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I need the liquidity ratios completed in the excel template provided. I will also attach previous excel file to be used for the financials. Thanks

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I need the liquidity ratios completed in the excel template provided. I will also attach previous excel file to be used for the financials. Thanks
Answered Same Day Apr 16, 2020


Monika answered on Apr 17 2020
153 Votes
Hints & Instructions
    The Unit 4 Assignment is worth 40 Points.
    1) Some of the ratios do NOT have sufficient data to compute a ratio.
     In those ratios, simply type "Insufficient data to Compute".
     The objective is to provide you an opportunity to employ critical thinking.
     You need to be able to discern whether or not all elements are present.
    2) In the ratios that require an "Average" - assume that the BEGINNING Account Balance = - 0-.
    3) Remember, .50% is NOT the same as 50%.
    4) Use all transactions that include "Sales on Account" as "Net Credit Sales".
    5) Be sure to include your formulas in...

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