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Header HLTWHS003– Assessments HLTWHS003 Maintain work health and safety Assessment Tasks (Learner Copy) Student Name Unit Date Started Unit Date Submitted Trainer/Assessor Name and Signature This page...

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HLTWHS003– Assessments

Maintain work health and safety
Assessment Tasks
(Learner Copy)
    Student Name
    Unit Date Started
    Unit Date Submitted
Assessor Name and Signature

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    Student Name
    Unit Submission Date
    Unit Submission Date (2nd)
    Unit Submission Date (3rd)
    Assessor Feedback
To be returned with feedback to student after marking
Australian Careers College Pty Ltd
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HLTWHS003 Maintain work health and safety
Written by Aspire Training and Consulting Copyright © 2018
Authorised use: Australian Careers College
This book is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced or copied in part or in whole nor used for financial gain without the express approval in writing of the owner (Australian Careers College) of the copyright
Submitting your evidence portfolio
You are recommended to seek the advice of your assessor when putting together your evidence portfolio in order to confirm that you have provided sufficient evidence of competency.
You should note that your evidence portfolio must be retained by the Registered Training Organisation for audit purposes and will not be returned to you. If you wish to keep any evidence, you should make a copy prior to submission for assessment. You are advised to make sure you clearly label each answer and task and complete all sections of each assessment.
If possible, you should also submit copies of any workplace documents that may be relevant to this unit of competency. In this case you will need to gain approval to provide the copies from your employer.
Ownership and plagiarism
You are advised by accepting these terms and conditions you have declared the evidence that you submit is your own work or the result of your own research. By signing the declaration below you acknowledge your assessment is your own and contains no material written by another person except where due reference is made.
Note that if you quote any source in your evidence, you must provide a reference to the source in order to ensure that you do not
each Copyright legislation. You need to be aware that a false declaration may lead to the withdrawal of a qualification.
Re-submission of your evidence portfolio
If your evidence meets the requirements of the unit of competency you will be assessed as Competent (C) in this unit. If your evidence does not meet the requirements of the unit of competency you will be assessed as Not Yet Competent (NYC). If you are assessed NYC, it is important to discuss your re-submission with your assessor as you will be given two opportunities only to revise and re-submit your evidence portfolio.
    Declaration by Learne
    I confirm that the evidence that I have presented is my own work and/or the result of my own research. It contains no material written by another person except where I have stated the source. I am aware that a false declaration may lead to withdrawal of a qualification.
    Learner name (please print)
    Learner signature
Security Patrol Dog Handler Workbook
V2 Oct 2015
    Training and Assessment Resources
    © Domnitrans Pty Ltd
    Version 1: March 2004
© 2019 Australian Careers College v1.3
Elements and Performance Criteria
    Elements define the essential outcomes.
    Performance criteria specify the level of performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.
    1. Contribute to workplace procedures for identifying hazards and controlling risks
    1.1 Identify existing and potential hazards and record them according to workplace procedures
1.2 Contribute to the development of strategies for implementing risk controls in line with workplace procedures and policies
1.3 Implement risk controls in line with the hierarchy of risk control and workplace and legislative requirements
1.4 Identify and report issues with risk controls, including residual risk, in line with workplace and legislative requirements
    2. Implement policies and procedures into work team processes
    2.1 Regularly provide information about WHS policies and procedures to the work team
2.2 Provide information about identified hazards and the outcomes of risk assessment and risk controls to the work team
2.3 Monitor housekeeping practices to ensure that WHS policies and procedures are followed
2.4 Maintain WHS incident records in the work area according to workplace procedures and legislative requirements
    3. Support consultation, cooperation and communication
    3.1 Support workplace consultative procedures by encouraging work team participation in consultative activities
3.2 Report health and safety issues in line with workplace procedures and legislative requirements
3.3 Encourage and assist work team members to contribute to WHS
Recognition of Prior Learning (if applicable)
    RPL Evidence Guide
    Students who require RPL or accelerated progression must produce verifiable documentary evidence of their competence in the following competency standards:
HLTWHS003 Maintain work health and safety
    Student’s name
    Assessor’s name
    Date enrolled
    Please see your assessor for an RPL kit, to be completed and presented to your assessor with required evidence. An appointment will then be set for a competency conversation. Your assessor will explain all evidence requirements for this unit of competency.
    Suggested evidence
    · Letter from cu
ent/previous employe
· Answers to written questions
· Answer to oral questions
· Practical demonstration
    Assessment plan agreed
    Student handbook supplied
    Support materials provided
    Invoice supplied
    Language / Literacy / Numeracy needs discussed
    Special/particular needs discussed
    Appeals process explained
    Overview on assessment procedure explained
    Pre-evaluation of job conducted
    Copy of evidence provided
    RPL Evidence Guide
Additional requirements
    Student’s signature
    Assessor’s signature
Learning Checkpoint 1
1. Briefly explain why it is important for workers to understand the legislative requirement of their job role.
2. How is WHS information communicated to workers at your service?
3. How are workers informed of their legal obligations and rights?
4. Do you think these methods of communication are adequate? Explain your reason
Learning Checkpoint 1.2
    Sam, 3 years, slips as he is climbing up the A-frame and falls onto the concrete, grazing his right elbow and bumping his head. He has a large, round bump on his head, which his educator applies an ice pack to. His grazed elbow requires first-aid treatment; the affected area is cleaned and a bandage is applied. Sam’s parents are notified of the accident according to the service’s policy, which specifies that parents must be contacted immediately if a child incurs a head injury.
1. Use the case study about Sam to complete and incident, injury, trauma and illness report based on the example provided from ACECQA.
2. Use the sample hazard checklist to ca
y out a safety/hazard check at your workplace.
Learning Checkpoint 1.3
1. Education and care services National Regulation 101 outlines the risk assessment that must be completed prior to an excursion. What consideration are listed?
Learning Checkpoint 1.4
1. Access the document used to report hazards in your service environment, and the policy and procedures relating to this report.(use any document from online and attach the documents)
2. Identify a hazard in your work enviroment (or use the residual risk example in this section). Use the report from question 1 to record the issues.
3. Check the policy to find out who you should report issues to. Discuss your completed report with this person and how you could improve the way you complete this type of form. Document any suggestions.
Learning Checkpoint 1.5
1. What is the item of PPE?
2. Which policy and/or procedure refers to this item of PPE?
3. How do you let the other educators know about the importance of this PPE and about the risks and controls that relate to this PPE? Write a script
4. Are there any PPE items listed in your service emergency procedures or emergency management plan? Provide details.
Learning Checkpoint 1.6
1. Obtain copies of your service policies and procedures relating to housekeeping monitoring duties, including any checklists or monitoring guides. Explain how these documents ensure housekeeping occurs appropriately.(policies of any services from online and attach the document)
2. Do you think your service policies and procedures link clearly with housekeeping monitoring duties? Is there's a process, checklist or monitoring guide available? Explain your answe
Learning Checkpoint 1.7
1. Is the form the same as the one used for children? If not, what are the differences?
2. Do the documents reflect the information discussed in this section? Explain what you found
Learning Checkpoint 1.8
1. List the health and safety consultative activities that cu
ently Occur in your service.
2. For each of the activities , identify the roles you could take to encourge the work tam to participate and contribute?
3. Choose one organisational policy or procedure that relates to a health and safety area at your workplace. Briefly explain how you would share this information to your co-workers.
Learning Checkpoint 1.9
Sam, 3 years, slips as he is climbing up the A-frame and falls onto the concrete, grazing his right elbow and bumping his head. He has a large, round bump on his head, which his educator applies an ice pack to. His grazed elbow requires first-aid treatment; the affected area is cleaned and a bandage is applied. Sam’s parents are notified of the accident according to the service’s policy, which specifies that parents must be contacted immediately if a child incurs a head injury.
1. What is the name of the policy you would refer to?
2. Who would this issue be reported to?
3. Who else would need to know about the issue?
4. Who would organise the repair?
Learning Checkpoint One
    Student Numbe
    HLTWHS003 Maintain work health and safety
    Assessor name
    Learner Assessment Declaration (tick the relevant box)
    The purpose and outcomes of the assessment have been explained to me
    Yes No
    I have received information about the unit of competency
    Yes No
    I understand the type of evidence to be collected
    Yes No
    The appeals system has been explained to me
    Yes No
    I have informed my assessor of any special needs that may need to be considered during the assessment
    Yes No
    Learner signature
    Result of assessment - Assessment 1: Written Test
    Attempt No 1: S NYS
    Attempt No 2:
Answered Same Day Jul 11, 2021 HLTWHS003 Training.Gov.Au


Paulami answered on Jul 12 2021
132 Votes
Fire Drill
The procedure of fire drill helps in ensuring that employees can reach effectively and quickly safely in fire situations. It first involves communicating with the fire marshal or the local fire chief. A meeting is scheduled with them with the responders of local emergencies for discussing the appropriate practices for evacuation and other procedures. If the fire marshal or fire chief becomes available towards workplace visits, they can provide ideas beyond the things known....

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