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I need a 10-page paper single space (not including references) written assignment in APA style/format on the topic: “General Reflection of the Mind, Body, and Spirit Connection in a Holistic Health...

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I need a 10-page paper single space (not including references) written assignment in APA style/format on the topic: “General Reflection of the Mind, Body, and Spirit Connection in a Holistic Health Model Prospective”.

Considering the DSM-IV-TR lens: Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Physical, and Social.

Assignment Due: Friday, April 13, 2018 @ 11:59pm

Answered Same Day Apr 09, 2020


Soumi answered on Apr 14 2020
148 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Holistic Health Model    3
Prospective of the Holistic Health Model    4
The DSM-IV-TR Lens    5
The Mental Element of DSM-IV-TR Lens    7
The Emotional Element of DSM-IV-TR Lens    8
The Spiritual Element of DSM-IV-TR Lens    9
The Physical Element of DSM-IV-TR Lens    10
The Social Element of DSM-IV-TR Lens    10
Reflection of Connecting the Mind, Body, and Spirit through Holistic Health Model    11
Conclusion    12
References    13
    In the fast going life, people are mostly losing peace of mind, health and bodily spirit. In order to regain and re-establish the peace of mind holistic approaches play an important role. Holistic approach manages and addresses the issue of social justice and equity in the individuals. This approach is sustainable and is non-discriminatory and cost effective. It can solve health issues with good holistic health and management.
However, health care has changed it is prescriptive in recent past, with accumulating benefits and risks. Individuals seek health services to know the status of their health condition and needs service from health carers or providers. The care takes guide, advice the individuals or patients with appropriate counselling. Thus, a social relationship is established between individuals and the health providers.
This relationship is usually transparent, trustworthy, responsible and confident, also including personal, cultural, economic and psychological considerations. At the same time, providers are informed for the management of individual health with designing appropriate strategies and initiating innovating steps. Holistic approach treatment is based on the knowledge of sustained recovery of patient’s spiritual, physical, emotional and mental health. In contrast, conventional treatments focus predominately on the mind and body; however, holistic approach has higher advantage over other methods.
Consequently, in DSM-IV-TR version mainly focuses on the interpersonal difficulty and personal distress in the patients. It emphasises on five major elements such as mental, physical, social, emotional and spiritual aspects of the patients in treatment and support in complete healing of patients by restoring balance in person well-being.
Holistic Health Model
    The concept of holistic approach is a balance between patient health and medical team in understanding and treating patient. This approach builds a paradigm and adopts systematic practices with integration and co-ordination of knowledge. As mentioned by Ho, Sing and Wong (2016), it is a structured process with individual management of physical, personal, social and mental elements. That in turn increases quality of life with financial and economic sufficiency and happiness.
Further, functional model of holistic health defines the actions and nature of relationship. It provides proper foundational needs and achieves positive emotional and social health in the individuals. Emotional health defines the freedom to express the complete emotions in suitable way possible and social health expresses the relationship quality and satisfaction in the social well-being. However, as argued by Rudd et al. (2016), physical health is the bodily health of the individual completely depends on the emotional health.
As a holistic model, it completes include the spiritual, social, physical and emotional health of individual with positive impact. Consequently, the patients are experiencing safe and secure health with high quality, when holistic model was integrated in their treatment. Treated individuals are focusing on whole aspects of life than wo
ying about the health problems and are becoming more professional with attentive, sensitive and accuracy in the situation. This results in are in turn maintaining the trust with the care provider and are solving health issues. However, at the same time patients are becoming flexible towards their approach for maintaining the health condition.
In contrast, as criticised by Santos, Bashaw, Mattcham, Cutcliffe and Vedana (2018), when conventional methods were used, patients lacked attentiveness and were wo
ied about their well-being as well as never took the care provider words in gravity. However, in this approach patients believed, listened and also started following the care providers and trusted the words of their well-being. More over apart from discussing about the health of patients the GP also interacts with them emotional that is the main reason of success of the holistic model. At the same time, GP interacts in flexible and polite terms with patients in turn focusing on the cu
ent health problem. On the other hand, patients are satisfied with holistic approach and feeling relaxed in terms of health issue. Further, for holistic health many parameters are to be considered such as health and non-health parameters.
Quality of life is the basic need in the developing positive holistic approach with the distribution of needs on the grounds of social justice thus collectively developing social responsibility in individuals. Consequently, as supported by Eriksson, Lindblad, Moller and Gillsjo (2018), the human life is always under the influence of abiotic factors such as environment, food, culture and interpersonal relationship. They are many physiochemical factors that are altering individuals in turn affecting the health.
Holistic approach in this regard focuses on the biological aspects of individual and effect on risk of disease progression. As modern society is deeply stressed and leading mechanical life, holistic therapy can aid in reducing stress and changing the lifestyle. This approach further enhances the quality of life and productivity by individual in turn increasing their lifespan. By reducing the stress in the physical life, an individual can attain mental peace and spirituality element increasing in the body by automatically reducing the disease ailments.
Prospective of the Holistic Health Model
    With the advent of medical sciences and technology, people are gaining more knowledge on individual health concerns. However, as contradicted by Erickson (2017), fast running pace of life has major hindrance in maintaining the sustainable life in individuals. This stressed life is creating chaos in individual life affecting mental, physical, social, spiritual life. Individuals are losing patience, humanity, health as well as self-confidence. People are becoming intolerant to any small problems in life and becoming more depressed. In order to find the solution to the diseased mind, holistic approach came into focus.
All roots for disease are mind, when the mind is calm nothing can bother an individual, but when mind gets distu
ed nothing can reshape as well. Consequently, numerous issues can influence the
ain and mind everyday that in turn generates impulses released in central nervous system of the
ain (Barden, Conley & Young, 2015). At the same time, a wrong impulse can damage the
ain initiating diseases and malfunctioning of organs. However, to lead healthy and functional life stimuli — both internal and external — received by
ain should be positive.
Most of the time, as stated by Stanhope, Videka, Thorning and McKay (2015), an individual is largely affected by environment that reflects on the physiological activity in the body cumulatively affecting metabolic process. Thus, to overcome such a deregulation and maintain stability in all elements holistic approach is needed. Further, the behavioural, psychological, biological, and socio-economic factors are influencing the health of an individual.
Additionally, there is in need of diagnosing the cause of disease or the illness and need to understand the role of environment in disease development. As supported by Wang, Kung, Ting and Byrd (2015), the wrong signal from environment is enough to cause disease and lead to damaging of organs. Although, stress, tension and emotional factors can initiate disease it can be treated with holistic approaches.
Five main stages of holistic approaches are thus identified to treat human problem that in turn translates to disease. As mentioned by Kim, Hayward and Reed (2014), the five major stages are spiritual, emotional, mental, physical and social defines the holistic approach that can heal soul, mind, body and help in regaining the positive attitude towards life. Consequently, holistic approaches are defined to patient with deep discussions, about their health together with the influences of in patient’s life with health policies and preventive measures can further results in the better health outcome.
However, as argued by Gledhill and Harwood (2015), all these interventions are primarily aimed at reducing disease in individuals, by saving their lives for a better future. These steps are effective in determining the social well-being of individual and for improving their health in the populations by addressing many factors underlying them. Thus, holistic health care include the quality of life with socio economic well-being of individual and that can address many disease model. It is also the responsibility of the care provider to impart the holistic health care approach to treat the patients in order for better and faster pace recovery.
Further, this is also the responsibility of the healthcare providers to provide proper holistic approach of the care in the community for its betterment and to improve the social health of the people largely. Hence, holistic approach should be evaluated at the individual perspective in all five stages for its successful implementation in the society.
The DSM-IV-TR Lens
    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a
eviated, as DSM is a manual for classifying the various types of mental illnesses. It is presented by the American Psychiatric Association, also known as APA, which determines the criteria that could be used for this classification. Hence, as affirmed by Jenkins, Shestak, Laux and Jancsin (2017), the authenticity of this manual is quite high and therefore, it is also implemented for authentic research works or practices by the researchers, healthcare practitioners, pharmaceutical firms, policy makers, firms for health insurances and drug regulation agencies framing norms for the psychiatric interventions.
    On the contrary, as argued by Pincus, Dowgwillo and Greenberg (2016), there are also a number of organisations that frame out such classifying regulations that help to distinguish a mental or behavioural disorder from the other, such the World Health Organization (WHO). WHO; provides another manual, known as the ICD-10 or International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD), which is cu
ently in its 10th edition after revision. However, this manual is also used in combination with the DSM because of increasing the effectiveness of the process of the classification of the mental disorders.
    The information within the DSM is sourced from the statistics presented majorly by the hospitals for the mental disorder patients. Other than this, the manual for the US Army and the US census also provides the data required to classify the patients with mental health issues in the country (American Psychiatric Association, 2018). Revisions have been made constantly to the guide, in order to keep it up to date with the latest information. It is majorly so because with the gradual passage of time, the pattern of the mental health disorders and its occu
ences are changing remarkably (Marks, 2017). Therefore, the manual that existed a year or two ago, cannot be used now and the same cannot be used after a year or later.
ently, the usage of ICD and DSM are being compared for analysing, which one of the two is more effective than the other. However, it has been noted that although both the manuals have been presented by international organisations only; nevertheless, the US follows the DSM more commonly, while the European countries such as the UK follows the ICD more closely (ya Azibo, 2014). Therefore, presently, a new manual has been updated, known as the DSM-IV-TR, which is the fourth edition of the DSM, which consists of certain codes, which helps to compare the ICD and the DSM in terms of their information.
As mentioned by De
ane et al. (2014), this is an important step because both the manuals are not updated in synchronisation to each other and are not amended simultaneously. Therefore, at a specific point of time, while one of them might contain updated information, the other might not, thus, leading to discrepancy of medical practices as well as analysing the mental health disorders of the mental patients.
    The way, in which the DSM-IV-TR distinguishes a mental disorder from the other, is an evidence of the fact that it tries to balance between the principles of the DSM as well as the ICD. Therefore, as stated by Roepke and Seligman (2015), the need to classify the mental health issues has been...

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