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Highlighted is the questions Q 1. Types of Tax-Exempt Organizations a. What types of organizations can qualify as tax-exempt? Are there any differences from a tax perspective? b. What are the...

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Highlighted is the questions
Q 1. Types of Tax-Exempt Organizations
a. What types of organizations can qualify as tax-exempt? Are there any differences from a tax perspective?
. What are the differences between private foundations & public charities? Examples?
c. What are feeder organizations? How are they treated for tax purposes? Examples?
Need presentation slides with Reader notes.
Some Topic ideas
Nonprofit vs. tax-exempt
    Often used interchangeably but they mean different things. Non-profit (state-level, qualify for benefits such as exemption from local and state taxes)  tax-exempt (federal designation granted by IRS)
B. Private Foundations vs Public charities
C. Feeder organizations
Any type of nonprofit can qualify: charitable, religious, education, literature, science, public safety, many sports-related, child welfare, animal welfare, business leagues, fraternal organizations, social clubs (also from https:
IRS Link for types of Tax-exempt Organizations:
Other topic ideas:
Restrictions to certain types of tax-exempt organizations
Types of business activities that do and don’t qualify
Types of organizations that may change business activities and no longer qualify for exemption
Other issues that may cause an organization not to qualify
Answered Same Day Jul 08, 2020


Pulkit answered on Jul 10 2020
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What types of organizations can qualify as tax exempt?
The organizations that do not pay any tax on the income they earn from their running business are termed as tax-exempt organizations.
Such types of business organizations are profit free organizations. So the organization which gets the exemption from taxes is working as charitable trusts.
As per the IRS the organizations that are having the status of charitable or religious entities that are working for the welfare of people as education, public safety.
Many organizations that are working as a sport entity can also qualify as tax exempt organization.
All the social clubs that are working for social welfare can also qualify as tax exempt organization.
Difference between nonprofit and tax exempt organization:-
The nonprofit organizations are state level organizations and works at each state whereas the tax exempt organizations are been granted the designation...

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