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Participant Guide Assessment 2 of 3 Portfolio of evidence - Workers compensation procedures and plan E1066 Diploma of Work Health and Safety BSBHRM509 Manage rehabilitation or return to work programs...

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Participant Guide
Assessment 2 of 3
Portfolio of evidence - Workers compensation procedures and plan
E1066 Diploma of Work Health and Safety
BSBHRM509 Manage rehabilitation or return to work programs
Student name: XXXXXX
Student number: XXXXXX
Assessment number: 32363/02
All terms mentioned in this text that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalised. Use of a term in this text should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.
© Open Colleges Pty Ltd, 2017
All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
Requests for permission to make copies of any part of the work should be mailed to: Copyright Permissions, Open Colleges, PO Box 1568, Strawbe
y Hills NSW 2012.
Competency details
BSBHRM509 Manage rehabilitation or return to work programs
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to process and analyse workers compensation and sick leave claims. It also covers the establishment of rehabilitation needs and return to work programs and their monitoring, review and evaluation.
It applies to individuals who manage claims and ensure that the organisation provides appropriate support for the worker.
Note: The terms 'occupational health and safety' (OHS) and 'work health and safety' (WHS) are equivalent and generally either can be used in the workplace. In jurisdictions where the Model WHS Legislation has not been implemented, Registered Training Organisations are advised to contextualise the unit of competency by refe
ing to the existing State/Te
itory OHS legislative requirements
Assessment outline
All assessment tasks must be completed successfully to pass the unit.
    Assessment task
    Word limit
    1: Auto-mark quiz
    2: Portfolio of evidence - Workers compensation procedures and plan
    1,700 + Evidence requirement
    3: Portfolio of evidence - Implementation, monitoring and review of a return to work plan
There are three assessments of this unit:
1. answer quiz questions online
2. develop workers compensation procedures and a return to work plan for an injured employee
3. provide evidence of implementing, monitoring and reviewing the return to work plan for an injured employee
You are required to complete these assessments with reference to the Le Del
ock Hotel Case Study provided in ‘Additional Resources’ or based on your own workplace.
Once you feel confident that you have covered the learning materials for this unit, you are ready to attempt this assessment. Write your assessment in a commonly used software program such as Microsoft Word, or you can download a Microsoft Word copy of this assessment from the relevant study period of your course in OpenSpace.
To help Open Colleges manage your assessment, please use the following file-naming convention when you save your Microsoft Word document. Your submission for each assessment must be incorporated into one file.
Your file should be named and saved to your computer’s hard drive using your [student number]_[assessment number].docx
For example, 12345678_21850a_01.docx
Assessment submission
When you are ready to submit your assessment, upload the file in OpenSpace using the ‘Assessment upload’ links in the relevant study period of your course.
Uploading assessments in OpenSpace will enable Open Colleges to provide you with the fastest feedback and grading on your assessment.
Please ensure that you keep a copy of all electronic and hard copy assessments you submit to Open Colleges.
Assessment 2: Workers compensation procedures and program
Assessment description
Develop workers compensation procedures and a program for an injured employee.
Complete this task based on the Le Del
ock Hotel Case Study (see ‘Additional Resources’). As part of this task, you will need to read the Workers Compensation Policy for Le Del
ock (see ‘Additional Resources’).
Your plan must include each of the parts specified below.
    Part A
    Review the existing workers compensation procedures for the organisation and explain how they can be improved
    Part B
    Prepare the necessary co
espondence to process both the workers compensation and sick leave claims
    Part C
    Explain the process for disputing claims and when claims will be disputed
    Part D
    Prepare an email to the rehabilitation provider notifying them of an employee injury
    Part E
    Analyse a claim and provide a summary of the incident and injury
    Part F
    Prepare a return to work plan in consultation with the injured employee and their rehabilitation provide
Your procedures and program must include the following as a minimum:
Part A – Policy and procedure review
Review the existing workers compensation procedures for the organisation and explain how they can be improved. Your explanation should include a description of:
· legislative requirements that need to be met
· who the procedure covers
· how the organisation can ensure that it maintains a relevant insurance policy.
If you are using the Case Study, look closely at the Workers Compensation Policy for Le Del
ock (see ‘Additional Resources’).
Review topic 7.1.1 of your module for more information.
(500 words)
Part B – Processing a claim
Analyse and then process the necessary co
espondence to process both the workers compensation and sick leave claims. This must include emails to:
· the insurer providing the required information about the claim
· Hafaez explaining the outcome of his sick leave application.
Refer to the claim forms in the Injury at Le Del
ock file (see ‘Additional Resources’). Base your email on this incident.
Look at topic 7.1.2 in your module for more information.
(150 words)
Part C – Disputing claims
Explain the process for disputing claims and when claims will be disputed.
Refer to topic 7.1.3 in the module for more information.
(150 words)
Part D – Notifying the rehabilitation provide
Prepare an email to the rehabilitation provider notifying them of an employee injury.
If you are using the Case Study, look at the Injury at Le Del
ock file. Base your email on this incident.
Refer to topic 7.1.4 in the module for more information.
(300 words)
Part E – Claim analysis
Analyse a claim and provide a summary of the incident and injury.
Refer to the Claim form in the Injury at Le Del
ock file.
Review topic 7.1.6 of the module for more information.
(100 words)
Part F – Return to work plan
Prepare a return to work plan, to commence as close to the time of the incident as possible, in consultation with the injured employee and their rehabilitation provider. Your plan should include:
· the employee’s details
· a description of the employee’s pre-injury work
· return to work a
angements including:
· restrictions on activities
· suitable duties
· supports, aids or modifications to be used
· hours of work.
Use the Appendix 1: Return to work program template to prepare your plan.
You should refer to the Injury at Le Del
ock file (see ‘Additional Resources’) and also look at the Corporate structure (in the case study) document and details of the Hotel to help you identify suitable duties
For more information on developing the plan, review Topic 2 of your learning material.
(500 words)
Evidence requirement:
You must also provide audio evidence of a meeting you facilitated between the injured employee and their rehabilitation provider to prepare the plan. You may choose to do this in the workplace or in a simulated environment following the process below.
Your meeting should be conducted as a phone call scenario. You are required to submit an audio recording of the meeting.
The phone conversation you conduct should be approximately five minutes long. During your conservation, you must:
· advise the injured employee of the outcome of their claim
· work collaboratively to develop the return to work plan
· establish the rehabilitation program
Note: provide at least one reference to liaising with the doctor and the worker’s compensation authority in developing the return to work plan during the recording
When you have finished recording, you will need to upload your file to OpenSpace. If you are not sure how to do this, click on this link.
Note: You must ensure you obtain appropriate approvals to conduct and record a meeting in this setting so the meeting participants must sign the Appendix 4: Audio/Video Recording Consent Form and you must submit the signed form with your assessment.
Additional information
Information for the person acting as the injured employee is provided in Appendix 2: Briefing Notes (Hafeez Maram) and for the rehabilitation provider in Appendix 3: Briefing Notes (Rehabilitation provider). Provide these notes to the persons acting in these roles so they have a clear understanding of the role play requirements.
Appendix 1: Return to work program template
These return to work a
angements are for:
    Name of worke
    Claim numbe
Pre-injury work:
    Job title
    Days/hours of work
    Name of employe
Return to Work A
    Duties or tasks to be undertaken
    Describe the specific duties and tasks required. Include any physical and other requirements, e.g. lifting, sitting, rotation of tasks, etc.
    Workplace supports, aids or modifications to be provided
    Describe workplace supports, aids or modifications, e.g. rest
eaks, buddy system, special tools, equipment, training, etc.
    Specific duties or tasks to be avoided
    Describe the specific duties and tasks that are to be avoided or restricted, e.g. no loading pallets, tasks that are only to be undertaken with the assistance of another worker.
    Medical restrictions
    Describe the restrictions on the most recent Certificate of Capacity or from other sources, e.g. phone call with the worker’s doctor or healthcare provider, other medical information provided by the WorkSafe Agent. From what date or period(s) do these restrictions apply?
    Hours of work
    It is recommended that reduced hours are gradually increased where appropriate.
    Week 1
    Total p/w
    Week 2
    Total p/w
    Week 3
    Total p/w
    Week 4
    Total p/w
    Work location
(address, team, department)
    Start date:
(name, position, phone number)
    Review date:
    Prepared by
(name, position, phone number)
    Date prepared:
Signature of key people involved
    Worker – I will participate in these return to work a
    Return to Work Coordinator – I will monitor and review these return to work a
    Supervisor – I will implement these return to work a
angements in the work area.
    Doctor – These return to work a
angements are consistent with the worker’s capacity.
Notes/additional information
    If there is any additional information you wish to include in this
Answered Same Day Jun 01, 2020 E1066


Sakshi answered on Jun 09 2020
139 Votes
Assessment 2 of 3
Portfolio of evidence - Workers compensation procedures and plan
E1066 Diploma of Work Health and Safety
BSBHRM509 Manage rehabilitation or return to work programs
Student name: XXXXXX
Student number: XXXXXX
Assessment number: 32363/02
All terms mentioned in this text that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalised. Use of a term in this text should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.
© Open Colleges Pty Ltd, 2017
All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
Requests for permission to make copies of any part of the work should be mailed to Copyright Permissions, Open Colleges, PO Box 1568, Strawbe
y Hills NSW 2012.
Competency details
BSBHRM509 Manage rehabilitation or return to work programs
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to process and analyse workers compensation and sick leave claims. It also covers the establishment of rehabilitation needs and returns to work programs and their monitoring, review and evaluation.
It applies to individuals who manage claims and ensure that the organisation provides appropriate support for the worker.
Note: The terms 'occupational health and safety' (OHS) and 'work health and safety' (WHS) are equivalent and generally either can be used in the workplace. In jurisdictions where the Model WHS Legislation has not been implemented, Registered Training Organisations are advised to contextualise the unit of competency by refe
ing to the existing State/Te
itory OHS legislative requirements
Assessment outline
All assessment tasks must be completed successfully to pass the unit.
    Assessment task
    Word limit
    1: Auto-mark quiz
    2: Portfolio of evidence - Workers compensation procedures and plan
    1,700 + Evidence requirement
    3: Portfolio of evidence - Implementation, monitoring and review of a return to work plan
There are three assessments of this unit:
1. answer quiz questions online
2. develop workers compensation procedures and a return to work plan for an injured employee
3. provide evidence of implementing, monitoring and reviewing the return to work plan for an injured employee
You are required to complete these assessments with reference to the Le Del
ock Hotel Case Study provided in ‘Additional Resources’ or based on your own workplace.
Once you feel confident that you have covered the learning materials for this unit, you are ready to attempt this assessment. Write your assessment in a commonly used software program such as Microsoft Word, or you can download a Microsoft Word copy of this assessment from the relevant study period of your course in OpenSpace.
To help Open Colleges manage your assessment, please use the following file-naming convention when you save your Microsoft Word document. Your submission for each assessment must be incorporated into one file.
Your file should be named and saved to your computer’s hard drive using your [student number]_[assessment number].docx
For example, 12345678_21850a_01.docx
Assessment submission
When you are ready to submit your assessment, upload the file in OpenSpace using the ‘Assessment upload’ links in the relevant study period of your course.
Uploading assessments in OpenSpace will enable Open Colleges to provide you with the fastest feedback and grading on your assessment.
Please ensure that you keep a copy of all electronic and hard copy assessments you submit to Open Colleges.
Assessment 2: Workers compensation procedures and program
Assessment Description
Develop workers compensation procedures and a program for an injured employee.
Complete this task based on the Le Del
ock Hotel Case Study (see ‘Additional Resources’). As part of this task, you will need to read the Workers Compensation Policy for Le Del
ock (see ‘Additional Resources’).
Your plan must include each of the parts specified below.
    Part A
    Review the existing worker's compensation procedures for the organisation and explain how they can be improved
    Part B
    Prepare the necessary co
espondence to process both the worker's compensation and sick leave claims
    Part C
    Explain the process for disputing claims and when claims will be disputed
    Part D
    Prepare an email to the rehabilitation provider notifying them of an employee injury
    Part E
    Analyse a claim and provide a summary of the incident and injury
    Part F
    Prepare a return to work plan in consultation with the injured employee and their rehabilitation provide
Your procedures and program must include the following as a minimum:
Part A – Policy and procedure review
Review the existing worker's compensation procedures for the organisation and explain how they can be improved. Your explanation should include a description of:
· legislative requirements that need to be met
· who the procedure covers
· how the organisation can ensure that it maintains a relevant insurance policy.
If you are using the Case Study, look closely at the Workers Compensation Policy for Le Del
ock (see ‘Additional Resources’).
Review topic 7.1.1 of your module for more information.
(500 words)
    The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations stated that complexity of the policy related to compensation and jurisdictions inconsistencies might lead to confusion and fraud by employees or employers. Compensation insurance covers the workers who are hurt/injured during a job. Workers need not prove fault for recovery.
As per Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981, companies are obligated to formulate policy for health coverage of all the workers
The process is as follow:
1) The injured person need to undergone through medical screening and treatment prior to filling the claim. Under some polices, the injured employee need to visit specified docto
2) The medical report is an official record to get the reimbursement from the cu
ent working place/ company.
3) The insurer has a specific time limit to consider the claim.
It is essential to notify the manager about an injury within the specific time. In accordance with the legal process, the employee should inform the superviso
manager in writing.
The Following evidence should be provided for compensation claim:
1) Injury Type
2) Affected area
3) Time, date and injury location.
4) Parties involved in the accident
5) Explain, how the incident occu
ed; and
6) Medical intervention received.
There can be a certain issue related to compensation, the poor relationship between the employee and employer. The injured employee may be unwilling to join working place again due to negative environment of the working place. If the workers are not facing such problems then it can be acknowledged that the organisation is maintaining relevant insurance coverage. Further, the company is providing a good environment to work. Another issue can be a delay in providing compensation claim so it is important to provide claim money on time.
Part B – Processing a claim
Analyse and then process the necessary co
espondence to process both the worker's compensation and sick leave claims. This must include emails to:
· the insurer providing the required information about the claim
· Hafaez explaining the outcome of his sick leave application.
Refer to the claim forms in the Injury at Le Del
ock file (see ‘Additional Resources’). Base your email on this incident.
Look at topic 7.1.2 in your module for more information.
(150 words)
The insurer
Subject: Claim detail regarding Hafeez’s case
Please receive this email as a written notice that on 10th of October, on Wednesday at 10 am, one of the worker name Hafeez Maram was involved in the workplace injury while he was changing the bulb in the Hotel Le Del
ock’s foyer. The worker was trying to negotiate for the high ceiling and got slipped off the ladder. He fell from long distance, landed cumbersomely on his right leg, and since then he was injured. As per the review from the doctor, this case had been occu
ed due to falling only. Kindly consider the case and consider it for claim approval. Further, consider the sick leave claim made by the injured worker.
Part C – Disputing claims
Explain the process for disputing claims and when claims will be disputed.
Refer to topic 7.1.3 in the module for more information.
(150 words)
    The worker should send the compensation certificate (duly filled by registered physician) to the employer. Further, it is the responsibility of the insurer to look into the matter and proceed accordingly. The insurer can accept the claim, decline it or put it into pending zone. There can be some disputes, as follow:
1) The injury might not work...

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