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Hello, I need help with a statistics project. I am responsible for slide #4 and 5. I need to come up with a parameter , P (which is a sentence describing the data) and the null Hypothesis, which is H....

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Hello, I need help with a statistics project. I am responsible for slide #4 and 5. I need to come up with a parameter , P (which is a sentence describing the data) and the null Hypothesis, which is H. I will provide screenshots for further information of what is required along with the data that I am working on regarding coffee and tea. I will also send an example of another problem as a reference. The software that I use for this class is called StatCrunch, and is free to sign up for. I would need a screenshot of the Hypothesis Test Results as shown in Slide #5, Thank you.
Answered Same Day Jul 27, 2021


Rajeswari answered on Jul 28 2021
146 Votes
Slide 1
From chi square we get
P value =0.6672
Let alpha = 0.05
Since p value >0.05 accept H0.
Conclusion: Null hypothesis
Is accepted
Preference of tea, coffee o
Neither is independent of

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