to you now, hence you are required to further explore the case.

Assignment Requirements and Deliverables
You are required to write a report (2500 words) that after researching the above case study, analyses
the ethical implications of changes that have occu
ed in the business due to digital innovation. You
should demonstrate how diversity is em
aced, respected and managed by including the following details
in the main body of the report.
• Assessment of IT governance
o Areas of major focus in, and effectiveness of IT governance
o The relationship between IT management and IT governance
o The role of Chief Information Officer (CIO)
• Assessment of (ethical) consequences of digital transformation on diversity and inclusion
o Consideration of IT governance issues
o Technologies, e.g., Decision support systems and Business analytics, and IT
governance frameworks used to maintain the competitive advantage
• Recommendations
o Provide recommendations on your assessment. You must convince management to
adopt your recommendations (i.e. ‘sell’ them to management).
ICT710 Professional Practice & Ethics – Task 3
Page 4 of 4
Your assessments must be supported by concepts and other material from the literature (articles,
eadings, etc.).

Please note standard report structure including an executive summary, introduction and
conclusions in addition to the main body must be adhered to.

The report is to be prepared as a single Microsoft Word document with electronic submission
through SafeAssign by the due date.

For details on report structure refer to:
Summers, J. and Smith, B., 2014, Communication Skills Handbook: How to succeed in
written and oral communication, 4th, Wiley, Singapore

Appropriate referencing is required (both in-text and a bibliography).

The assignment will be assessed according to the assignment ru
ic available on Blackboard.

Late submission of the assignment will be penalised according to USC policy 7.8.2.

Assignment Return and Release of Grades
Assignment grades will be available on the Blackboard web site with an electronic assignment
marking sheet.

Where an assignment is undergoing investigation for alleged plagiarism or collusion the grade for
the assignment and the assignment will be withheld until the investigation has concluded.

End of Assignment 3
Answered Same Day Jun 13, 2021 ICT710 University of the Sunshine Coast


Hartirath answered on Jun 14 2021
146 Votes
Professional Practice & Ethics
Professional Practice & Ethics
ICT Professional Practice & Ethics
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Executive summary
In most companies, ICT involves a wide range of organizational operations from human resource management to marketing. It can be a difficult task to accurately and completely understand the desired content, the type of technical processes and assets, and the location in the organization. The report provides IT governance analysis based on Dell's case studies. The report outlines IT governance, the main focus areas, and the IT framework for maintaining a competitive advantage in the organization. The report also made recommendations for Dell to adopt to ensure smooth IT governance. Finally, the report provides the conclusion of the case study analysis.
Executive summary    2
Introduction    4
Assessment of IT governance    4
Areas of major focus in, and effectiveness of IT governance    5
The relationship between IT governance and IT management    6
The role of the CIO    6
Assessment of ethical consequences of digital transformation on diversity and inclusion    7
Consideration of IT governance issues    8
Technologies that are used to maintain competitive advantage    9
Recommendations    10
Conclusion    11
References    12
Business organizations are increasingly adopting information and communication technology (ICT) because people recognize that ICT has an important impact on the company's success. According to the research of (Taylor and Packham, 2016), the strategic application of ICT is a decisive factor between extinction and survival. Maemunah, (2019) pointed out that the quick development of IT has produced a heavy burden on enterprises and several companies in the past few decades’ influences. ICT has become a tool for business strategy, customer service, organizational structure, and other related operations. Although ICT plays an important role in business, many companies are still in darkness in terms of ethics and governance.
Nevertheless, with the introduction of the Sa
anes-Oxley Act in 2002, this trend has changed, and it has played a role in awakening the organization's management's dependence on its organization for IT, and subsequent Make Information Technology governance a priority. Hence, Dell must strive to maintain quality information to create corporate value from Information Technology -enabled associations, support decisions of business, achieve effective operations through the reliable and effective technology use, and retain IT-related threats and increase costs at a standard level. IT technology as well as services also. Companies must pay special attention to IT governance, including business processes, leadership capabilities, and structures that support the organization's IT capabilities to expand and maintain goals and strategies.
Assessment of IT governance
As an enterprise organization, Dell's entire operation process includes IT management, IT management, moreover corporate governance from human resource management to marketing level. According to Hussein (2018), IT governance may refer to an outline that ensures that the physical IT infrastructure can promote and provide support for achieving the goals set by the company. The tool of governance or information systems is the control objective of information furthermore associated technologies (COBIT) (Aasi, Rusu and Vieru, 2017). This tool provides an example of an ideal process for an organization. Several organizations have used this method for several years, and it is said that it is more widely used than other tools for example ITIL.
Areas of major focus in, and effectiveness of IT governance
According to case studies provided, IT managing also integrating it into the company's general corporate governance has become a confusing and overwhelming responsibility for a board member or senior management (Aasi, Rusu, and Vieru, 2017). The company's problem is that the way they set up all infrastructures as well as systems internally is outdated. Setting up the infrastructure and dealing with another problem took much time. Sometimes this prevents actual changes to better integrate the system. This leads to the idea that if it is not damaged, it does not repair it. This is the main reason why associations do not undergo major transformations without a "burning platform". It’s believed that another reason why these companies are so complacent sometimes is that they fail due to delays in implementing some changes and conversions (Hussein, 2018). There is an urgent need to plan in a manner that the system or business process is flexible sufficient to incorporate some changes required by the continuous review and response that cu
ent data analysis can provide. There is a gap between us, that is, when there is not enough space to adapt to the type of response and data produced by a modern system that constantly learn about companies or processes, we plan and implement. It's not that managers don't try to get better the system, but it takes a long time to do so, and in today's rapidly evolving technology, this is considered to be poor or insufficient (Keller, Daronco and Cortimiglia, 2017).
The relationship between IT governance and IT management
According to Cortimiglia, Daronco, and Keller (2017), IT management also involves the practice of controlling all the aspects associated with IT resources or operations in the company. Therefore, the IT management role is to make sure the co
ect use of each technical staff and resources as well as provide value to an...

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