The Heart is a Lonely Hunter PAPER DUE 4/6
Part Two’s Selected Character Chapters plus Part Three Paper due Wed 4/6 – length up to you**
See list of characters from Lonely Hunter below. Pick a character to write about for this Paper. Post your selected character name as the subject/thread in the relevant DB. No more than three of you can pick the same “loneliest” character;
Read the Part Two Selected Character Chapter(s) that relates to your character. Also read all of the very short Part Three. Write a Paper: about what your character may be hunting for: Is it a “hunt” (desire) for love, for legitimacy, for recognition, for respect, for success, for independence, for understanding, for attention, for the dream, for change, for hope, for peace, for support, for escape, for safety, or for any other reason that relates in particular to the Southern Gothic characteristics detailed below?
Include in the Paper: If your character is alive at the end of the novel imagine your character’s life beyond the novel. What do you think happens to him or her based on where he or she is at the end of the story. Are there any signs that your character will eventually get what he or she has “hunted” for (desired) or will the heart continue to hunt? If your character is no longer alive at the end of the novel what great dissatisfaction do you think could have been remedied to contribute to either keeping the character alive or at least making the character happy while alive. How does the fact of the South as a setting impact your character’s life and make it a gothic story?
Exemplify your statements: Find text that supports your contentions. Feel free to use insightful language from your first two Lonely Hunter DB posts or your classmate’s posts but make sure to cite name, title and date of post being used.
**THERE IS NO MINIMUM nor MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF PAGES REQUIRED FOR THIS SHORT PAPER – as always I am looking for substance not padding (which comes from repetition in an effort to meet a required number of pages).
PART TWO CHARACTER CHAPTERS (alphabetical order)
Spiros Antonapoulos Part Two/Chap 7 [as Singer’s memory]
Jake Blount Part Two/Chap 4; Chap 12
Alice Brannon Part Two/Chap 2
Biff Brannon & his Cafe Part Two/Chap 2 [+others at the Café]; Chap 8
Dr. Copeland Part Two/Chap 3 [+Copeland’s family]; Chap 6; Chap 10
Portia Copeland Part Two/Chap 3; Chap 6; Chap 10
EVENT: Gun Shot Pt2/Chap 5 [many characters here]
EVENT: Willie Boy Incarceration Pt2/Chap 10 [Copeland family]
EVENT: Mick & Ha
y Pt2/Chap 11
EVENT: Singer’s Room Pt2/Chap 7 [Main characters]
EVENT: Jake & Singer visit Dr. Copeland Pt2/Chap 13
er Kelly Part Two/Chap 5
Mick Kelly Part Two/Chap 1; Chap 5; Chap 9; Chap 10; Chap 11; Chap 14
y Minowitz Part Two/Chap 5; Chap 9; Chap 11
Mr. Singer Part Two/Chap 15
Lucille Wilson Part Two/Chap 2; Chap 5
Baby Wilson Part Two/Chap 2; Chap 5
Mr. Singer Part Two/Chap 4; Chap 6; Chap 7**
**Important Chapter – Description of Singer’s collective visitors
I Choose Blake Blount okay guys