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Guide to Project for Supervisors ITECH 5404 BUSINESS PROCESS ANALYTICS AND CHANGE CRICOS Provider No. 00103D itech 5404_01_assignment_ XXXXXXXXXXdocx Page 1 of 3 Assignment 1: Reading Circle Purpose...

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Guide to Project for Supervisors
CRICOS Provider No. 00103D itech 5404_01_assignment_ XXXXXXXXXXdocx Page 1 of 3
Assignment 1: Reading Circle
To encourage students to expand their thinking through reading and sharing of ideas.
Weighting and Expectations
Percentage Value of Task: 20% (40 marks)
Minimum time expectation: Preparation for this task will take approximately 20 hours
Learning Outcomes Assessed
The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment: K1, K3, S1, S2,
S3, S1, S4, A1, and A2
Assessment Details
A reading circle is a small, peer-led discussion group whose members read the same article. Your reading circle
will focus on an area of business process management and change. Reading circles are successful when students
come prepared by having read the article and by participating in a discussion about the article. This allows students
to share the results of their research and investigations with other members of their team, and gather feedback
egarding thoughts and ideas.
Students are required to work in a team (3-5 students). Each individual student is required to:
• Select a peer reviewed journal article on some area of business process management and change related to
the course, or an area which extends course ideas (see list of potential topic areas). Confirm the
appropriateness of the journal article with the course lecturer and/or tutor before completing this assignment.
• Provide a copy of the selected journal article to team members by the scheduled tutorial in week 3. For Mt
Helen students, a team forum will be provided in moodle (partner students discuss the best approach with your
lecturer / tutor).
• Lead a face-to-face discussion (approximately 10 minutes) of your team, based on your selected journal article,
in the scheduled tutorial time during weeks 4 – 6 (each team member will negotiate a designated discussion
week). You should read and write a summary of the key ideas the article is presenting and prepare some
questions as a starting point for discussion with your team members, prior to your designated discussion week.
• Following the face-to-face discussions, select any one (1) of your team member’s articles and provide a written
eview of approximately XXXXXXXXXXwords to the team forum in moodle detailing your thoughts, impressions and
eactions to the article (partner students discuss the best approach with your lecturer / tutor).
• Write a review (approximately XXXXXXXXXXwords) of the journal article, providing a critique of your individual
ideas. Also include comments and conclusions made by other team members in your reading circle, and your
eflections as a result of these discussions.
CRICOS Provider No. 00103D itech 5404_01_assignment_ XXXXXXXXXXdocx Page 2 of 3
• The review should be supported by references from literature, demonstrating wider reading and critical thinking.
You should submit your endnote li
ary file along with your assignment.
• As an appendix to your report include a personal reflection of XXXXXXXXXXwords which outlines your experience in
the reading circle. For example, how did you go about locating your article? Why did you select that particular
article? How did you go about preparing for your presentation to your team reading circle? How useful did you
find the comments of your team members? How did this assessment extend your knowledge and thinking about
this area? etc…
A list of potential topic areas is provided below:
• benefits and challenges of BPM
• process architecture
• process modelling
• process discovery methods
• root cause analysis
• six sigma
• process redesign and reengineering
• process intelligence
Academic Presentation
Reviews should be presented in accordance with:
• General Guide to Referencing: https:
• General Guide to Writing and Study Skills:
Submission consists of two parts:
a). Selected peer reviewed journal article is uploaded to team forum in moodle. By Week 3 – Scheduled Tutorial
). Upload written review to moodle assignment submission link. By Week 7 – Friday August 31, 2018 @ 4:00 pm
Marking Criteria/Ru
Criteria Marking Scale
Poor Excellent
1 ...... XXXXXXXXXX5
Upload approved journal article to team forum 0
Lead a face-to-face discussion on journal article 0
Post a reply to one (1) team member’s article 0
Quality of discussion written review of article 0
Quality of synthesis of team members ideas 0
Evidence of research and support from literature (inclusion of endnote li
ary file) 0
Personal reflection (included in appendix of report) 0
Presentation and adherence to academic standards 0
Total Mark [40 marks] 0.0
Total Worth [20%] 0.0
CRICOS Provider No. 00103D itech 5404_01_assignment_ XXXXXXXXXXdocx Page 3 of 3
Feedback and marks will be provided in Moodle. Marks will also be available in FDL Marks.
Please refer to the Course Description for information regarding plagiarism, late assignments, extensions, and
special consideration. A reminder all academic regulations can be accessed via the university’s website, see:
Answered Same Day Aug 13, 2020 ITECH5404


Meenakshi answered on Aug 19 2020
145 Votes
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Root cause analysis, explained with examples and methods
The easiest way to understand root cause analysis is to think about common problems. If we’re sick and throwing up at work, we’ll go to a doctor and ask them to find the root cause of our sickness. If our car stops working, we’ll ask a mechanic to find the root cause of the problem. If our business is underperforming (or overperforming) in a certain area, we’ll try to find out why.
For each of these examples, we could just find a simple remedy for each symptom. To stop throwing up at work, we might stay home with a bucket. To get around without a car, we might take the bus and leave our
oken car at home. But these solutions only consider the symptoms and do not consider the underlying causes of those symptoms—causes like a stomach infection that requires medicine or a busted car alternator that needs to be repaired. To solve or analyze a problem, we’ll need to perform a root cause analysis and find out exactly what the cause is and how to fix it.
In this article, we’ll define root cause analysis, outline common techniques, walk through a template methodology, and provide a few examples.
Ok. So what is root cause analysis?
Root cause analysis (RCA) is the process of discovering the root causes of problems in order to identify appropriate solutions. RCA assumes that it is much more effective to systematically prevent and solve for underlying issues rather than just treating ad hoc symptoms and putting out fires.
Root cause analysis can be performed with a collection of principles, techniques, and methodologies that can all be leveraged to identify the root causes of an event or trend. Looking beyond superficial cause and effect, RCA can show where processes or systems failed or caused an issue in the first place.
Goals and benefits
The first goal of root cause analysis is to discover the root cause of a problem or event.
The second goal is to fully understand how to fix, compensate, or learn from any underlying issues within the root cause.
The third goal is to apply what we learn from this analysis to systematically prevent future issues or to repeat successes.
Analysis is only as good as what we do with that analysis, so the third goal of RCA is important. We can use RCA to also modify core process and system issues in a way that prevents future problems. Instead of just treating the symptoms of a football player’s concussion, for example, root cause analysis might suggest wearing a helmet to reduce the risk of future concussions.
Treating the individual symptoms may feel productive. Solving a large number of problems looks like something is getting done. But if we don’t actually diagnose the real root cause of a problem we’ll likely have the same exact problem over and over. Instead of a news editor just fixing every single omitted Oxford comma, she will prevent further issues by training her writers to use commas properly in all future assignments.
Core principles
There are a few core principles that guide effective root cause analysis, some of which should already be apparent. Not only will these help the analysis quality, these will also help the analyst gain trust and buy-in from stakeholders, clients, or patients.
· Focus on co
ecting and remedying root causes rather than just symptoms.
· Don’t ignore the importance of treating symptoms for short term relief.
· Realize there can be, and often are, multiple root causes.
· Focus on HOW and WHY something happened, not WHO was responsible.
· Be methodical...

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