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CSIS 212 Programming Assignment 4 Instructions Exercise 5.16 JHTP: Write a method isMultiple that determines, for a pair of integers, whether the second integer is a multiple of the first. The method...

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CSIS 212
Programming Assignment 4 Instructions
Exercise 5.16 JHTP: Write a method isMultiple that determines, for a pair of integers, whether the second integer is a multiple of the first. The method will take 2 integer arguments and return true if the second is a multiple of the first and false otherwise. [Hint: Use the remainder operator]. Incorporate this method into an application that inputs a series of pairs of integers (1 pair at a time) and determines whether the second value in each pair is a multiple of the first.
Exercise 5.20 (Circle Area): Write an application that prompts the user for the radius of a circle and uses a method called circleArea to calculate the area of the circle.
Exercise 5.35 (Computer-Assisted Instruction): The use of computers in education is refe
ed to as computer assisted instruction (CAI). Write a program that will help an elementary school student learn multiplication. Use a Random object to produce 2 positive 1-digit integers. The program will then prompt the user with a question, such as “How much is 6 times 7?”
The student then inputs the answer. Next, the program checks the student’s answer. If it is co
ect, display the message “Very Good!” and ask another multiple question. If the answer is wrong, display the message “No. Please try again.” And let the student try the same question repeatedly until the student finally gets it right. A separate method will be used to generate each new question. This method will be called once when the application begins execution and each time the user answers the question co
This assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday.
Answered Same Day Jul 15, 2021


Arun Shankar answered on Jul 21 2021
149 Votes
import java.util.Scanner;
public class CircleProgram {
    public static double circleArea(double radius){
        return 3.1415*radius*radius;
public static void main(String[] args){
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
Exercise 5.20
    System.out.print("Enter the radius:...

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