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Hi this is an assignment in which you are supposed to implement RMI using java TCP API socket. Very important thing is You are to implement a remote invocation framework that is similar to Java RMI...

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Hi this is an assignment in which you are supposed to implement RMI using java TCP API socket. Very important thing is You are to implement a remote invocation framework that is similar to Java RMI but lightweight and no registry is required. I have uploaded three files - 1. The pdf file which clearly states the specifications. 2- A JRM zip folder which contains files and please use the required files from that. Also another zip file which contains TCP client server connection codes as well. But the objects in those zip files are different so only use the required client and server files and create the objects or classes according to the specifications. Please see the class diagram provided in the specifications which is the pdf file. All three files have been attached. Please use jdk version 8 and netbeans 8.2 to develop the classes and creating the assignment.
Answered Same Day May 03, 2020 COIT13229 Central Queensland University


Snehil answered on May 10 2020
136 Votes
How to run videos/How to run in console (command prompt).mp4
How to run videos/How to run in netbeans.mp4
RMI threaded

Builds, tests, and runs the project RMI threaded.

RMI threaded
RMI threaded
RMI threaded
public synchronized class ComputeCircle implements Task, {
private double radius;
private double area;
private double perimeter;
private String result;
public void ComputeCircle();
public void ComputeCircle(double);
public double getRadius();
public void setRadius(double);
public void executeTask();
public Object getResult();
RMI threaded
public synchronized class ComputeClient {
private static final String SERVERNAME = localhost;
private static final int SERVERPORT = 8888;
public void ComputeClient();
public static void main(String[]);
RMI threaded
public synchronized class ComputeRectangle implements Task, {
private double length;
private double width;
private double area;
private double perimeter;
private String result;
public void ComputeRectangle();
public void ComputeRectangle(double, double);
public double getLength();
public void setLength(double);
public double getWidth();
public void setWidth(double);
public void executeTask();
public Object getResult();
RMI threaded
public synchronized class ComputeServer implements Runnable {
private static final int SERVERPORT = 8888;
private static serverSocket;
public void ComputeServer();
public static void main(String[]) throws;
public void run();
static void ();
RMI threaded
RMI threaded
public synchronized class ComputeSquare implements Task, {
private double side;
private double area;
private double perimeter;
private String result;
public void ComputeSquare();
public void ComputeSquare(double);
public double getSide();
public void setSide(double);
public void executeTask();
public Object getResult();
RMI threaded
public synchronized class E
orMessage implements Task, {
private String finalResult;
public void E
public void setE
public void executeTask();
public Object getResult();
RMI threaded
synchronized class MyRunnable implements Runnable { aSocket;
public void MyRunnable(;
public void run();
RMI threaded
public abstract interface Task {
public abstract void executeTask();
public abstract Object getResult();
RMI threaded/
Manifest-Version: 1.0
X-COMMENT: Main-Class will be added automatically by build
RMI threaded/nbproject

Must set src.di
Must set test.src.di
Must set build.di
Must set dist.di
Must set build.classes.di
Must set dist.javadoc.di
Must set build.test.classes.di
Must set build.test.results.di
Must set build.classes.excludes
Must set dist.ja

Must set javac.includes

No tests executed.

Must set JVM to use for profiling in
Must set profiler agent JVM arguments in


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