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Page 1 of 3 Title page Student Name: HLSC122 Semester 1, 2018 Assessment 3: Critical appraisal of evidence Word count: Introduction: approximately 120 words (10%) Body: Full reference using APA format...

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Page 1 of 3
Title page
Student Name:
HLSC122 Semester 1, 2018
Assessment 3: Critical appraisal of evidence
Word count:
Introduction: approximately 120 words (10%)
Full reference using APA format
Research questions
Research design
Research methods
Conclusion: approximately 120 words (10%)
Minimum x four (4)
Student name/student numbe

Microsoft Word - HLSC122 Assessmnet 3 Scenario Stroke Rebillitation_FINAL_V2
HLSC122: Evidence for Practice 
Semester 1, 2018 
Assessment 3 Scenario, clinical question & research paper for critical appraisal  
Your  Aunt  Sue‐Anne  (67yrs)  had  a  stroke  six 
months ago, and cu
ently lives alone in a two‐
edroom town house. Prior to the stroke, Sue‐
Anne,  a  retired  school  teacher,  was 
independent,  loved  to  play  bowls  and  was 
heavily  involved  in  fund  raising  activities  for 
homeless people.  
After  a  period  of  intensive  rehabilitation 
therapy  Sue‐Anne was  discharged  and  could 
ambulate  with  the  aid  of  a  walking  stick. 
However, since returning home, your aunt has 
eported  feeling  despondent  about  her 
ecovery.  She  conveys  to  you  that  her 
“rehabilitation needs are not being met”, and that she is finding it harder to perform some of 
her usual activities of daily living (i.e. showering, cleaning, shopping, cooking).  
Given your aunt’s concerns, you feel concerned about her wellbeing and you want to find out 
if there is anything further you can do to help your Aunt. You found a research paper on the 
topic and now you need to critically appraise the research study.  
Clinical question  
How may a  caregiver  effectively  support  a  (67  year  old  female)  family member with  her 
activities of daily living following a stroke?  
Research Study 
Ekstam, L., Johansson, U., Guidetti, S., Eriksson, G., & Ytte
erg, C. (2015). The combined 
perceptions of people with stroke and their carers regarding rehabilitation needs 1 
year after stroke: A mixed methods study. British Medical Journal, 5(2), 1‐7. Retrieved 
from:  http: 

Unit outline

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School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine
SEMESTER 1, 2018
HLSC122: Evidence for Practice

Credit points: 10
Prerequisites / incompatibles: Nil
National Team Leader (NTL): Sandra Leathwick (Brisbane)
Lecturers in Charge (LIC): Helen Venables (Ballarat)
Sandra Leathwick (Brisbane)
Chitra Connell (Canbe
Dr Jacqueline Randle (Melbourne)
Dr Tina Chisengantambu-Winters (North Sydney)
Renee Kepert (Online)
This unit provides foundational knowledge and skills for sourcing, appraising and reflecting on
literature and information sources used in the health care environment. To assist health students
to deliver evidence based care, approaches to knowledge development in the health disciplines,
including the generation of new knowledge, the refinement of practice and the delivery of quality
care are explored. The application of research knowledge to the provision of evidence-based
health care will be evaluated through a process of critical appraisal. The unit will introduce
students to the concept of the 4 A’s of research – Awareness, Appreciation, Application and Ability.
Students will also develop fundamental skills for accessing information by asking a question, and
using that question to search for, find, and evaluate information.
Skills developed in this unit will provide health students with the ability to source credible and
appropriate information which they will use to build their discipline specific knowledge across their
undergraduate program and take into their future practice as a health care professional.
It is a requirement that all healthcare professionals have the necessary skills to deliver evidence-
ased, critically appraised, best practice. As the practice of all health care professionals in some
way relates to the wellness of others, the ability to source and critically consume relevant literature
elated to practice is critical for optimum outcomes. Skills developed in this unit are required to
assist students to start building knowledge which will guide their future practice as a health care

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This is an on-campus unit.
Attendance pattern:
• One two-hour pre-recorded lecture per week (LEO)
• One one-hour tutorial per week (face-to face)
• One two-hour journal club (resource session) per week (face-to-face)
10 weeks

You should anticipate undertaking 150 hours of study for this unit, including class attendance,
eadings and assignment preparation.
On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:
1. identify health care situations and contexts where evidence-based practice can be applied;

2. critically discuss the factors which influence the use of evidence-based practice to deliver
est management practices across a range of health care settings; (GA3, 4)

3. describe the range of information sources and levels of evidence to inform health practice;
(GA4, 8)

4. demonstrate foundational level skills in accessing, appreciating and applying evidence
from a range of sources to inform health practice; (GA4, 8, 9)

5. apply information literacy capabilities to the construction of evidence-based practice. (GA10)
Each unit in your course contributes in some way to the development of the ACU Graduate
Attributes which you should demonstrate by the time you complete your course. All Australian
universities have their expected graduate attributes – ACU’s Graduate Attributes have a greater
emphasis on ethical behaviour and community responsibility than those of many other universities.
All of your units will enable you to develop some attributes.
On successful completion of this unit, you should have developed your ability to:
GA3 apply ethical perspectives in informed decision making
GA4 think critically and reflectively
GA8 locate, organise, analyse, synthesise and evaluate information
GA9 demonstrate effective communication in oral and written English language and
visual media
GA10 utilise information and communication and other relevant technologies effectively

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Topics will include:
• Identifying and accessing high-quality information
o How to find cu
ent, best evidence
o Sources of knowledge

• 4 A’s of research (awareness, appreciation, application, ability) and their relevance to
o Awareness: Reflecting, analysing and problem-solving
 Critical thinking
 Clinical judgement (technical and situation based judgement)
 What is appropriate evidence?
o Appreciation: Judging the appropriateness of evidence.
 Types of knowledge, their development and application
 The evidence hierarchies and using them to rank evidence
o Application: using evidence in clinical practice.
 How evidence is used in clinical practice

• The influence of evidence in guiding patient journeys through the health care system
o The influence of online information and popular media on patient choices
o Complementary and alternative therapies
o Considering patient choices when developing evidence-based care
o Ensuring quality, consistent, evidence-based care

• Evidence-based health care
o Identifying the need for information and evidence
o The notion of best available evidence
o Best practice guidelines and Clinical Practice Guidelines
o Continuous quality improvement
o The ethical application of evidence
This unit has been evaluated through the ‘Student Evaluation of Learning and Teaching’ (SELT)
online surveys.
The unit has been renamed and rewritten for the 2018 cu
iculum. In response to student feedback
the following changes have been incorporated into the new cu
• The unit is now available as PASS (Peer Assisted Study Session).
• Unit content available for students and tutors from orientation week.
• The required text is available as an eText for purchase or through the li
ary. The required
text has in addition interactive learning platform with hundreds of practice questions, videos
and animations. We have used many other supporting texts available online.
• The unit outline has been refined to clarify expectations regarding assessment.
• Every effort is made to ensure you receive assessment feedback in a timely manner.

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• Unfortunately, timetabling is managed outside the School and teaching staff have little control
over it. Lecture (journal clu
esource session) and tutorial times are allocated at different times
each semester. Lectures are pre-recorded and journal clu
esource sessions are recorded live
for each campus.
• At the start of semester, all students are advised that responses to emails may take up to 48
hours, excluding weekends. If you need advice, please ensure you make contact ASAP to allow
time for a response or a
ange a consultation.
• In preparation for the semester the LIC works closely with the tutors to review content. This will
help check that there are no inconsistencies and they are clear about unit outline requirements.
SELT surveys are usually conducted at the end of the teaching period. Your practical and
constructive feedback is valuable to improve the quality of the unit. Please ensure you complete
the SELT survey for the unit. You can also provide feedback at other times to the unit lecturers,
course coordinators and/or through student representatives.
PASS (Peer Assisted Study Session)
Whether you are a top performer or could use some improvement, you will benefit from the skills
and understanding gained from attending PASS. Senior students who have excelled in this subject
facilitate PASS sessions. PASS is a voluntary program and is running alongside various units
across the University. Many students each year find HLSC122 challenging, and PASS has a
strong record of helping students to succeed in similar units of study. Regular attendance at PASS
improves grades and decreases failure rates. The PASS timetable will be available on Tutorial
Direct and the HLSC122 LEO site. The PASS classes appear as ‘PP’ in the allocation
system. You will not be able to allocate to a PASS class until the first week of semester. You will
e introduced to the program and given information on how to sign up for PASS in your first
This unit requires students to undertake 150 hours of focused learning to achieve the unit learning
outcomes. Learning associated with this unit incorporates face-to-face teaching activities (lectures
and tutorials), online activities, preparation and generation of assessment items and self-directed
study. Students are expected to take responsibility for their individual learning and to participate
actively within group activities.
Lectures are pre-recorded and available for viewing in LEO. The journal clu
esource sessions
(face-to-face) will be recorded using lecture capture. These recorded sessions will be available in
LEO on the student campus tile.

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Attendance requirements of unit
Attendance at all lectures and tutorials is expected. Attendance records of all tutorial classes are
maintained with a minimum of 80% attendance expected.

Reasons why attendance is required
In tutorials, you will be interacting with other students and developing skills which you will use in
your professional/clinical experience. Students who attend less than 80% of tutorials are at risk of
not developing these essential skills. Therefore, you are strongly advised to attend a minimum of
80% of tutorial classes in this unit.

Answered Same Day May 02, 2020 HLSC122


Soumi answered on May 20 2020
140 Votes
Page 1 of 11
Title page:
Student Name:
HLSC122 Semester 1, 2018
Assessment 3: Critical appraisal of evidence
Word count: 1800
    Stroke rehabilitation to a family member is a serious concern for care providers to abate further occu
ences of stroke to them and provide rehabilitation for restoring them to normal life because the care providers not only need to meet the needs of their family members for normality post stroke, but also maintain all the clinical norms that are their duty as a professional carer (Gillen, 2015). In the present study, the article by Ekstam, Johansson, Guidetti, Eriksson and Ytte
erg (2015) will be analysed and appraised for its applicability to the case scenario of Aunt Sue-Anne, who is a 67 years’ old women and had been suffered from stroke. The cu
ent case of Aunt Sue-Anne, a 67-year-old woman, recovering from stroke, indicates here that better rehabilitation programme is needed for her, as she is not being able to do her daily chores.
Hence, this essay critically appraises the suitability of a resource on this topic that can be used to inform better care for her. The critical appraisal of this evidence will help me gain sufficient knowledge to be able to appraise any other sources of information in future. Thus, within my nursing practices, if and when any similar situations arise, I would be able to apply the relevant as well as reliable ones for my nursing practices. In this case, articles related to considering patient needs for a successful stroke rehabilitation can be considered such as those by Ekstam et al. (2015), Prabhakaran et al. (2015) as well as Hole et al. (2014) for future reference.
The research question that has been answer through the article by Ekstam et al. (2015), is “How is the consideration of patient perception, needs and choices by informal carers more useful in stroke rehabilitation than not assessing them in case of a person with stroke?” This question is related to the provided case study because the provided case study of Aunt Sue-Anne shows that she has not been restored to her normal being after having suffered from stroke because her perceptions, preferences and needs are not being fulfilled during the provided stroke rehabilitation programme.
Therefore, if the research question is answered through the articles and the present critical appraisal of their appropriateness to the case scenario, the issues face by Aunt Sue-Anne could be solved. In other words, with the help of answering the research question, the recommendations for improving the stroke rehabilitation programmes in accordance with the patient requirements can be identified.
Ekstam, L., Johansson, U., Guidetti, S., Eriksson, G., & Ytte
erg, C. (2015). The combined perceptions of people with stroke and their carers regarding rehabilitation needs 1 year after stroke: a mixed methods study. BMJ open, 5(2), 1-8
    The selected article is a research by Ekstam et al. (2015). They work together at the Division of Occupational Therapy in the Department of Neurobiology Care Sciences and Society at Karolinska Institute of Huddinge, Sweden. Besides, Ekstam is also a researcher at the Department of Occupational Therapy in Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden. Johansson is in the Department of Clinical Research, Uppsala University of Gavle in Sweden, while Eriksson is at the Department of Neuroscience and Rehabilitation Medicine in Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. Ytte
erg works in the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Division of Neurology in Karolinska University Hospital at Huddinge, Sweden, along with the Division of Physiotherapy, Department of Neurobiology Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institute in Huddinge, Sweden.
Hence, key strengths of authorship are that all the authors are employed to at least one department, thus indicating shared vision and ideas of the paper, while the other strength is that Ytte
erg is involved with the paper, who is the most qualified amongst them. On the contrary, Guidetti poses as the weakness, not having been involved with any other research department. Hence, it can be considered that their capabilities and knowledge could help in generation of required information that could support identifying the importance of considering patient perception, while providing them with stroke rehabilitation, and thus, answer the research question. Once, it is done, the case scenario of Aunt...

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