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Assessment 4: Individual Essay (35%)             
Due Date: Week 11
Word Count: XXXXXXXXXXwords
Students are required to choose one client group out of the following:
·          Young People
·          People experiencing Homelessness
·          Indigenous Australians
You are required to investigate the impacts of stigma on your chosen group, particularly relating to the following areas:
1)    Access to treatment
2)    Complex problems (eg dual diagnosis, mental health, medical problems)
3)    Public perceptions of those who use alcohol and other drugs
You must use APA 7 referencing.
Your critical evaluation should include at least 5 (scholarly) journal articles or books.
The format of your assessment is essay style.
Do NOT utilize sources such as and other such web materials as these in no way constitute academic references for the purpose of your assignments. If you rely on such sources for theoretical support, you will be deemed NOT to have met the requirements of the assessment
Answered 3 days After Apr 16, 2024


Dilpreet answered on Apr 19 2024
8 Votes
Assessment 4: Individual Essay
Topic: People experiencing Homelessness
Homelessness has been found to be a type of intersection of all kinds of social challenges, with people facing many kinds of issues that will go beyond by not having shelter. Access to treatment for mental health conditions, substance abuse, and medical problems are being found to get restricted by some of the systemic ba
iers, which is increasing the negative impact of those people who are experiencing homelessness (, 2023). Dual diagnosis can be mentioned here where people also suffer from both mental health disorders and substance abuse issues. This also creates a kind of complication in their journey for getting stability. The stigma has been found to go around people who are facing the issues of homelessness and substance abuse. This also gets related with the public perceptions, and it can also lead to some types of misconceptions and discrimination against those people who are in actual need.
The view of the society people who use alcohol and other drugs can be very much toxic, and it can be overlooking the issues that they actually face (, 2023). This social attitude can restrict all kinds of efforts to provide some kinds of proper support and resources for checking on the important causes of homelessness and addiction. In spite of having all these challenges, it is very much needed to promote the values of empathy, understanding, and good support systems.
Helping people who are experiencing homelessness helps in having a kind of proper approach that will focus on the interconnectedness of their issues and this will also show the ba
iers which are preventing access to treatment and social choices. This essay will discuss all the homeless people policy which are existing in Australia. It will also discuss the drug and alcohol abuse along with the mental illness which exists in the homeless population of Australia.
Fig 1: Table for Homeless People
Source: (, 2023)
Homelessness, is defined as a condition where people lack proper shelter. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) discusses here on the concept of homelessness as the absence of some of the important elements which are also constituting a 'home', by including lack of houses or dwelling conditions (Wood et al., 2022). This
oad definition also checks on many types of circumstances under which people find themselves without having any kind of stable housing. In Australia, the 2021 Census reported that around 122,000 people are experiencing homelessness, with huge level of demographic patterns ranging. Among them, 56% were male, and 20% were being found as Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander people, by focusing on some of the disproportionate representation among the communities of the First Nations (, 2023). The Northern Te
itory also showed the highest rate of homeless people, while Western Australia had the lowest, and this also showed some kinds of regional issues in housing security. While the overall rate decreased a little in between the years 2016 and 2021, certain subgroups faced a kind of increase in homelessness, mainly those who are actually living in huge crowded areas and temporary houses. This dynamic kind of homelessness context of Australia also focuses on the changing nature of homelessness and the need for adaptable interventions (, 2023). Homelessness services play a kind of important role in addressing the needs of vulnerable populations, by also offering a range of support from prevention to crisis intervention. In between the years 2022-23, about 274,000 clients received assistance from Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) agencies, by also focusing on the rise of demand for such services. Of these clients, a huge level of proportion was at risk of homelessness by getting support, and this also focuses on the importance of early intervention strategies (, 2023).
Fig 2: NSW Perception on Homelessness
Source: (, 2023)
The demographic profile of SHS clients is having a kind of reflection on the aspects of homelessness, with women, children, and older adults containing about some of the substantial portions of people who are looking for help or assistance. Single-parent households, often run through by women, represent a huge proportion of demographic within the homeless population. This also focuses on the challenges of housing insecurity and family dynamics....

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