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For this assignment we are going to be working on a specialised binary tree which has the following restrictions: We can only enter Integer objects with a value of 0 to 9. The maximum height is 10...

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For this assignment we are going to be working on a specialised binary tree which has the following restrictions:

  • We can only enter Integer objects with a value of 0 to 9.
  • The maximum height is 10 (which means it can take a maximum of 1023 items)

The starter code for this assignment is given on canvas, as a Netbeans project, or as five separate Java Files. You can work in Netbeans, or use any other IDE of your choice.

The code contains the following files:

  • – This defines a class that can sort an arrays of Integers using different algorithms
  • – This is where the BinaryTree class is defined.
  • – This is where the BST class is defined. This class uses a BinaryTree object.
  • – This is where the Heap class is defined. This class uses a BinaryTree object.
  • – this is the main class. It has some methods that you need to uncomment and run as you work through the tasks.
  • – This class builds a string image of our binary trees. This helps you see the result of your work in the other modules. You do not need to change this class.
Answered Same Day Jul 16, 2021


Valupadasu answered on Jul 18 2021
146 Votes

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