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Healthcare management class Leadership competencies are among the many important topics discussed in the chapters read in this module. Below is a list of 20 leadership and management skill...

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  • Healthcare management class

  • Leadership competencies are among the many important topics discussed in the chapters read in this module. Below is a list of 20 leadership and management skill areas.

  • 1. Patient-, family-, and community-centeredness

  • 2. Knowledge of the health industry and responding/adapting to new developments

  • 3. Leadership

  • 4. Designing, structuring, prioritizing, and coordinating work to be done

  • 5. Accomplishing goals by working through a diversity of others (e.g., diversity of professional levels, skills/knowledge/abilities, multicultural)

  • 6. Professionalism, ethics, passion, compassion, and integrity

  • 7. Communication (oral, written, listening), responsiveness, and trust-building

  • 8. Motivating, coaching, training, developing, supervising, and handling multiple simultaneous responsibilities

  • 9. Strategic planning

  • 10. Relationship management and teamwork

  • 11. Analytical/critical thinking and decision-making

  • 12. Conflict management, negotiation, and resolution

  • 13. Organizational analysis and improvement

  • 14. Change management

  • 15. Crisis management

  • 16. Financial management and raising/managing capital

  • 17. Computer skills and information management

  • 18. Project management

  • 19. Recruiting, retaining, applying, compensating, and evaluating human resources

  • 20. Stress management

  • Applying the list of 20 management and leadership skill areas, evaluate the roles that organizational leaders you know have played (positively and negatively) in influencing organizational culture, performance, and change

Answered Same Day May 14, 2023


Dr Insiyah R. answered on May 14 2023
33 Votes
1. To keep an eye on all the operations taking place in the healthcare industry, providers will always require assertive leadership and management (Levin, 2019). The provision of healthcare shall be done in accordance with the protocol for handling health issues. Given that the task involves people's health, competent management and leadership are also essential. Patient-, family-, and community-centeredness, strategic planning, and change management are among of the topics covered. I haven't been able to distinguish the problems that affect patients and families differently in the patient-, family-, and community-centeredness. Consequently, I feel strongly that the region has to be improved.
2. Identification of the competencies knowledge, skills, and abilities required for effective leadership has sparked attention in light of the complexity and challenge of managing healthcare organisations in a changing environment. large professional organisation coalitions like the Healthcare Leadership Alliance Core competencies for those in leadership positions in HCOs have been identified through studies conducted by leadership development organisations like the National Centre for Healthcare Leadership (NHCL), accrediting organisations like the Commission for the Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education (CAHME), and various other researchers.
3. Since I have been in a position to know them, I have been able to ensure that all of those leadership abilities have been properly used by the leaders of the healthcare organisations. These leaders have made an aggressive effort to inspire other leaders and those who aspire to leadership to follow their example. They have strengthened the notion that effective leadership is necessary in the health care industry. The positive role has been played in an effort to affect organisational transformation, performance, and culture.
4. He was also effectively designing, organising, prioritising, and coordinating the tasks that needed to be done. The organization's work flowed because of the excellent leadership's use of organisation, structure, prioritisation, and coordination. The organization's head made sure that coordination was effective and gave priority to the necessities. It was because of this that functioning was made simple.
5. He also made sure the company was achieving the objectives set forth for it. This indicates that the organisation complied with the demands of the diversity of expertise levels, talents, skills, and knowledge, as well as multicultural. As a result, the patients felt secure after participating in their cultural activities.
6. The leader also made sure that the group practised ethics, enthusiasm, compassion, and integrity. He appears to have a big impact on this function because it involves a lot of organisational concerns...

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