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1. What are some of the differences between enterprise architecture (EA) and a systems-level planning approach? 2. Why is EA described as both a management program and an analysis and design method?...

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1. What are some of the differences between enterprise architecture (EA) and a systems-level planning approach?

2. Why is EA described as both a management program and an analysis and design method?
3. What are the four elements of an EA management program and the six elements of an EA analysis and design method?
4. What are some of the EA components and documentation artifacts that would be included in cu
ent and future views at each level of the EA³ Cube framework?
5. Can EA be used by all types of enterprises? If so, why?
6. How does an EA repository support the implementation methodology?
7. Choose a real-world large-sized enterprise and determine:
a. Is information technology seen as a strategic asset?
. Does an enterprise architecture program exist?
c. Are there gaps in business/technology performance that an enterprise architecture program could help identify and co
8. Why is it important to understand the “people side” of EA?
9. Compare and contrast an organization and an enterprise.
10. What are some of the academic fields that influence the field of EA?
11 Describe the purpose of each level of the Parsons/Thompson Model.
12. How is the Organization Network Model different from the Parsons/Thompson Model of organizations?
13. Who are stakeholders in the EA program and associated activities and might they want to resist the EA program and associated activities?
14. What are four ways to manage change with stakeholders?
15. Select a large or mid-size enterprise from business or government and describe the following:
a. What structural and cultural aspects should be captured by EA?
. Who are the potential stakeholders in an EA program?
c. What strategies for gaining stakeholder buy-in could be used?
d. Relate strategies for managing change to various stakeholders.
16. Explain 5 reasons why you need an Enterprise Architecture
17. Explain 5 values associated with the establishment of an EA program in an enterprise. 
18. What are risks associated with the establishment of an EA program in an enterprise. 
19 Provide 5 ways to mitigate risk associated with  establishment of an EA program
20. What is an EA Implementation Methodology?
21. Explain the major difference between EA Framework and EA Methodology
22. Why EA Implementation Methodology is important?
23.State four EA Implementation Methodology Process and explain the four steps involved in phase 1
24 Explain 5 EA components and their role in an EA framework.
25. Explain how EA artifacts describe EA components. 
26. Explain how management views help executives understand EA components.
Answered Same Day Aug 03, 2020


Ankit answered on Aug 10 2020
134 Votes
Answer 1 enterprise architecture (EA) and a systems-level planning approach difference as listed below:
EA is the way toward decoding business vision and system into effective venture change by making, giving and improving the basic requirements, measures and structure that depict the undertaking's coming state and engage its advancement. Systems-level planning approach is an enterprise way of characterizing its strategies, or bearing, and fixing their resources to seek after this methodology that consists of capital and manpower.
Enterprise Architecture consists of Strategy, business and technology driven task that helps in management planning and decision process by giving inte
elate sight of whole organization. “These sights include strategy, business, and technology, which is not same from systems-level planning approaches. This is clear from following equation:”
“Enterprise Architecture = Strategy + Business + Technology”

Answer 2:
It gives continuous capability and useful views of an enterprise systematic plan, enterprise solutions, standardized policy and assets usage.
“The four elements of an EA management program consist of Strategic Alignment, Standardized policy, Decision support and Resource development.”
The six elements of an EA analysis and design method consists of following:
1. EA Documentation Framework
2. Architecture Cu
ent views
3. Architecture Future views
4. EA Components
5. Management Plan to manage the enterprise
6. Multilevel Threads that consists of standards, security etc.
Answer 4:
Goals & Initiatives: EA components are strategic plan and digital official plan. EA artifacts are six sigmas, SWOT analysis, balance score board etc.
Data and Information: EA components are databases, information flows, and knowledge warehouse. EA artifacts are Logical data model, physical data model, data dictionary, information exchange matrix etc.
System and application: EA components are web services, web application, operating system etc. EA artifacts are systems data exchange matrix, system interface design, system performance matrix etc.
Network: EA components are mobile networks, security solutions, cable and wireless backlogs etc. EA artifacts are network inventory, network connectivity diagram etc.
Answer 5:
Yes, EA is utilized by every types of enterprises such as general enterprise, exclusive and non-profit areas because EA supports to connect strategic, business, and technology driven task. 
Answer 6:
An EA repository support the implementation methodology by saving and arching all the cu
ent and future artifacts (files, network diagrams, record, excel sheets etc.) at every point of the EA system to make it beneficial for different EA partners and for EA investigators to view all the holes in performance between later on plans and the present ability.
Answer 7: Walmart is real-world large-sized enterprise which uses information technology as a...

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