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I Only need briefly and professional answers to the highlighted sentences between 1-3, page 4-5 has the rubric ( You will need to see page 6 and below to see the task and what was done step by step to...

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I Only need briefly and professional answers to the highlighted sentences between 1-3, page 4-5 has the rubric ( You will need to see page 6 and below to see the task and what was done step by step to understand) I already did them, no need to to the, it's just for you to see what the task was.**************USE AS REFERENCE******Page 6 and below is all that I did in the lab, you do not put screenshots, I have them and will put them. No paragraphs needed at all, let me know if you need anything else.
Answered Same Day Jul 26, 2021


Neha answered on Jul 27 2021
139 Votes
Public Key cryptography
This lab project is all about understanding the public key Cryptography and all the ways which can be used to encrypt and decrypt the data. The public key cryptography is also known as the asymmetric cryptography it is a method of the encryption which uses to keys which are mathematically related, but they are not identical. It uses public and private key to encrypt and decrypt the data. Each key can perform a unique function. The encryption is done using public key and decryption is done using the private key. It is not possible to compute the value of private key using the public key. This allows the user to share public key freely and allows a convenient method to encrypt the data. It allows the verification of digital signature and keeps the private keys securely to make sure that only the owners can use the private key to decrypt the data and create digital signatures for them.
The following are the features of public key cryptography:
1) We can use different keys to encrypt...

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