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Swinburne University of Technology Semester 1 2018 INF60010 Assignment 1 Current System Analysis and Modelling (Individual) © Swinburne University 2018 INF60010 Requirement Analysis and Modelling...

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Swinburne University of Technology

Semester 1 2018
INF60010 Assignment 1 Cu
ent System Analysis and Modelling (Individual)
© Swinburne University 2018
INF60010 Requirement Analysis and Modelling
Words Limit: 1500 +/-10% Weighting: 15% Due date: Friday 6th April 9:00am AEST

Assignment 1 submission details
 All pages should include your name and student number in the document footer.
 All references should be appropriately cited using the Harvard style
 Submit your report as ONE Microsoft Word document, Turnitin doesn’t accept ‘zip’ file.
 Save your file as follows: [student numberA1.filetype] e.g. 1234567A1.doc
 Submit your final report via INF60010 Blackboard link > Assessment > Assignment Submission Link
o Assistance can be obtained from the Swinburne Service Desk XXXXXXXXXX.
o DO NOT email the assignment.
o If you have any queries you may discuss it with the online tutors in the discussion threads or
via email.
Assignment overview
The aim of this assignment is to produce a requirements
document that captures the functional requirements for
an information system that supports the cu
ent needs of
the Virtual Child International (VCI) management system
as described later in the Case Study Description.
Note: This assignment covers the traditional approach.
Your tasks
Read the case carefully and if students need more detail
either about the business or the assignment, they should
talk to the lecturer or tutors, preferably before starting
the task during the tutorial classes or go to the
scheduled consultation time or email to make an
appointment if necessary.
Task Part A: The Report Components
Create a word-processed business report with:
Cover page
 Document Title
 Author(s) information
 List of contents
Executive Summary
Case Description
Virtual Child International (VCI) is a virtual world for
children at home after school. They call it VCI Park.
The VCI employees who support the park behind
the scenes and provide guidance to the members
are called Park Rangers. Guardians are customers
21 years of age or older who enrol their children,
nieces or nephews, grandchildren, etc. to VCI Park

A child whose guardian enrols them in VCI is called
a member and receives an entrance pass (user id
and password) upon credit approval of the
guardian. The entrance pass is validated every time
the member enters the VCI premises through VCI’s
web page. Once inside the premises, the member
can visit any or all park services for which their
guardian has signed them up

More details of the case and specific
problems can be found in a separate file ‘CINF60010
Assign1&2_case_S2 2017.pdf’ on the same site.

Swinburne University of Technology

Semester 1 2018
INF60010 Assignment 1 Cu
ent System Analysis and Modelling (Individual)
© Swinburne University 2018
INF60010 Requirement Analysis and Modelling
 What this assignment is about and what you want to achieve.
 Why conduct system analysis and design for a business?
 The purpose of your work.
 The structure of your report
 Where did you collect data and information for completing the report?
Company/Organization Background
 What is the business and what does this business do? (a
ief description of their cu
ent business
operation, products and services.)
 What is the business problem you consider essential to address? You should list them and then pick up
two which you consider are the most important for the business and explain why they are important.
What are some of the opportunities when these problems are solved? How would the organisation be
etter off by solving this problem or taking up this opportunity?
 Clearly explain the cu
ent system’s objectives and constraints. Please note: you need to read the
case description to understand what the cu
ent system does.
Scope (Cu
ent system)
 Written statement of functional/non-functional requirements (you are required to list them all with a
ief explanation for each of them).
 Provide a
ief explanation of ‘where’ and ‘how’ you would collect information for determining these
equirements. Such as interview guardians….
 Data dictionary
o Complete 2 key data flow descriptions (Logical data dictionaries, at least 2)
o Data element descriptions (Physical data dictionaries, at least 1 of the key data entities)
 Process Descriptions
o A
ief description for each of the key processes (top level processes in level 0 DFD) written in
plain English
o Write at least ONE lower level process description in structured English
You can include appendices:
 DFD fragments, event list etc.
 This contains any other documents that might be useful for reference or too detailed
or lengthy to put into the main part of the document.
*Ensure your pages are numbered for easy reference
Swinburne University of Technology

Semester 1 2018
INF60010 Assignment 1 Cu
ent System Analysis and Modelling (Individual)
© Swinburne University 2018
INF60010 Requirement Analysis and Modelling
Reference list
List all references used in the report. You have to follow the newest Harvard referencing system. Please check
Swinburne website for details.
This is a business report and should be written accordingly i.e. directed to the customer who is “Virtual
Child International (VCI)”. It should reflect your understanding of the tasks required.
Task Part B: Modelling for the cu
ent system
Provide a structured analysis of the functional requirements of the system presented as a set of logical data
flow diagrams and prepare a data model represented as an entity-relationship diagram for the cu
ent system.
The set of data flow diagrams should include:
 Identify key events and complete an event table and DFD Fragments
 Context Diagram: This must be for the whole Virtual Child International (VCI) management
system. You need to show relevant external agents together with data flows between the system
and the external agents.
 A set of levelled data flow diagrams
By this we mean a Level 0 DFD which includes all top level processes, and at least 1 top level
process from this Level 0 DFD decomposed to level 1 DFD.
You will be assessed on your application of data flow diagramming according to the following
o DFD syntax
o DFD data conservation (also commonly known as “balancing” or data consistency in
some textbooks)
o Quality of names
o Logical, not physical
o Quality of modelling is more important than quantity
Consistency - not only should each view (data flow, process, data store) be accurate and readable, but
also the views must be consistent with each other, so the whole analysis makes sense.
An Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD): It should be a high-level data model (many to many relationship is
acceptable in this unit).
Diagrams should preferably be generated by using Visio Pro or other virtual tools but students may
use the drawing capabilities of other packages subject to the approval of tutors. A
ief instruction on how
to use Visio tools, you can find a separate file ‘Visio instruction.pdf’ on the same site.
Notes on formatting and structure
It is expected that all work submitted will have been edited for spelling, grammar and clarity.
Swinburne University of Technology

Semester 1 2018
INF60010 Assignment 1 Cu
ent System Analysis and Modelling (Individual)
© Swinburne University 2018
INF60010 Requirement Analysis and Modelling
Your report needs to follow our standard format. Pages need to be numbered and your name must also appear
on each page, not just the cover page. Evidence of attention to layout and structure needs to be present. The
written submission is to be formatted as a report, word-processed in 12 point font and 1.5 line spacing. The
word count does not include the cover sheet (*), executive summary (*), table of contents (*), introduction,
main body, conclusion, references (*) and appendices (*). Please respect the word count. The sections marked
with “*” will not be included in the word count.
Bonus Points
All individuals have a chance to gain bonus points if you have covered one or more the following points:
 Provide an excellent report or models;
 Complete additional tasks to fulfil the assignment, such as a very detailed problem analysis, functional
or non-functional requirements……;
 Demonstrate a sound research effort via high quality of references.
All the above will be discussed and decided by the teaching panel. We will mark on quality not just quantities.
Any evidence of plagiarism (click on to read in detail) will result in a Fail. Collaborative
discussion with other members in the unit around concepts and additional examples is
highly recommended, but don’t copy.
We have adopted Turnitin facility for assessment submission. This facility provides a
matching service which will compare Draft and/or Final submissions with a significant
database of web published resources, including online databases and journals. In the case of a Final submission,
this will also be compared with other Swinburne items submitted previously. By making use of the draft option
and receiving reports back from Turnitin, it is expected students will be able to self-assess and co
submissions. In the case of a Final Assignment Submission, no such report will be made available to students. It
is the student's responsibility however, to familiarise themselves with how to avoid plagiarism. Please ask if you
are not sure.
Don’t forget to keep a backup. If your assignment goes astray, whether your fault or ours, you will be required
to re-produce it. Lack of back-up will not be taken as an excuse for lost materials.
Late assignments may result in a lower grade for the assignment in terms of the Swinburne assessment
How you are assessed?
Click on a separate file ‘INF60010 Assignment 1 Marking Guide.pdf’ on the blackboard.
Answered Same Day Mar 27, 2020 INF60010 Swinburne University of Technology


Amit answered on Apr 01 2020
152 Votes
Student name:
Course name:
Course ID:
Document Title: INF60010 Assignment 1 Cu
ent System Analysis and Modeling
Professor name:
Table of content:
    Serial numbe
    Topic name
    Page numbe
    Introduction to VCI
    VCI background and problem analysis
    Scope of cu
ent system
    Data dictionary and process description
    Context diagram
    DFD of proposed system
Introduction to VCI
The given assignment of VCI case is related to system development and other analysis works through ERD development, context diagrams and DFDs. It is basically an online game in which both parents and students both can enroll by making a specific payment for minimum fifteen minutes. The given different rule sets defines the data flow for the game. An entrance pass containing user ID number and respective password is allocated to each user after successful payment to theme park. Users can select different games, and for each game there are li
ary functions, tutorial functions and university functions for helping users. By completing this assignment, the activities related to system design and analyses are learned by me. As I am a Computer science student and planning to have a future as an analyst in some big organization, so, this assignment acts as a future guideline and first step for my wishes.
The development of any system requires proper analysis so that all possible problems associated with development can easily be identified on prior bases. The design of potential system helps the developers to make actual platform and prototype. By performing analysis and design, the future changes in proposed system can easily be rectified [Wouters et al, 2013].
The main purpose to complete this work is making a leaning approach towards system analysis activities and system designing phases. It is a combined activity for identifying all functional and non functional requirements related to development of any system. The identification of all requirements from user with graphical outcomes in terms of DFDs and ERD, prototype rules and actual layout of proposed system are learned. By completing this assignment, the end users or audiences of the proposed system are identified. The role of end user opinion is also understood by me. Thus, this assignment is a milestone for learning all system designing and analysis related activities for me.
Different sessions and parts show the used structure of given report. The different sections show the continuous development and incremental development approach of system development for VCI theme park [Connolly et al, 2012].
To collect all required data and information for this assignment, some online resources, different forms and face to face interviews with guardians are used by me. A huge amount of Meta data is collected from all forms. This final information obtained as the processing of this data helps me to define all functional and non functional requirements for this...

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