A. I chose Muzzy Lane 3.1: Accepting Feedback at Workplace. Throughout the interaction. I displayed professionalism. Communication, and empathy. I have a co-worker named, Anika, who was really hurt and bothered by the comments she received during her observation evaluation. I took the opportunity to sympathize with her rejection proposal. Since she could not accept the comments made, she angrily started to email all the leadership team (mentors, clinical supervisors, principal, program mentor). My other co-worker, Ahmed, told her to think first and not to get ahead of herself. Ahmed and I ended up giving her a different approach or advice. She should consult with her program mention for any clarification on what is expected of her based-on guidelines and feedback a
B. 1. Program Name: Bachelor of Art, Elementary Education
2. I am in a Licensure Program
3. EdPrep and Licensure Program Handbook: https:
4. Clinical Experience Handbook: https:
cm.wgu.edu/t5/Clinical-Experiences-Handbook/Clinical-Experience-Handbook-Initial-Licensure-Programs-Home/ta-p/142?search-action-id= XXXXXXXXXX&search-result-uid=142
C. The term,"restorative practices" at Western Governors University (WGU) refers to a method of resolving conflicts and fostering community that emphasizes healing and fostering relationships through inclusive processes, giving reflection and accountability precedence over punitive measures. In essence, the goal is to establish a supportive learning environment where students can feel connected to their teachers and one another. This frequently involves activities like community circles, open dialogue, and self-reflection to address problems and foster personal development.
WGU's restorative methods use three levels of support to help students concentrate on professional growth and advance based on professional dispositions and ethics. This can be used in a variety of ways. The first step in doing this is to establish a relationship. This provides students with a strong foundation for self-expression and helps them find someone they can confide in. When they build relationships, students can turn to their classmates and potential friends for support and direction.
Another way to do this is through restorative dialogue. Students can develop and recover by accepting responsibility for their actions. One way to achieve this is to ask questions such as what happened, what the action's result was, and what may be done to address the underlying source of the issue. This enables the student to think critically about their issues. Children's development of positive crisis responses and conflict resolution skills may benefit most from this. Students will gain abilities in problem-solving, active listening, self-awareness, self-regulation, effective communication, and stimulating curiosity.
D. 1. Program for Educator Preparation Gateway: requirements include maintaining a minimum 3.0 GPA, passing a basic skills assessment to show mastery of general knowledge, having a bachelor's degree or higher, finishing a teacher preparation program that has been approved to lead to licensure, and completing a clinical internship as part of the program.
2. Early Clinical Gateway: Successful completion of the program's mandatory basic skills test, a comprehensive background check, and the absence of any outstanding ethical or professional disposition issues.
3. Advanced Clinical Gateway: complete background check, successful completion of early clinical experiences, fewer than nine competency units left before advanced clinical, attempt of program-required content test or tests, and absence of unresolved professional dispositions and ethics issues.
4. Completion/Graduation Gateway: fulfill all course and degree criteria, such as self-assessment of professional disposition and ethics, complete clinicals, and pass the school of education's content test or tests (included in the EdPrep Program and Licensure Handbook). Completing the exit survey and graduation application, passing the content examinations defined in the EdPrep Program and Licensure Handbook, and requesting an institutional recommendation for licensure are the final requirements for licensure in each state.
5. State: Maryland
A. https:
B. Maryland has a "direct" licensure pathway for teaching programs, which means that if you have a valid teaching license from another state, you can apply for a Maryland license directly without having to take additional tests or finish a lot of extra coursework as long as your prior program satisfies Maryland's requirements.