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For this C# programming assignment, you will work on a .NET project that is a list management console application. All the project files are provided to you. You are required to implement a couple of...

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For this C# programming assignment, you will work on a .NET project that is a list management console application. All the project files are provided to you. You are required to implement a couple of additional features in the project code. Those features are:

  • Paging- When the user requests more than 5 tasks by asking for a list of outstanding or overall tasks, present those as a paged list with five results per page. You can use the provided ListNavigator class and modify it to suit your needs for this assignment.
  • Calendar Appointments- Calendar Appointments should be implemented as a special case of a task and placed in the same central list for storage using polymorphism. The Appointment class should have the following properties. Shared properties should be implemented on a base class called Item from which both Task and Appointment derive.
  1. (string) Name
  2. (string) Description
  3. (DateTime) Start
  4. (DateTime) Stop
  5. (List) Attendees
  • Calendar Appointments CRUD- The menus should be modified such that calendar appointments are returned when the user asks for their tasks and the user should clearly be able to determine if an Item instance is a Task or an Appointment (Note: you can use ToString() overrides here). This means that you have to return both types of objects in the same list. So, "list items" is really listing both todos and calendar appointments which will have different displays and calendar appointments will not have a concept of "completed". You should also add prompts that allow creation and update of Tasks and Appointments. Deletions should be handled the same for both derived classes.
  • Search- Add a new menu item that asks the user for a search string and returns only items in the items list that contain that search string in their name, description, or list of attendees (for Appointments). Use LINQ to satisfy this easily.
  • Save and Load- Your application must implement serialization/de-serialization either through additional menu items or automatically on close and launch of the application. To save to the roaming profile on Windows you can use
Answered 2 days After Feb 07, 2022


Raja answered on Feb 10 2022
118 Votes

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