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For this report designing, mass balance and energy balance for crystallisation is required. Which is the last process in the given pfd. The only data given is product must be 20 tonn per annum. The...

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For this report designing, mass balance and energy balance for crystallisation is required. Which is the last process in the given pfd. The only data given is product must be 20 tonn per annum. The process is production of lithium carbonate from spodumene . Input into the crystallisation tank is lithium hydroxide. Output is lithium carbonate crystals .
Answered 4 days After Sep 24, 2022


Dr Shweta answered on Sep 26 2022
59 Votes
Figure 1 P & ID diagram for crystallization process
Figure 2 Diagram of crystallization equipment
Product out
mP1, mP2, mP3
Mass and energy balance DiagramUnit operations stored materials mS1, mS2, mS3
Stored energy ES1, ES2, ES3
Waste Product
mw1, mw2, mw3
Raw material in = mR1, mR2, mR3
Energy in Product
EP1, EP2, EP3
Energy in = heat, work,
chemical, Electrical = ER1, ER2, ER3 Energy in waste
Ew1, Ew2, EW3
Energy loss to su
E1, E2, E3
1. Mass or material balance
Mass in = Mass out + mass stored
Or, Raw materials = product + waste + stored material
Or, total raw material = Total product + total waste + Total stored product
ΣmR = Σmp +Σmw + Σms
Energy balance
Energy in = Energy out + Energy stored
Or, total energy entering= Total energy leaving with product + total energy leaving with waste + total energy lost to the su
oundings + total energy stored
ΣER = ΣEp +ΣEw + ΣEL + ΣEs
Chemical reaction
= 2LiOH + CO2 =...

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