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Assessment details for all students Let’s go activities & research essay LNGE40049 Submission: Due date: Upload through Moodle Friday, Week 12, 11:45pm ASSESSMENT Weighting: 50% 3 Length: Let’s Go...

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Assessment details for all students

Let’s go activities & research essay
Due date:
Upload through Moodle
Friday, Week 12, 11:45pm
Weighting: 50%
Length: Let’s Go Activities 7-1, 9-2, 10-1 & 10-2 (from
Weeks 7-10 of the Study Guide): as many words
as necessary
1 Research Essay: 1600 words (±10%) from the
first word of the introduction to the last word of the
1 Reflective Response: XXXXXXXXXXwords
Plan and write a 1600 word academic essay on one of the following topics:

A) The modern Australian lifestyle has created some problems for the natural
environment. Discuss two of these problems and the ways they are being addressed.
B) Since the 1960s, gender roles within Australian society have undergone many
significant changes. Discuss two of these changes, and their positive and negative
C) This century, the increasing use of mobile technologies and social media platforms
has impacted on Australian society in a number of ways. Discuss two of these
technologies/platforms, and their positive and negative impacts.
 All components (Let’s Go Activities, Research Essay and Reflective Response) must
e word-processed and submitted to Moodle in one single Word document.
 Referencing must follow the latest version CQUniversity Harvard referencing guide
idged version).
 The essay must include in-text citations and have a list of references on its own page
following the essay. The list of references is not included in the word count.
 Six to ten different sources must be cited in the body of the essay. (Each source can
e cited more than once.)
 Use 11 point Arial or 12 point Times New Roman font.
 Use 1.5 line spacing and at least 3cm margins.To be successful with Assessment
3 follow these steps:
1. Find and evaluate between six (6) and ten (10) sources according to the strategies
you practised in the Annotated Bibliography assessment, and then read and make
notes from those sources. Please note: These sources can include those you have
used for the Annotated Bibliography if you still feel they are useful, but you may use
different sources if you wish. Please also note: You do not need to document and
submit your search strategies, evaluations or notes with this assessment, but these
steps are an important part of preparing this Research Essay.
2. Work carefully through Weeks 7-10 and complete all of the Let’s Go Activities. You
only need to submit word-processed versions of Let’s Go Activities 7-1, 9-2, 10-1 &
10-2 – BUT you do need to attempt all of the Let’s Go Activities in the Study Guide
as they will assist you in planning, drafting and writing your Research Essay.
3. Prepare word-processed versions of the required Let’s Go Activities (listed above)
eady to submit with your Research Essay.
4. Draft, edit and proofread your Research Essay ensuring that it is ready to submit
according to the guidelines for this assessment.
5. Write a response reflecting on the process of preparing and submitting Assessment
3. In the reflective response you must respond to the following five questions:
 How did you feel as you began preparing the assessment?
 What do you think you have done well in this assessment?
 What do you think you will need to improve on in future assessments?
 What were the most challenging parts of the assessment?
 What are the most important lessons you have learned from completing this

6. Upload all parts of Assessment 3 as ONE Word document through the Essay
Writing for University Moodle site.
Please note: There is an expectation that your polished paragraph will be word- processed
following the conventions appropriate to tertiary study. Specifically we are looking for co
font size and style (Arial 11 or Times New Roman 12), and line spacing (1.5 left aligned,
except for the reference list, which is single spaced). Please put your full name and student
number in the footer, and include page numbers. Title page is optional.
There are further instructions on the Essay Writing for University Moodle site, and in
your Study Guide, regarding the completion and submission of this assessment.
This assessment item relates to course learning objectives 1–8 and to the general
assessment criteria detail that follows.
 use appropriate grammar and writing patterns
 produce writing pieces according to audience and purpose using writing frameworks
 apply reading and note-taking frameworks and strategies to develop referenced
academic paragraphs
 find and evaluate relevant, scholarly research to support academic writing
 record citation details according to referencing conventions
 use planning frameworks to produce a conventionally structured and referenced
academic essay
 develop competence in the use of the online learning management system
 reflect on new ideas and their relationship to personal worldviews and academic
Assessment criteria
You will be assessed according to how well you demonstrate control over the following
Planning and drafting:
 analysing a topic
 using graphic organisers to plan main ideas of body paragraphs
 using graphic organisers to plan the introduction and conclusion
 including different viewpoints in the draft of an essay
Academic essay structure:
 writing an introduction according to conventions outlined in the Study Guide
 writing body paragraphs according to the conventions of say it, prove it and clinch it
 writing a conclusion according to conventions outlined in the Study Guide
 achieving cohesion within and between paragraphs using appropriate cohesive ties
 using the Harvard conventions both in-text and in the list of references
 using author-prominent and information-prominent referencing
 applying academic honesty to writing (i.e. no plagiarism).
Language use:
 using formal, objective language
 writing in a clear and concise way
 using a variety of sentence structures to achieve rhythm and flow
using co
ect grammar, punctuation and spelling.
Student name:
Assessment 3: Let’s go activities (7-1, 8-1, 9-2 and 10-2) and Research Essay
Criteria for assessment
Level of competence demonstrated
High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Control over essay
planning, developed
through completion and
submission of all
equired Writing
Workshop activities.
Required Let’s go
activities all submitted,
and completed to a very
high standard.
Required Let’s go activities
all submitted, and
completed to a high
Required Let’s go
activities all submitted,
and completed to a
sound level.
Required Let’s go
activities all submitted
and completed.
Required Let’s go
activities incomplete,
poorly executed or not
Essay content:
Ability to select relevant
ideas to compose a
comprehensive and
analytical response to the
Relevant and significant
ideas are skilfully
presented to compose a
comprehensive and
analytical response to
the question.
Relevant and mostly
significant ideas are well
presented to compose a
comprehensive and
analytical response to the
Response addresses the
topic with relevant and
significant ideas, but
analysis may not be well
Response attempts to
addresses the topic with
some relevant ideas but
analysis is limited.
Response barely
addresses the topic and
the range of ideas is
limited and/or some
points are not relevant
or significant.
Essay structure 1:
Skill in writing an
introduction and
conclusion that follow
academic conventions to
achieve their aims.
Introduction and
conclusion make
excellent use of
academic conventions to
achieve their aims.
Introduction and
conclusion make very good
use of academic
conventions to achieve
their aims.
Introduction and
conclusion make good
use of academic
conventions to achieve
their aims.
Introduction and
conclusion make sound
use of academic
conventions but may not
achieve all their aims.
Introduction and
conclusion do not
conform to academic
conventions and do not
achieve their aims.
Criteria for assessment
Level of competence demonstrated
High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Essay structure 2:
Skill in structuring body
paragraphs to develop a
Body paragraphs are
very skilfully and
logically structured to
develop a strong,
coherent discussion.
Body paragraphs are
logical and well structured,
and develop a strong,
coherent discussion.
Body paragraphs are
mostly well structured
and logical, and develop
a sound discussion.
Body paragraphs use
some logic and
structural conventions
ut focus may be lacking
at times, affecting the
coherence. Discussion is
adequately presented.
Body paragraphs show
very little evidence of
structural conventions
and focus is lacking. The
discussion is not
Referencing 1:
Skill in using Harvard
conventions in-text from
a range of sources.
An accurate and
effective use of in-text
eferencing conventions.
Sophisticated application
of techniques may be
An effective use of in-text
eferencing conventions.
Contains minor e
A sound use of in-text
eferencing conventions.
Contains e
ors and
some awkwardness.
In-text referencing is
evident but contains
many e
ors and is not
effective in supporting
main ideas.
Contains fundamental
ors including overuse
of one source. There is
little or no in-text
eferencing in the body
paragraphs. Many
inaccuracies exist.
Referencing 2:
Skill in using Harvard
conventions to compile
an accurate and
complete reference list
on a range of
appropriate and
scholarly sources.
Reference list is accurate
and complete, and
includes a range of
appropriate and well-
chosen scholarly
Reference list is mostly
accurate and complete,
and includes a range of
appropriate and scholarly
Answered Same Day May 28, 2020 LNGE40049 Central Queensland University


Anuja answered on Jun 01 2020
141 Votes
Problems to the Environment Due to the Modern Australian Lifestyle
Australia is one of the biggest countries in the world, home to a diverse a
ay of flora and fauna. It has been ranked the “happiest” developed nation for three years straight till 2013 (source- www.
usiness-22685260). But the boon comes with the banes, and generally the banes are more. In the recent times, the population and migration rates have increased with overseas migration more than the world average (Wayne, 2017) and this proves that problems are not going to cease for Australia in the near future if suitable steps are not taken. In this essay, among the most devastating environmental problems which Australia is facing due to changing lifestyles, two of the most important effects have been identified and discussed further for better understanding. To
ief it up, some of the most dangerous effects of lifestyle changes are agricultural clearing, illegal fishing, deforestation, air pollution, infrastructure development and u
anisation. Most of them if not looked into, will create a drastic and ever lasting impact on the delicate environment of the Australian continent (WWF, Australia, problems). Now let’s look into the problems in more detail.
Population Surge and U
As mentioned above, Australia being a developed country is seen as a horde of opportunities for skilled labour in developing countries so they flock to these countries for better opportunities. Now this sudden pressure is damaging the natural environment in a very bad way. Most of the u
an sprawl is taken up by the bigger cities of Melbourne, Sydney, and Queensland. As expected, with more people coming in, the share of consumption of soil, air water all proportionally increases. With this, water has also become a major issue of sustainability in the area with more droughts now than ever. One of the main reasons for water being under such crisis is the pollution of the waterways in Australia. The Mu
ay-Darling basin, one of the most well-known natural resources of Australia is under a high threat from becoming saline due to run-off from pesticides in the area, and this could adversely affect the agriculture of the su
ounding areas. Logging and land clearing are other major issues being faced in Australia as well. As requirement of clear land increases due to population growth, more land is being cleared off trees and other fauna available in the ecosystem. Overall, Australia has already been deforested of 40% of its forest cover (Bradshaw, 2012).
There is also a deep destroying issue of air pollution hovering over Australia because of their businesses. Australia is one of the earliest and biggest exporters of coal in the world. Now, like this is
inging in revenue for the country, it is also
inging in its days of destruction nearer. Adjacent to exporting coal Australia is also becoming victim to its combustion, which releases alarming amounts of ca
on dioxide (CO2) which is lovingly called a greenhouse gas worldwide as it helps trap sunlight in the atmosphere and aids global warming. Australia was among the top countries, 8th to be precise, in terms of emission of ca
on dioxide and it is one of the countries most at risk to be affected from this type of climate change (Stern Report, 2006). Australia, although being a developed country has very limited source of non-renewable energy and almost its entire population depends on electricity produced thermally with the help of coal. Thus this country is heavily facing the threat of air pollution as well as global warming....

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