Generalinstructions:Take home exam
This take-home examrequiresyou to answereach ofthefive(5)questions below. If you write in a clear and concise manner, youshouldbe able toanswereach question in approximately200- 300words.
Note that this exammustbe completed independently, without discussion with other students or individuals within or outsideofthe class.The assignmentwill besubmitted through Turnitin and so plagiarism will be detectedand referred for investigation through the school’s Academic Integrity process.
Make sure toinclude a listof your sources,whether they be in the published literatureor from lectures.You should provide references in APA format (6th edition),anddoublespace your work.
Below are grading guidelinesused to assess theanswers.Theseguidelinesdo not comprise a formal rubric.
1. Technical elements
a. Clarity of writing: Well-developedanswersare clear and can be followed with ease. They use an appropriate level of technicalor laylanguage, as required.
b.Writing mechanics & APA formatting: Well-developedanswershave no (or minimal) errors in APA formatting, spelling, punctuation, or grammar.
2. Substantive elements
a. Well-developed answershave a well-articulatedanswer to the question,which is stated unambiguously.
b. Well-developed answersbuild a logical and relevant argument. They use supporting evidence tosupport keypointsin their argument.
c. Well-developedanswers present originalideas. They make accurate use of supportingmaterials. They integrate and synthesize informationpresentedacross lectures. They show good understanding of concepts,correct use of terminology and necessary elaboration.
General instructions: Please completeall questionsbelow,typing in the box below each question(boxes expand as you type). Answers should be in complete sentences. You should includeup to3-4 references for eachanswerin the box. There is no need for intext referencing. The answer for each question should be no more than XXXXXXXXXXwords,excluding references.