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PHE 2019 Assessment 6: A) Review paper – My Customer Experience B) Evaluation of Workplace Learning Objectives C) Professional Constructive Feedback to Host Organisation Name of student: Marking...

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PHE 2019
Assessment 6:
A) Review paper – My Customer Experience
B) Evaluation of Workplace Learning Objectives
C) Professional Constructive Feedback to Host Organisation
Name of student:
    Marking Criteria
Part A – Review Pape
    Not yet SR
    Reflection on the role of expectations from the very beginning of the process
· Your expectations of your PHE organisations
· The basis of these expectations
· Extent these expectations have been met or have changed
     Reflection on the role of challenges and observation
· Outline of the greatest challenges that you faced while on internship
· Observation of management skills & qualities that are important for success in the industry & why they are necessary
     Reflection on lessons learned and maintain professionalism
· The most valuable lesson learned
· The most challenging situation faced to maintain your professionalism
· Why was it difficult?
· How did you maintain your professionalism in these circumstances?
    Reflection on setting objectives and performance evaluation
· The most useful aspect of setting personal workplace objectives?
· Were they achieved, exceeded or changed & why?
· Comparative analysis of your 3 and 6-month performance evaluation
    Reflection on achievements and the role of discovery
· Your biggest achievements
· Discovery of your strengths, limitations and suitability to work in the hospitality industry
· Role of your PHE in influencing future career goals & aspirations
    · Grammar, spelling, flow
· Identifies & evaluates cu
ent workplace practices
· Minimum of 4 academic references
· Minimum 2 industry references
· Referencing technique (in-text & Reference List)
· Meets word count requirement of 1000 words
Additional comments:
Part B – Evaluation of 5 Workplace learning Objectives
    Marking Criteria
Part B – Evaluation of 5 workplace learning objectives
    Not yet SR
    · Use of the specified template
· 5 Learning Objectives clearly stated & follow the SMART acronym
· All relevant columns completed
Part C – Professional Constructive Feedback to Host Organisation
    Marking Criteria
Part B – Evaluation of 5 workplace learning objectives
    Not yet SR
    · Use of the specified template
· 5 Learning Objectives clearly stated & follow the SMART acronym
· All relevant columns completed
    Part C – Professional Constructive Feedback to Host Organisation
    Not yet SR
    · All fields have been completed
· Feedback is constructive
· Grammar, spelling
    Marking Criteria
Part B – Evaluation of 5 workplace learning objectives
    Not yet SR
    · Use of the specified template
· 5 Learning Objectives clearly stated & follow the SMART acronym
· All relevant columns completed

Microsoft Word - Assignment 4- Part B(Learning Objectives).docx

C) Workplace Learning Objectives
(Please create LO 1 & 2 for Assessment 1; the review column will be completed in Assessment 4.
LO 3, 4 and 5 will be created for Assessment 4 and reviewed in Assessment63.)

Learning objective (LO) Date to
this LO
How I plan to achieve this Learning Objective With help from Review

To what extent did you
achieve, exceed or
change your LO?
Example Only:
To learn the details of a minimum of 10
white and 10 red wines from the Wine List.
These details will include the varietal,
egion, characteristics and selling price

1. Request the Manager (or supervisor) if I can
copy the Wine List so that I may learn the
details as part of my learning objectives

2. Practice with a colleague on a daily basis

3. Ensure that I allocate adequate time to
achieve this goal.
• Jenny (supervisor)

• My colleagues

• Myself!
LO 1. To learn about different
everages listed on the drinks menu
and know about their complimentary
status with a prefe
ed dish/dishes. Also
learn about the assigned containers
(glasses, mugs, cups), to be used in
order to serve the drink.
XXXXXXXXXXRequest for permission of taking a
copy of the beverage and food list
from the supervisor or manager if
2. Practices under a supervisor or an
experienced colleague for better
acquaintance with the beverage
details and instant rectification when
3. Ensuring the amount of time required
to completely engrave the learning
• Supervisor
• Manager
• Colleague
• Myself
I was successful in my
learning objective with
proper guidance of my
supervisor and support
of the manager. My
colleagues helped me
get well acquainted with
the details of the
everages and helped
me achieve my goals.
and do not move into achieving next
learning objective until i excel in this
one Jackson (2015).
LO 2. To understand how to attend the
assigned customers and provide them
with satisfactory assistance, in a
courteous mannerism while also
ensuring the order of beverage in
accordance of the suggestion.
XXXXXXXXXXTo learn the proper method of
achieving customer service
satisfaction, I will request for grooming
sessions from my supervisor to help
me learn the services.
2. I will dedicate enough time from my
daily schedule to help understand the
customers and assess their
• Supervisor
• Colleague
• Myself
I was somewhat average
at the beginning of my
learning experience and
had to dedicate enough
time to achieve this goal.
My supervisor helped me
transform into a better
and confident service
staff and I am still in the
process of learning to
excel in this aspect.

LO 3. To understand in standard front of
house procedures, including hosting,
cashiering and serving

15/04/202 • Request the Manager (or supervisor) if I can
copy the Wine List so that I may learn the
details as part of my learning objectives

• Practice with a colleague on a daily basis

• Ensure that I allocate adequate time to
achieve this goal.

• Supervisor
• Manager
• Colleague
• Myself
LO 4. Learning about how to use a better
al for communication with the

27/04/ XXXXXXXXXXParticipating in Soft-Skill and communication

2. Improving my interpersonal and
intrapersonal skills
• Supervisor
• Manager
• Colleague
• Myself
LO 5. Learning how to take customer’s
order into system via iPad app and repeat
to confirm their orders.
10/05/2020 Comprehending the internal software used for
placing the order, cancelling the order, calling the
customer to confirm as well as cross-selling
• Supervisor
• Manager
• Colleague
• Myself

Form is due by 17th Fe
uary 2019
Submit your form to the designated drop box
Your name:
Your Host Organisation:
An important life-long skill is the ability to provide you with feedback in the form of a performance evaluation. Conversely, you are required to provide feedback to your Host Organisation to assist with their business practices. These questions relate to specific areas of the business where they are seeking your feedback. It is important that you make every effort to be as realistic as possible when providing feedback.
All fields must be completed
For each of the factors below, comment on your experience with:
The recruitment process:
On-the-job training:
Workplace support and guidance:
Staff facilities (e.g. quality of staff meals, uniform, locker-rooms)
What experiences were the most helpful to you? Why?
Do you have any recommendations to improve the experience for student interns at this organisation?
Do you have any other constructive feedback for your Host Organisation?
Thank you for your feedback. This will be valuable to your Host Organisation
Page 2 | 3
Answered Same Day Aug 09, 2021


Dilpreet answered on Aug 16 2021
148 Votes
Table of Contents
Part A: Review Paper- My Customer Experience    3
Part B: Evaluation and Submission of Learning Objectives    5
Part C: Professional and Constructive Feedback to Host Organisation    7
References    9
Part A: Review Paper- My Customer Experience
For a restaurant business to grow and flourish sustainably, it is essential that the strategies and policies of the business should be customer-centric. The primary aim of the restaurant should be to satisfy its customers with quality food at affordable prices and through friendly service. Khrua Thai by Khan is one such Thai restaurant that has been providing its customers with an exceptional experience. I work for the Khrua Thai by Khan restaurant and have been an internal customer of the restaurant a number of times. As a customer of the restaurant I appreciate the quality of food being served by Khrua Thai by Khan restaurant. They serve delicious food with authentic taste. The quality of ingredients used for cooking comes fresh from organic farms. The freshness of the ingredients can be felt in the deliciousness of food being served to the customers. As I tasted the food of this restaurant, I felt that the food wassimply sensational. The restaurant abides by the food safety standards (Food safety standards, 2015).
Apart from dinning in to the restaurant to satisfy my hunger for a lunch
eak, I also have been ca
ying take away from the restaurant. The food was fresh and was neatly packed to avoid spills. From this, it is evident that the restaurant thrives to serve its customers with the best Thai food in the vicinity. The aspect of the food being served that has been attracting me frequently as an internal customer is the authenticity of flavours and the high quality of ingredients being used. The portion sizes being served at the restaurant are really good. In addition to this I also appreciate the pricing strategies of the restaurant. The prices of dishes being served at the restaurant are reasonable according to the portion size being served and the quality of food. As mentioned by Barlan-Espino (2017), prices of dishes served is one of the most important aspects associated with customer satisfaction. My experience of enjoying my meal at the restaurant was awesome in terms of the quality of food enjoyed at unimaginably low prices.
Another attractive feature of the restaurant, which attracted me as a customer of the restaurant was the ambience of the restaurant. The restaurant has a clean and well organised appearance, which enhanced my experience in the restaurant further. I felt comfortable in the restaurant while enjoying my food. Proper lighting and ventilation of the restaurant added to the experience further. This indicates that the restaurant follows the standards of the industry (Food Premises and Equipment, 2020). All these things together made the food even more delicious for me. While being at the restaurant as a customer, I could make out that the strategies being followed by the business focus extensively on the product differentiation and pricing strategies. The staff and management of the restaurant believes in the fact that customers could be
ought back to the restaurant if they are served with delicious and fresh food in good portions at unimaginably low prices.
The service being provided at the restaurant was another thing that impressed me greatly. The staff at the restaurant is friendly and well behaved. The services they...

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