Amit answered on
Aug 15 2021
Student name and CSU ID
Project type
Review Basic Project
Project name
Two Factor authentication technique for security of IoT devices in Healthcare secto
Internet of things
Two factor authentication
Title of the paper
id optimization with cryptography encryption for medical image security in Internet of Things.
Reference in APA format
Elhoseny, M., Shankar, K., Lakshmanaprabu, S. K., Maseleno, A., & Arunkumar, N. (2018). Hy
id optimization with cryptography encryption for medical image security in Internet of Things. Neural computing and applications, 1-15.
Citation in APA
(Elhoseny et al, 2018)
URL of the reference
Level of Journal (Q1, Q2,...Qn)
Key words in this Reference
· Hy
id optimization
· Medical image
· Security in IoT
The Name of the Cu
ent Solution (Technique/ Method/ Scheme/ Algorithm/ Model/ Tool/ Framework/ ...
etc )
The Goal (Objective) of this Solution & What is the Problem that need to be solved
Who else has used this the cu
ent solution ( Give the full reference in APA format)
Technique: Hy
id optimization
Tools: Encryption tools
Applied Area: Healthcare
Problem: The security of medical images because of IOT devices is considered as the primary problem for IOT devices.
Goal: The implementation of encryption and making hy
id optimization for improving the security of medical images shows the primary goal behind this research work.
Safi A (2017) Improving the security of the internet of things using encryption algorithms. World Acad Sci Eng Technol Int J Comput Electr Autom Control Inf Eng 11(5):546–549
Islam SR, Kwak D, Kabir MH, Hossain M, Kwak KS (2015) The internet of things for health care: a comprehensive survey. IEEE Access 3:678–708
How this research/cu
ent solution is valuable for your project
The involvement of IOT has completely changed the healthcare system and this industry. The healthcare industry makes use of different medical images and their security is very important. The use of optimization strategies with implementation of cryptographic model can provide the required security to healthcare IOT devices. The use of cloud for storing the generated data by IOT devices create security challenges for healthcare industry. So, for transmission of this healthcare data requires a proper framework which can assure the security. Thus, cryptographic implementation with swarm optimization or curve cryptography can provide the required solution to IOT devices based healthcare data. The optimal keys for encryption and decryption can be generated and used at sender and receiver end for improving the security of medical images. The use of IOT framework with optimization and cryptography implementation will provide a secure environment to store and transmit the medical images with IOT devices.
Title of the paper
The future of blockchain technology in healthcare internet of things security
Reference in APA format
Srivastava, G., Parizi, R. M., & Dehghantanha, A. (2020). The future of blockchain technology in healthcare internet of things security. In Blockchain Cybersecurity, Trust and Privacy (pp. 161-184). Springer, Cham.
Citation in APA
Srivastava et al, 2020
URL of the reference
Level of Journal (Q1, Q2,...Qn)
Key words in this Reference
· Blockchain technology
· two factor authentication.
· Health technologies
The Name of the Cu
ent Solution (Technique/ Method/ Scheme/ Algorithm/ Model/ Tool/ Framework/ ...
etc )
The Goal (Objective) of this Solution & What is the Problem that need to be solved
Who else has used this the cu
ent solution ( Give the full reference in APA format)
Technique: Block chain technique
Tools: Authentication tools
Applied Area: Healthcare
Problem: The security of healthcare data generated with IOT devices is considered as the primary problem.
Goal: The use of Blockchain techniques for improving the security of healthcare data shows the primary goal behind this research.
M. Antonakakis, T. April, M. Bailey, M. Bernhard, E. Bursztein, J. Cochran, Z. Durumeric, J.A. Halderman, L. Invernizzi, M. Kallitsis et al., Understanding the Mirai Botnet, in 26th {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security 17), pp. 1093–1110 (2017
A. Azaria, A. Ekblaw, T. Vieira, A. Lippman, MedRec: Using blockchain for medical data access and permission management, in 2016 2nd International Conference on Open and Big Data (OBD) (IEEE, New York, 2016), pp. 25–30
How this research/cu
ent solution is valuable for your project
The IOT devices are providing new heights to healthcare sector and helping in improving the efficiency of this healthcare sector. But benefits of IOT devices are
inging security challenges to healthcare sector. The communication and connectivity among IOT devices is mainly creating security challenges to healthcare sector. The use of Blockkchain technology with two factor authentication has improved the security in finance sector, thus, implementation of same Blockchain technology with two factor authentication in healthcare sector is proposed in this research work. It will provide different positive aspects related to improved security and performance for healthcare data generated with IOT devices. The improvement in IOT infrastructure with Block chain technology and two factor authentication are mainly recommended with this research. The authentication and data recovery capabilities of healthcare sector using IOT devices will be improved with this research work. The improved authentication and high stability of healthcare data with IOT devices will be provided by block chain technology with two factor authentication.
Title of the paper
Secure medical data transmission model for IoT-based healthcare systems
Reference in APA format
Elhoseny, M., RamÃrez-González, G., Abu-Elnasr, O. M., Shawkat, S. A., Arunkumar, N., & Farouk, A. (2018). Secure medical data transmission model for IoT-based healthcare systems. Ieee Access, 6, 20596-20608.
Citation in APA
Elhoseny et al, 2018
URL of the reference
Level of Journal (Q1, Q2,...Qn)
Key words in this Reference
· data models
· diagnostic images
· encryption.
The Name of the Cu
ent Solution (Technique/ Method/ Scheme/ Algorithm/ Model/ Tool/ Framework/ ...
etc )
The Goal (Objective) of this Solution & What is the Problem that need to be solved
Who else has used this the cu
ent solution ( Give the full reference in APA format)
Technique: Encryption
Tools: Data transmission model
Applied Area: Healthcare
Problem: The frequency domain of IOT devices creates security issues which shows the main problem behind this research work.
Goal: The implementation of both DWT levels for image splitting for improving the security shows the main goal behind this research work.
Ahmed Faeq Hussein, N Arunkumar, Chandima Gomes, A
as K. Alzubaidi, Qais Ahmed Habash, Luz Santamaria-Granados, Juan Francisco Mendoza-Moreno, Gustavo Ramirez-Gonzalez, "Focal and Non-Focal Epilepsy Localization: A Review", Access IEEE, vol. 6, pp. 49306-49324, 2018.
G. Bagyalakshmi, G. Rajkumar, N. Arunkumar, M. Easwaran, K. Narasimhan, V. Elamaran, Mario Solarte, Iván Hernández, Gustavo Ramirez-Gonzalez, "Network Vulnerability Analysis on Brain Signal/Image Databases Using Nmap and Wireshark Tools", Access IEEE, vol. 6, pp. 57144-57151, 2018.
How this research/cu
ent solution is valuable for your project
Maintaining the security and integrity of healthcare data with use of IOT devices is highly challenging task. The hy
id security model for medical images is mainly proposed in this research work. The DWT with level 1 and 2 with involvement of encryption and stereography is mainly recommended by this research work. The implementation of encryption based on the color of medical image and text size will provide new heights to the security of this IOT based healthcare database. It also suggests different statistical parameters like bit e
or rate, noise ratio, structural content etc. which can work with color and size of the image. The confidential data of patient can easily be secured with suggested methods. The suggested methods provides minimum deterioration, high capacity and imperceptivity for improving the security of healthcare data generated with IOT devices. The multi factor authentication based on image color and text size can be implemented. The possible attacks on the IOT based healthcare database will also be minimized with implementation of suggested technique. The implementation of both DWT levels for image splitting for improving the security will
ing security to healthcare data.
Title of the paper
Proposing secure and lightweight authentication scheme for IoT based E-health applications
Reference in APA format
Almulhim, M., & Zaman, N. (2018, Fe
uary). Proposing secure and lightweight authentication scheme for IoT based E-health applications. In 2018 20th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) (pp. 481-487). IEEE.
Citation in APA
Almulhim & Zaman, 2018
URL of the reference
Level of Journal (Q1, Q2,...Qn)
Key words in this Reference
· Authentication protocols
· cloud computing.
· medical services
The Name of the Cu
ent Solution (Technique/ Method/ Scheme/ Algorithm/ Model/ Tool/ Framework/ ...
etc )
The Goal (Objective) of this Solution & What is the Problem that need to be solved
Who else has used this the cu
ent solution ( Give the full reference in APA format)
Technique: Authentication protocol
Tools: cloud computing
Applied Area: E-health application of IOT
Problem: The IOT devices implementing healthcare data requires high security but always implementing heavy authentication protocols creates issues in data fetching and this is main problem shown in this research work.
Goal: The implementation of light weight authentication for maintaining the security of healthcare data stored and processed in IOT devices is main goal behind this research work.
Jinhong YANG, Chul-Soo KIM, Md Mehedi Hassan ONIK, "Aggregated Risk Modelling of Personal Data Privacy in Internet of Things", Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2019 21st International Conference on, pp. 425-430, 2019.
J. Ranjith, K. Mahantesh, "Privacy and Security issues in Smart Health Care", Electrical Electronics Communication Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT) 2019 4th International Conference on, pp. 378-383, 2019.
How this research/cu
ent solution is valuable for your project
The rapid use of wireless technology with IOT based smart devices is helping healthcare sector to improve its performance. It is providing cost effective solution to healthcare services but these applications makes use of heavy authentication protocols for maintaining the privacy and security of healthcare data. The use of light weight authentication protocols with identical security and privacy handling capacities is recommended in this research work. The possible data
eaches in healthcare data can lead to huge damage to this healthcare industry. Thus developing an effective solution to maintain the security of healthcare data becomes essential. The elliptic...