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hello you need to answer the 1000 word assignment on the very first question but i need it on a seperate paper and not on the submission form please . and the book that you need to use is also...

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hello you need to answer the 1000 word assignment on the very first question but i need it on a seperate paper and not on the submission form please . and the book that you need to use is also included in the question . i need this to be an awsome paper as it is worth a good percentage on my marks overall . so thats why asking you to do this one for sure . i will attach the lessson information and the submission form . for module 3 . but please read the question and use the book it says as well .
Answered Same Day Jun 01, 2021


Rimsha answered on Jun 10 2021
142 Votes
Running Head: MIND OVER MEDICINE        1
Reflection on Diagnostic Exercise in “Mind Over Medicine” to Identify the Root Cause of Illness
    I have taken the diagnostic exercise present in book Mind over Medicine written by Dr Lissa Rankins. Before starting this exercise, I have no idea what change it can
ing in my thinking and how much I would get affected by it. The exercise, which I have started doing once, as part of my study, resulted into
inging necessary changes in me. In a diagnostic exercise, we must answer questions present at different segment. This diagnostic exercise analyses the various elements of life, which plays crucial role in shaping the life (Rankin, 2013). The elements, which are analysed in this exercise, are belief, support, inner pilot light, relationships, work or life purpose, creativity, spirituality, sexuality, money, and environment.
When I was taking this exercise, there were large numbers of questions in each segment, which force the person to think about their life. This diagnostic exercise helps in identifying the root cause of the disease. For example, under the belief segment, it asks a very important question, which is the basis for understanding the concept of the health. The question was what are my beliefs related to the health and what are my beliefs related to illness. I believe that when a person is fit, mentally, physically, and emotionally, then that person is said to be healthy. On the contrary, when person is feeling discomfort, then person is said to be ill. When I was answering for this question, it kept me thinking that whether I am healthy or suffering from any illness.
    Then, in support category, relationship between healthcare provider and me have been analysed. When I was...

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