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Intermediate Python Assignment 3 Due Date: December 1st by 11:30PM The objective of every assignment is to make sure you practice what we learned throughout the modules to cement your learning. Every...

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Intermediate Python
Assignment 3
Due Date: December 1st by 11:30PM
The objective of every assignment is to make sure you practice what we learned throughout the
modules to cement your learning. Every assignment is based on a real-life scenario to prepare
you for a job in the industry. Assignment 3 covers topics that we will cover in module 5.
A Computer Scientist would like a program that stores the total count of Python repositories,
Java repositories and Swift repositories with a timestamp into a database. You can create the
database utilizing PHPMyAdmin locally.
To get started you must first create a database and a table in PHPMyAdmin the table with data
inserted should look like this:
(string or timestamp)
You must make three API calls and store them into the database with the same timestamp. Every
time you run the program; a new row will be added to your database table!
Because the database is local, you must screenshot your database table within PHPMyAdmin in
order to show me that the program works.
• Commented code (.py file)
• Screenshot of the database table (.png or .jpeg)
• Screenshot of the git log showing that you utilized git throughout the development
• All the above-mentioned files must be zipped into one zip file named
studentNumber_StudentName_Assignment3 and submitted via D2L by the deadline
mentioned above.
Answered Same Day Jul 16, 2021


Sanghamitra answered on Jul 17 2021
148 Votes
Created on Fri Jul 17 11:07:34 2020
@author: Mike Mawson
#Importing requests
import requests
#import mysql.connecto
import pymysql
#API Call to get java reositories count from githu
java_repo = 'https:
jcount_response = requests.get(java_repo).json()
java_repo_count = jcount_response ['total_count']
#Getting the total count of repos.
print(f"Total Java Repositories: {java_repo_count}")
#API Call to get python reositories count from githu
python_repo = 'https:
pcount_response = requests.get(python_repo).json()
python_repo_count = pcount_response['total_count']
#Getting the total count of repos.
print(f"Total Python Repositories: {python_repo_count}")
#API Call to get swift reositories count from githu
swift_repo = 'https:
scount_response = requests.get(swift_repo).json()
swift_repo_count = scount_response['total_count']
#Getting the total count of repos.
print(f"Total Swift Repositories: {swift_repo_count}")
# #The Mysql connection object requires four parameters:
# #1- Host name in my case its localhost
# #2-...

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