Ch 5 Lab Assignment: Using the CAFR for the entity that has been assigned to you(I am assigned no New Mexico State ), answer items 1 - 9 of the continuing problem on pages 227 and 228 of the Granof text. Use complete sentences to answer the questions.
Notes about the Ch 5 Lab:
Part 1
In book On Page 227 First Question is EX. 5-9, EX.5-10, EX 5-11, Answers should have below points 1 to 9 as per Professor requirement.
1, Add some examples.
2. You must use the statistical section of the CAFR to locate information about 2008, 2013, 2014. This provides 10 years of information. Be sure to answer the second part of the question. Prepare a horizontal analysis (from managerial accounting) to determine the percentage of change (2008 is the base year). Do more than just stating more information is needed.
3. To answer this question, you must use the reconciliation schedule - page 56 of Granof. Provide specific items and amounts.
4, and 5. Use the notes to the financial statements.
4. Use the Balance Sheet to locate the types of GASB 54 fund balance classifications.
6. Provide specific information - focus on general fund transfers - use both the government-wide and governmental activity statements.
7. Use the governmental funds balance sheet.
8. What is the amount of depreciation? The depreciation expense information exists and you can find it.
9. Be specific
Part 2
Chapter 5 - Working with the material
Make at least 2 separate postings about the material covered in Chapter 5. Make substantial postings - go beyond making a general comment or posing a general question. As you work with the videos and the study material, discuss the content. This includes a discussion of how you worked with the practice items, developed study tools, overcame confusion, etc. The postings must be made on at least 2 separate days.
To answer these questions Book Link is below: This Subject is only about on Government and Not for Profit Accounting.
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