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Header CHCMGT003 Lead the work team – Assessments CHCmgt003 Lead the work team Assessment Tasks (Learner Copy) Student Name Unit Date Started Unit Date Submitted Trainer/Assessor Name and Signature...

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Lead the work team – Assessments

Lead the work team
Assessment Tasks
(Learner Copy)
    Student Name
    Unit Date Started
    Unit Date Submitted
Assessor Name and Signature

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    Student Name
    Unit Submission Date
    Unit Submission Date (2nd)
    Unit Submission Date (3rd)
    Assessor Feedback
To be returned with feedback to student after marking
Australian Careers College Pty Ltd
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CHCMGT003 Lead the work team
Written by Aspire Training and Consulting Copyright © 2018
Authorised use: Australian Careers College
This book is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced or copied in part or in whole nor used for financial gain without the express approval in writing of the owner (Australian Careers College) of the copyright
Submitting your evidence portfolio
You are recommended to seek the advice of your assessor when putting together your evidence portfolio in order to confirm that you have provided sufficient evidence of competency.
You should note that your evidence portfolio must be retained by the Registered Training Organisation for audit purposes and will not be returned to you. If you wish to keep any evidence, you should make a copy prior to submission for assessment. You are advised to make sure you clearly label each answer and task and complete all sections of each assessment.
If possible, you should also submit copies of any workplace documents that may be relevant to this unit of competency. In this case you will need to gain approval to provide the copies from your employer.
Ownership and plagiarism
You are advised by accepting these terms and conditions you have declared the evidence that you submit is your own work or the result of your own research. By signing the declaration below you acknowledge your assessment is your own and contains no material written by another person except where due reference is made.
Note that if you quote any source in your evidence, you must provide a reference to the source in order to ensure that you do not
each Copyright legislation. You need to be aware that a false declaration may lead to the withdrawal of a qualification.
Re-submission of your evidence portfolio
If your evidence meets the requirements of the unit of competency you will be assessed as Competent (C) in this unit. If your evidence does not meet the requirements of the unit of competency you will be assessed as Not Yet Competent (NYC). If you are assessed NYC, it is important to discuss your re-submission with your assessor as you will be given two opportunities only to revise and re-submit your evidence portfolio.
    Declaration by Learne
    I confirm that the evidence that I have presented is my own work and/or the result of my own research. It contains no material written by another person except where I have stated the source. I am aware that a false declaration may lead to withdrawal of a qualification.
    Learner name (please print)
    Learner signature
Elements and Performance Criteria
    Elements define the essential outcomes
    Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element
    1. Contribute to and promote effective work practices
    1.1 Develop and implement plans to meet the day to day activities of the work group
1.2 Develop and implement strategies in consultation with appropriate people to maximise work performance and outcomes
1.3 Identify planning problems, ba
iers and constraints and develop and implement strategies to address them
    2. Develop and implement staffing processes
    2.1 Maintain confidentiality in relation to staff processes in accordance with organisation policies and procedures
2.2 Identify staffing and resourcing needs and develop plans to address them
2.3 Participate in recruitment processes
2.4 Implement effective induction and ongoing support for new and existing staff
2.5 Provide instruction and additional support as required to promote quality worker and client outcomes
2.6 Encourage and facilitate staff access to training and development to enable the achievement of workplace outcomes and personal goals
2.7 Collaborate with other service providers as needed to meet service and refe
al needs
    3. Maintain professional approach to leading work team
    3.1 Reflect on own practice and pro-actively update knowledge and skills
3.2 Align own leadership practice with the values, ethical guidelines, policies and procedures of the organisation
3.3 Take reasonable steps to ensure that personal or social contact does not adversely affect ability to lead the team
    4. Promote effective workplace relations
    4.1 Implement collaborative processes and practices that promote cooperative work practices and maintain positive relationships with staff and management
4.2 Model and promote effective communication in the workplace, including open discussion and active listening
4.3 Identify potential and actual conflict situations and develop and implement appropriate strategies to prevent or address them
4.4 Throughout conflict resolution processes, ensure access to appropriate support, mediation and de
iefing for parties within organisation guidelines
4.5 Resolve problems or issues which may disrupt work unit activities
    5. Evaluate plans
    5.1 Meet regularly with those involved to discuss and evaluate the effectiveness of plans and practices in meeting the goals and needs of the organisation
5.2 Identify areas for improvement
5.3 Revise plans and practices to ensure continued improvement
5.4 Document and report work outcomes in accordance with organisational procedures
    6. Review individual performance
    6.1 Implement and document performance management processes in accordance with role and organisation procedures
6.2 Work collaboratively with the individual to agree on performance improvement and development plans and document in accordance with organisation policies
6.3 Monitor and evaluate performance and provide feedback on a ongoing and regular basis
6.4 Identify poor performance and take necessary actions in accordance with role and organisation procedures
6.5 Monitor and coach individuals to improve performance
6.6 Identify and provide additional support or refe
al when required, in accordance with role and organisation procedures
Recognition of Prior Learning (if applicable)
    RPL Evidence Guide
    Students who require RPL or accelerated progression must produce verifiable documentary evidence of their competence in the following competency standards:
CHCMGT003 Lead the work team
    Student’s name
    Assessor’s name
    Date enrolled
    Please see your assessor for an RPL kit, to be completed and presented to your assessor with required evidence. An appointment will then be set for a competency conversation. Your assessor will explain all evidence requirements for this unit of competency.
    Suggested evidence
    · Letter from cu
ent/previous employe
· Answers to written questions
· Answer to oral questions
· Practical demonstration
    Assessment plan agreed
    Student handbook supplied
    Support materials provided
    Invoice supplied
    Language / Literacy / Numeracy needs discussed
    Special/particular needs discussed
    Appeals process explained
    Overview on assessment procedure explained
    Pre-evaluation of job conducted
    Copy of evidence provided
    RPL Evidence Guide
Additional requirements
    Student’s signature
    Assessor’s signature
Learning checkpoint 1
Promote effective workplace relations
This learning checkpoint allows you to review your skills and knowledge in promoting effective workplace relations.
Part A
1. Briefly describe two features of active listening and provide an example of each.
Provide an example of when and how you have demonstrated positive communication to your team members.
Describe how you would model effective communication to team members and with parents or other stakeholders.
Summarise one cause of conflict in your workplace and describe the process for conflict resolution.
State three ways a leader can support conflict resolution in the workplace.
Identify an issue that may disrupt work group activities.
Part B
Read the scenario, then complete the task that follows.
You are responsible for inducting a new team member into your workplace. You have been asked to prepare a short information session about resolving issues to manage workplace difficulties.
Use software applicable to your workplace, such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Publisher or Word. The information session should include the following:
· The five-step plan of action for managing work conflicts
· Policies and procedures that relate to managing and resolving conflict situations, including grievances
· Procedures for providing support, mediation and de
· Issues that may disrupt the work unit
Learning Checkpoint One
    Student Numbe
    CHCMGT003 Lead the work team
    Assessor name
    Learner Assessment Declaration (tick the relevant box)
    The purpose and outcomes of the assessment have been explained to me
    Yes No
    I have received information about the unit of competency
    Yes No
    I understand the type of evidence to be collected
    Yes No
    The appeals system has been explained to me
    Yes No
    I have informed my assessor of any special needs that may need to be considered during the assessment
    Yes No
    Learner signature
    Result of assessment - Assessment 1: Written Test
    Attempt No 1: S NYS
    Attempt No 2: S NYS
    Attempt No 3: S NYS
    The learner’s overall performance was XXXXXXXXXXSatisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
    Feedback to learner on overall performance
    Assessor signature
    I intend to lodge an appeal on the above decision
    Yes No
    Learner signature
Learning checkpoint 2
Evaluate plans
This learning checkpoint allows you to review your skills and knowledge in evaluating plans.
Part A
1. List six functions of an agenda.
Explain three characteristics of a group member in an effective team.
Part B
Read the case study, then answer the questions that follow.
    Case study
The Daisy Chain Childcare Centre has appointed a team to research, develop and implement new cu
iculum learning and development programs for the centre’s preschool children.
The first team meeting to be held monthly is on 3 July at 10.00 am with 2 hours allocated. Janice is chairing the meeting and five educators(Sarah, Anne, Neil, Jacinta and Erinn) are attending and Dina is taking the minutes.
During the first meetingSarah and Neil discuss their research findings, Anne talks about development ideas, Jacinta speaks about implementation strategies and Erinn discusses cu
iculum improvements.
During the meeting, when Neil presents his research, the other educators listen carefully. Sarah encourages him by showing she is impressed with the thoroughness of his research. She reflects on how his researchlinks with hers.
1. Create an agenda using the information from the case study. Include all of the required information.
What indicates that Sarah is an effective team member?
Janice has identified an area for continuous improvement. What goal was she
Answered Same Day Aug 06, 2021 CHCMGT003 Training.Gov.Au


Tanaya answered on Aug 10 2021
143 Votes
Table of Contents
Checkpoint 1    4
Part A    4
Question 1    4
Question 2    4
Question 3    4
Question 4    4
Question 5    5
Question 6    5
Part B    5
Question 1    5
Question 2    5
Question 3    5
Question 4    6
Checkpoint 2    6
Part A    6
Question 1    6
Question 2    6
Part B    6
Question 1    6
Question 2    7
Question 3    7
Question 4    7
Question 5    7
Checkpoint 3    7
Part A    7
Question 1    8
Part B    8
Question 1    8
Question 2    8
Question 3    8
Question 4    8
Question 5    9
Question 6    9
Question 7    9
Final Assessment    9
Part A    9
Question 1    9
Question 2    9
Question 3    9
Question 4    9
Question 5    10
Part B    10
CS Question 1    10
CS Question 2    10
CS Question 3    10
CS Question 4    10
CS Question 5    10
CS Question 6    11
CS Question 7    11
CS Question 8    11
CS Question 9    11
CS Question 10    11
CS Question 11    11
CS Question 12    11
CS Question 13    11
CS Question 14    11
CS Question 15    12
CS Question 16    12
CS Question 17    12
CS Question 18    12
References    13
Checkpoint 1
Part A
Question 1
Active listening allows the person in exploring different feelings and thoughts so that they have adequate time to take the co
ect decision. With active listening, one can effectively summarise and achieve a co
ect level of understanding. Active listening helps in building trust and rapport and helps in demonstrating concern. Some of the examples of active listening include making an eye contact with the speakers and concentrate on the non-ve
al cues. The individuals become more focussed and ensures that the individual do not impose any solution or opinions.
Question 2
Positive communication can be communicated by being clear and concise while providing any to the team members. This will help in avoiding misunderstandings and assist in speeding up the operations in the projects (Soni, 2020). A clear communication within a team also helps in practicing empathy with a calm as well as consistent decision-making process. An effective communication also needs effective assertions.
Question 3
In order to build communication among the team member there are two main model that should be followed by the leader. This includes interactional model of communication and the transactional model of communication (Pollock, Wa
en & Andersen, 2017). The interaction model allows communication to be a two-way method that involves in placing the participants in alternate position in receiver and sender’s position. This creates a platform of receiving and sending feedbacks. Like interactional model of communication, transaction model also helps in exchange of messages in between the receiver and sender that allows each of the individuals in sending or receiving messages.
Question 4
One of the main causes of work conflicts is poor communication. Often the lack in the clarity of what needs to be done leads to confusion that results in inadequate meeting of objectives (Young, 2016). The two methods that can help in the conflict resolution are through negotiation, a
itration and negotiation that results in diplomacy with creative peace building.
Question 5
The process that most leaders follow for the management of conflicts involves empathy as well as respect. This allows the leaders to allow the team members in expressing their concern so that they can look deeper in to the issue. This will also allow them to understand the real reason of conflict so that faster resolution can be obtained.
Question 6
One of the issues that have the ability to disrupt any group activity is the alck of transparency in between the team members.
Part B
Question 1
Five-step Conflict Resolution Action Plan includes:
Step 1: Defining the source of conflict so that the cause of the problem can be derived helping in finding a resolution.
Step 2: Evaluate the situation that gave rise to the conflict.
Step 3: Request for solution from both the disputants so that the possible resolution can be obtained.
Step 4: Identify the co
ect solution and explaining the same in between the two disputants can reach a same platform (Chubenko & Bedrii, 2018).
Step 5: Documentation of the agreement of the dispute resolution method.
Question 2
· Clarification of the disagreements that exists in between the two parties
· Establishing a common goal in between the two parties
· Discussion of methods, by which the common goal can be achieved
· Determination of the ba
iers in meeting the common goal
· Agreeing and coming in terms with a resolution appropriate for the conflict
· Acknowledgement of the solution that ahs been agreed upon by the team members
Question 3
· The de
iefing session can take place within a time span of 3 -7 days especially for any critical incident. The de

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