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1. The speech you are going to analyze: (title, speaker, date, location) Title, Operation Iraqi Freedom Address to the Nation Speaker, Former President George W. Bush Date of speech, 19 March 2003...

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1. The speech you are going to analyze: (title, speaker, date, location)
Title, Operation Iraqi Freedom Address to the Nation
Speaker, Former President George W. Bush
Date of speech, 19 March 2003
Location, Washington DC, White house in the oval office
“2003: President Bush announces invasion of Iraq”. Youtube uploaded by CBS News, March 19, 2003, https:
*NOTE* Need to adjust the general purpose, specific purpose and the thesis statement for the speech above.
Click link.
General Purpose: The general purpose of my speech will be to weaken their commitment
(see Chapter 6)
Specific Purpose: show how politicians are able manufacture truth in persuasive ways to their audience. (see Lesson 4)
There is no evidence to support the initial United States military invasion in Iraq in 2003
Occasion: What argument can you make about the way the event, place, timing, or speaking opportunity shaped the speech?
The occasion for the speech was to announce that the United States military along with 35 other allied countries had begun military operations in Iraq to disarm the te
orists and save the world from danger. The timing of the speech was post invasion of Iraq and shaped the speech to be more informative.
Audience: What argument can you make about the way the beliefs and values, demographics, or shared experience of the audience shaped the speech?
The shared experience of the audience is they all collectively witnessed te
orist attacks on September 11th and believe it is important to keep the world and our country safe from future attacks. Military personnel and their families are a specific audience that Bush specifically addresses that share the experience of vunerability during this announcement of war.
Speaker: What argument can you make about the way the reputation, previous statements, background, or social position shaped the speech?
The social position of the speaker was of power and leadership. He was the President of the United States.
Speech: What argument can you make about the way the internal dynamics of argumentation, structure, and language shaped the speech.
The speech itself was structured to be informative while layering messages of hope, confidence, empathy, pride and patriotism throughout. Key words such as ambition, safety, assure, force, honorable,
avery and commitment are use throughout the speech to appeal to the pathos of the audience during this speech.
I. Introduction
(see Chapter 10)
(Attention Getter)
(Personal Credibility)
II. Body – [These main point support the thesis.]
(Main Claim)

(Supporting Material, Claim, or Reasoning)

(Supporting Material, Claim, or Reasoning)

(Supporting Material, Claim, or Reasoning)

(Supporting Material, Claim, or Reasoning)

(Supporting Material, Claim, or Reasoning)

(Supporting Material, Claim, or Reasoning)
(Main Claim)

(Supporting Material, Claim, or Reasoning)

(Supporting Material, Claim, or Reasoning)

(Supporting Material, Claim, or Reasoning)

(Supporting Material, Claim, or Reasoning)

(Supporting Material, Claim, or Reasoning)

(Supporting Material, Claim, or Reasoning)

(Main Claim)
(Supporting Material, Claim, or Reasoning)
(Supporting Material, Claim, or Reasoning)
(Supporting Material, Claim, or Reasoning)
III. Conclusion
(Call to Action)

L06 Assignment
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In this Lesson, you will analyze the structure of a short speech, Lou Gehrig’s “Farewell to Baseball,” and submit your outline for the Rhetorical Situation
speech activity.
This lesson's assignment has two parts. Please be sure to complete both parts in a single Word document and submit it to complete the assignment.
In the first part, you will assess a short speech in terms of its organization and structure.
In the second part, you will create and submit a preparation outline and bibliography for your Rhetorical Situation speech and will identify the
strategies you have incorporated in your outline. Before creating your outline, you will need to consult Chapters 9–11 in your textbook for instruction
on organizing main points; developing introductions, conclusions, and transitions; and co
ectly formatting a presentation outline. Refer to the
preparation work you have done for the Rhetorical Situation speech in previous lessons and incorporate your instructor’s comments and suggestions.
A shell for your outline is provided here . Please note that the shell is based on textbook instruction and can be used for any speech, any
assignment, any occasion—you must adjust it so that it conforms to the requirements for the Rhetorical Situation speech assignment. The outline and
ibliography should be formatted in a Microsoft Word document.
Keep in mind that this is the first of two outlines you will be completing for the Rhetorical Situation assignment. The preparation outline is very detailed,
written in complete sentences, and helps to develop a clear organizational structure for your speech, as well as evaluate the effectiveness of you
message, introduction, and conclusion. When delivering your actual speech, you should have prepared and used a presentation/speaking outline, which
ief, contains keywords, and is used as a memory aid during delivery.
Part I: Analyze the “Farewell to Baseball” Speech
On July 4, 1939, Yankee First Baseman Lou Gehrig gave a short speech of farewell during retirement ceremonies at Yankee Stadium in New York City. In
terms of the rhetorical situation, the speaker produced a fitting response that eliminated the exigence in that situation. In any ceremony, of course, it is
customary for the guest of honor to make a few remarks and the speaker eliminates that exigence just by saying something. Lou Gehrig, however,
perceived an additional exigence: sadness among baseball fans. He reduced that exigence in giving his speech.
A rhetorical analysis of the speech begins with the historical context: Lou Gehrig had set a record for the number of consecutive games played in U.S.
major-league baseball, but he suddenly quit playing for health reasons. The occasion was “Lou Gehrig Day,” a ceremony held at the stadium prior to a
game to commemorate the career of the retiring ballplayer. The audience included spectators, other players, team and league officials, workers, and radio
listeners. The speaker was a professional athlete who, not as comfortable with sportswriters as his teammate Babe Ruth had been, had not planned to
speak until his wife convinced him that he should. The speech was short, extemporaneous, and reflected gratitude. But this only recounts the facts about
the speech without accounting for the constraints and opportunities from each element that the speaker was able to use to make the speech a fitting
esponse that reduced the exigence.
In this rhetorical situation, the occasion provided the speaker with constraints and resources. He was obliged to speak, given the conventions of such
occasions, and was in uniform at a public gathering in a place where people were used to seeing him. As such, the occasion requires a somewhat formal
ceremonial speech that reflects on the shared values of the community in a public, rather than private, gathering. In a familiar setting, the occasion gave a
somewhat shy man a comfortable space in which to speak. The audience would expect a speech that was short, graceful, and respectful of shared values
that would address their feelings appropriately but not overshadow the baseball game. The audience provided respectful attention and a heightened
emotional register for the speaker, which gave his speech a purpose: he spoke to eliminate the emotional exigence of sadness. The speaker, who had
attended Columbia University in the engineering program (on a baseball scholarship), was an uncomfortable public speaker, but he had a strong sense of
esponsibility. His intelligence and determination sustained him in a time that was difficult personally, professionally, and publicly. The speech had to be
short, emotional without being weepy, prepared but heartfelt, and appropriate to the occasion in its ideas, structure, and language. The speech drew on
the resources and accommodated the constraints of each element in the rhetorical situation to be a fitting response that achieved its purpose.
Lou Gehrig’s “Farewell to Baseball” provides us with an opportunity to consider the critical roles of speakers, citizen-critics, and rhetorical critics. As
speakers, we can learn from the speech, as it is an example of several of the principles of public speaking that we have developed in this course; we can
consider these whenever we speak on ceremonial occasions. As citizen-critics, we can listen for the shared values of the community reflected in the
speech, consider their merits, and think about how we would respond as the next speaker to attempt a fitting response, either reinforcing and extending
the values or modifying and revising them depending on the new exigence. As rhetorical critics, we can analyze the speech itself; for this lesson, we will
focus on the structure of the speech.
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https: XXXXXXXXXX/download?wrap=1
After you view and read the speech (http: , identify the ideas and values that
make up the propositional content of the speech. Then, consider the structure. The speech does not follow all of the advice given by the Zarefsky
textbook, of course; ceremonial speeches often privilege resonance of ideas over clarity of expression, and Gehrig’s speech does not contain all of the
functions of an introduction, conclusion, or transition that you will be expected to use in your speech—just most of them. In your rhetorical situation, the
constraints and opportunities for your speech assignment include using the strategies and tactics for structure in the textbook. Using those strategies,
analyze the structure of Lou Gehrig’s “Farewell to Baseball” in an essay of 300–400 words or one to two double-spaced pages, in Times New Roman with
12-point font and indented paragraphs. Include a word count in your submission. All papers should be Word-processed, with sources cited in the style
you are most familiar with (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago), if you use scholarly research to support your claims. All papers must be free from
typographical and spelling mistakes. E
ors of grammar, syntax, and composition affect the assignment grade.
Part II: Outlining
Answered Same Day Jun 17, 2021


Somudranil answered on Jun 18 2021
141 Votes
Running Head: RHETORICAL SITUATION ANALYSIS                     1
RHETORICAL SITUATION ANALYSIS                             2
Table of Contents
Part I: Analysing the speech    3
Part II: Outlining the rhetorical situation    3
References:    5
Part I: Analysing the speech
Lou Gehrig, the legendary baseball player of the Yankees, retired from the sport on 4 July, 1939. The grim moment and exigence of the situation was eliminated by the ‘Farewell to Baseball’ speech delivered by him at the Yankee Stadium situated at New York City. Gehrig also banked upon the emotions working in the multitudes of baseball fans present at the stadium, who were saddened by the news of Gehrig’s retirement. But this exigence was also taken care of by Lou Gehrig. 
The historical context of the speech was such that Gehrig had a record for playing the most consecutive number of games in...

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