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ICSK3005 Introduction to Computer Skills Summer 2018 Resit Coursework Brief Deadline for Submission: Week 9 Submit this coursework through the Student Portal with a Turn-it-in Report Word Limit: 1500...

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ICSK3005 Introduction to Computer Skills Summer 2018
Resit Coursework Brief
Deadline for Submission: Week 9 Submit this coursework through the Student Portal with a Turn-it-in Report
Word Limit: 1500 (Plus or minus 10%)
Learning outcomes assessed:  Demonstrate the fundamentals of operating a computer to store, retrieve, analyse and present data;  Describe ways in which information technology can contribute to increased productivity and enhance the quality of management;  Describe the scope of hardware and software currently in use and the technological advances taking place.
This coursework is worth 100% of the total marks for this module.
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Coursework Instructions Please read carefully
• Carefully read the module handbook, the marking criteria and the grade descriptors.
Academic Misconduct You are responsible for ensuring you understand the policy and regulations about academic misconduct. You must: • Complete this work alone except where required or allowed by this assignment briefing paper and ensure it has not been written or composed by or with the assistance of any other person. • Make sure all sentences or passages quoted from other people’s work in this assignment (with or without trivial changes) are in quotation marks, and are specifically acknowledged by reference to the author, work and page.
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ICSK3005 Introduction to Computer Skills Summer 2018 Resit Coursework Brief
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Assignment Tasks
Your assignment consists of two tasks (worth 100% of the total marks for the assignment). Business Scenario You have just joined X fashion, a small retail outlet with three stores in three shopping centres around London. Your first task is to calculate the which months the stores are in profit, and which they are in loss. Your second task is to show your manager how Microsoft Office can help with productivity and enhancement of management and discuss future trends in technology in business. Please follow the instructions below for both tasks 1 and 2 below and prepare a report to show your results and findings. Task 1:LO1- (30% of total marks) Use the figures from the table below in your calculations:
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Create a spreadsheet to store and analyse your date  Name the spreadsheet "2017"  Add the title "X Fashion 2017" at the top of your worksheet.  Enter the data provided above into your worksheet. Format the worksheet to ensure that you use an appropriate font size and colour, and choose an appropriate width of column.  Insert the date at the top of the spreadsheet using the TODAY function.  Write a formula to calculate the total takings for each of month.  Calculate total for each month after subtracting the VAT (Divide the total by 120%)  Format all currency as £, to two decimal places, e.g. £2.00.  Using an IF function, for each club, output the words "Profit" where the total paid fees to the taxi company is greater than or equal to £30,000 or “Loss” otherwise.  Generate a bar graph or pie chart to show the total takings earned per month against the month (total takings vs the month).
How to submit your spreadsheet: Take screenshots of your spreadsheet in data view AND formula view and place them in the report that you will write for Task 2. You MUST capture and save BOTH views. Example of data view Example of formula view
Task 2: Report (LO2&3; 70% of total marks) You have been asked by the owner of the taxi firm to write a report, to demonstrate the benefits of implementing technology to increase productivity and enhance management. To do this, prepare a report by completing the following: 1. Write a brief introduction outlining the purpose of the report XXXXXXXXXXwords).
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2. Outline the current monthly figures for the drivers using your findings from task 1 and note anything interesting that the figures show. You must place your saved screenshots of your spreadsheet from task 1 to demonstrate that you have completed all required steps. You MUST include BOTH data view and formula view screenshots XXXXXXXXXXwords).
3. Explain how Microsoft Office can help to increase productivity for a business (500 words). 4. Describe three technological advancements that the business should be aware of to ensure that it does not get left behind. These may be specific to the retail industry, or to business in general. Discuss both the hardware and the software (500 words).
11. Write a conclusion summarising the main points of your report XXXXXXXXXXwords).
Structure your report using the appropriate word processing tools: Suggested report structure Cover Page Assignment title, module code, student name, student number and submission date. Table of Contents A list of headings and page numbers. 1.0 Introduction (about 10% of word count) What question/topics are you going to explore? Why? Explain the steps you will take to address the question. (Discussion about 80% of word count) 2.0 Presentation & Explanation of Business Data Place your screenshots of your Excel spreadsheet here. Label them. Using the data from your screenshots, discuss the financial situation of the business. You could discuss which seasons or months seem to be more profitable and whether the business is making money (or not) overall. 3.0 The Benefits of Microsoft Office to Business Productivity Define Microsoft Office. Discuss some ways that the software may allow a business to do things faster and with less human errors. You may provide subheadings here if you want to discuss different software, for example: 3.1 Microsoft Word 3.2 Microsoft Excel 3.3 Microsoft PowerPoint
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4.0 Technological Advancements for Business Discuss three technological advancements that can increase productivity in the business world. You can start with a brief statement about how businesses increasingly use technology. You could then use some subheadings e.g. 4.1 Technology Advancement 1 Describe the technology and discuss how it can help the business. 4.2 Technology Advancement 2 Describe the technology and discuss how it can help the business. 4.3 Technology Advancement 3 Describe the technology and discuss how it can help the business. 5.0 Conclusion (about 10% of word count) Do not introduce any NEW material here. Restate what you consider the main points to be and make one or two key recommendations. 6.0 Reference List An alphabetically ordered list of the references cited in your report, in Harvard style. 7.0 Appendix Include any supporting information that you did not think appropriate to include in the main body of the text. You must label each piece of information that you provide and refer to it in the main body of your text e.g. see appendix 2 for further information.
INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING marking criteria and SELFASSESSMENT form Strength Adequate Needs Improvement Knowledge and Understanding 50%
Includes all required factual content required by the assignment brief, accurately summarised. All content is relevant. Demonstrates a clear understanding of: The functions of Excel to store, retrieve, analyse and present data. Ways in which Microsoft Office can contribute to increased productivity and enhance the quality of management. The technological advances taking place and their benefits to the business world.
Demonstrates evidence of independent reading and research, appropriate to this
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level. Demonstrates effective use of class materials to develop knowledge and understanding of key concepts and theories. Intellectual and Cognitive Skills 25% Material is clearly and logically structured using a suitable report format, with clear communication of ideas. Includes a well-developed, relevant introduction and conclusion. Information is selected from a range of relevant sources appropriate to the level (at least 5), and incorporated effectively. Ideas and statements are well-developed and make effective use of sources. Graduate Skills 25% The work is within the required word count. Sources are appropriately referenced using the Harvard style. Answers are written in a suitably fluent, academic style. Spelling, grammar and punctuation are accurate. The work is presented professionally, with appropriate use of fonts, spacing, headings, images etc.
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Factual and conceptual knowledge and understanding; use of class materials; independent reading
Critical thinking; conceptualisation; creativity; synthesis, analysis and evaluation; application; problem solving and research/investigation
Written, oral and presentation skills; interpersonal, group and teamwork skills; leadership skills; numeracy; digital skills; practical, professional and academic skills (including referencing/presentation)
XXXXXXXXXX% Achieved at this level
FIRST (1ST) Includes all required factual content, accurately summarised.
Well developed, relevant introduction and conclusions.
Within word count or presentation time.
Includes relevant factual content only.
Clearly and logically structured material.
Accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing.
Very accurate identification of predefined concepts, theories and/or principles, appropriaate to this level.
Information or data selected from highly relevant sources, and categorised, analysed or evaluated using a recommended format.
Fluent, interesting writing style, appropriate to the assignment OR engaging, confident, audible and well- paced presentation.
Excellent understanding of factual and conceptual material, relative to this level.
Well-developed arguments, referencing a range of literature, appropriate to this level.
Appropriate visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices.
Calculations are accurate, clearly set out, with explanations.
Relates theory to practice effectively, appropriate to this level.
Correct use of academic conventions, references and bibliography.
Very good independent reading and research, beyond standard texts, appropriate to this level.
Very good application of numerical and statistical methods to defined problems.
Outstanding, consistent delivery of group work obligations, for this level.
Effective use of class materials to develop knowledge and understanding.
Precise, relevant recommendations. Very good awareness of ethical issues, where relevant.
Insightful reflection on own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical skills.
70 - 85% Achieved at this level
FIRST (1ST) Includes all required factual content, accurately summarised.
Relevant introduction and conclusions.
Within word count or presentation time.
Includes relevant factual content only.
Clearly structured material.
Accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing.
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Accurate identification of predefined concepts, theories and/or principles, appropriate to this level.
Information or data selected from relevant sources, and categorised, analysed or evaluated using a recommended format.
Fluent writing style, appropriate to the assignment OR engaging, confident, audible and wellpaced presentation.
Very good understanding of factual and conceptual material, relative to this level.
Coherent arguments, referencing a range of literature, appropriate to this level.
Appropriate visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices.
Calculations are accurate, clearly set out, with explanations.
Relates theory to practice, appropriate to this level.
Correct use of academic conventions, references and bibliography.
Good independent reading and research, beyond standard texts, appropriate to this level.
Good application of numerical and statistical methods to defined problems.
Very good, consistent delivery of group work obligations, for this level.
Effective use of class materials to develop knowledge and understanding.
Relevant recommendations. Good awareness of ethical issues, where relevant.
Good reflection on own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical skills.
60 - 69% Achieved at this level
Includes most required factual content, mostly accurately summarised.
Mostly relevant introduction and conclusions.
Within word count or presentation time.
Includes relevant factual content only.
Clearly structured material, with a few gaps.
Mostly accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing.
Mainly accurate identification of predefined concepts, theories and/or principles, appropriate to this level.
Information or data selected from relevant sources, and categorised, analysed or evaluated using a recommended format, with some gaps or errors.
Mainly fluent writing style, appropriate to the assignment OR mainly engaging, audible and wellpaced presentation.
Good understanding of factual and conceptual material, relative to this level.
Mostly coherent arguments, referencing a range of literature, appropriate to this level.
Mostly appropriate visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices.
Calculations are mainly accurate, clearly set out, with mostly good
Relates theory to practice, appropriate to this level, but with some gaps or errors.
Mostly correct use of academic conventions, references and bibliography.
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explanations. Reasonable independent reading and research, beyond standard texts, appropriate to this level.
Mainly good application of numerical and statistical methods to defined problems.
Good and generally consistent delivery of group work obligations, for this level.
Mostly effective use of class materials to develop knowledge and understanding.
Mostly relevant recommendations. Sound awareness of ethical issues, where relevant.
Clear reflection on own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical skills.
50 - 59% Achieved at this level
Includes most required factual content, but with some gaps or misunderstandings.
Adequate introduction and conclusions.
Within 10% of word count or presentation time.
Includes some irrelevant factual content.
Adequately structured material.
Some mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing.
Some identification of pre-defined concepts, theories and/or principles, appropriate to this level.
Information or data selected, categorised, analysed or evaluated with an attempt at using a recommended format and with gaps or errors.
Writing style is mostly appropriate but not always fluent OR a presentation that is not always engaging, audible or well-paced.
Adequate understanding of factual and conceptual material, relative to this level.
Limited arguments referencing limited literature. Includes personal opinion.
Inconsistent visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices.
Calculations may have inaccuracies, or issues relating to set out and explanation.
An attempt to relate theory to practice, appropriate to this level.
Inconsistent use of academic conventions, references and bibliography.
Some limited independent reading and research, beyond standard texts, appropriate to this level.
Adequate application of numerical and statistical methods to defined problems, with gaps or errors.
Inconsistent delivery of group work obligations, for this level.
Adequate use of class materials to develop knowledge and understanding.
Some recommendations. Some awareness of ethical issues, where relevant.
Some evaluation of own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical skills.
40 - 49% Marginal achievement at this level
THIRD (3RD) Includes limited factual content, with many gaps or inaccuracies.
Basic introduction and conclusions.
Within 10% of word count or presentation time.
Includes significant irrelevant factual content.
Unevenly structured material.
Frequent mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing.
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Limited identification of predefined concepts, theories and/or principles, appropriate to this level.
Information or data poorly selected, categorised, analysed or evaluated, and may not use recommended format.
Awkward or inappropriate writing style OR a presentation that is not engaging, audible or wellpaced.
Limited understanding of factual and conceptual material, relative to this level.
Little argument, mainly descriptive or personal opinion, with little reference to literature.
Inappropriate visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices.
Calculations are often inaccurate, with many issues relating to set out and explanation.
Very limited or inadequate attempt to relate theory to practice.
Inconsistent or incomplete use of academic conventions, references and bibliography.
Minimal independent reading and research beyond standard texts, appropriate to this level.
Weak application of numerical and statistical methods to defined problems.
Unreliable delivery of group work obligations, for this level.
Limited use of class materials to develop knowledge and understanding.
Confused recommendations. Little awareness of ethical issues, where relevant.
Limited reflection on own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical skills.
30 - 39% Marginal failure at this level
Includes insufficient required factual content, with significant gaps or inaccuracies.
Incoherent or irrelevant introduction and conclusions.
More than 10% outside word count or presentation time.
Includes substantial irrelevant factual content.
Incoherently structured material.
Serious mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing.
Very limited or inaccurate identification of predefined concepts, theories and/or principles, appropriate to this level.
Minimal selection of information or data, and little attempt at collation, categorisation, analysis or evaluation.
Poor writing style OR a presentation that is not engaging, audible or wellpaced.
Very limited understanding of factual and conceptual material, relative to this level.
Little or no argument, entirely descriptive or personal opinion, with no reference to literature.
Poor visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices.
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Calculations are mostly inaccurate, or incorrectly set out or explained.
Theory not related to practice.
Inaccurate or incomplete use of academic conventions, references and bibliography.
Minimal independent reading and research, appropriate to this level. Limited use of standard texts.
Very weak application of numerical and statistical methods to defined problems.
Poor delivery of group work obligations, for this level.
Very limited use of class materials to develop knowledge and understanding.
Irrelevant or no recommendations. Little or no awareness of ethical issues, where relevant.
Very limited reflection on own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical skills.
16 - 29% Not achieved at this level
Includes almost no required factual content, and with very significant inaccuracies.
No introduction and conclusions.
More than 10% outside word count or presentation time.
Includes mainly irrelevant factual content.
Very incoherently structured material.
Serious and extensive mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing.
No identification of pre-defined concepts, theories and/or principles, appropriate to this level.
No evidence of the selection, categorisation, analysis or evaluation of information or data.
Incoherent writing style OR an inaudible, poorly paced and unengaging presentation.
No understanding of factual and conceptual material, relative to this level.
Little or no argument, entirely descriptive or personal opinion, with no reference to literature.
Very poor visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices.
Calculations are inaccurate, with no explanations.
Theory not related to practice.
Very inaccurate or no use of academic conventions, references and bibliography.
No independent reading and research, appropriate to this level. Very minimal use of standard texts.
Minimal application of numerical and statistical methods and techniques to defined problems, with significant errors.
Very poor delivery of group work obligations, where relevant.
Minimal use of class materials to develop knowledge and understanding.
No recommendations. No awareness of ethical issues, where relevant.
Minimal evaluation of own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical skills.
0 - 15% Not achieved at this level
Does not include required factual content.
No introduction and conclusions.
More than 10% outside word count or presentation time.
Includes entirely irrelevant factual content.
Very incoherently structured material.
Serious and extensive mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing.
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Answered Same Day Jul 10, 2020 ICSK3005


Shikha answered on Jul 16 2020
167 Votes
    7/14/18        X Fashion 2017
    Month    Westfield    Lakeside    Brent Cross    Total Takings    Total after VAT subtracted (Total divided by 120%)    Profit or...

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