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PowerPoint Presentation Your pathway to Curtin. On campus. On track. DIPLOMA OF COMMERCE IACC1100 INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTING COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Copyright Regulations...

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PowerPoint Presentation
Your pathway to Curtin. On campus. On track.

Copyright Regulations 1969
This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of
Curtin College pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (the Act).
The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act.
Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the
subject of copyright protection under the Act.
Do not remove this notice.
As per the Curtin College/Navitas Recording of Live Course Content
Policy, all online class are recorded and uploaded to Moodle for
teaching and study purposes.
- As part of this unit, you will be asked to participate in live video sessions that will be recorded. These
ecordings are made for your benefit and for the benefit of your peers; these recordings will be stored in
the College’s Learning Management System (Moodle) for study purposes only and will not be offered for
future offerings of this unit. Students are not to distribute the recordings, as this would be in
each of the
Privacy Act.
- By attending scheduled Zoom classes, you are consenting to participation in a recording in which you may
e identified. To opt out of participation you can turn off the video camera and/or audio when attending
each session. Please understand that opting out could restrict your ability to participate in class activities
and engage with your classmates and teacher.
Recording of Online Sessions
Welcome and technology check
• Copyright in these sessions is owned by the College delivering the materials;
i) The material contained in this session may only be used for your personal study purposes;
ii) Any use of this material for any other purpose or distribution of this material without the express permission
of the College Director and Principal will infringe the College’s copyright licence and policy.
iii) Students are not permitted to record this material on personal devices unless instructed to do so by the
esponsible academic and/or after first gaining permission from the Academic Director.
• You will need to have your Unit Moodle page open so that they can download specific files/ resources for
• Screen sharing (If Tutor is sharing a screen, let them know if you can not see what is being shared – in the
• You are required to have your camera turned on (so please follow appropriate etiquette re: dress standards, as
you would at Curtin College (also be aware of what is in your background/ or screen if you need to share your
• Please mute your microphone when you’re not speaking to reduce audio feedback for everyone else. Wearing
headphones can reduce ‘echo’. When you want to talk, click your microphone icon at the bottom of your screen
to unmute yourself. Only unmute when you’re speaking!
• Indicate you’re okay/you understand/agree by me adding a ‘reaction’ rather than doing this ve
• Any questions, please type them in the chat box.
Images: Copyright ©2020 Zoom
All the best for your exam !
Answered Same Day Jun 02, 2021


Suvrat answered on Jun 02 2021
140 Votes

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