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For this assessment task you will need to address and critique the attached literature review (Milinis et al., 2018) by addressing each of the following questions: 1. What is the review purpose,...

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For this assessment task you will need to address and critique the attached literature review (Milinis et al., 2018) by addressing each of the following questions:

1. What is the review purpose, objective or question?

2. Was there a published protocol for this review? If yes – please provide the reference.

3. What are the inclusion criteria for this review?

4. What types of studies were included?

5. What databases/search engines were searched?

6. Were the search terms suitable for the purpose of this review?

7. What search limits were applied?

8. Does the PRISMA flowchart adequately describe how articles were identified, screened, assessed for eligibility, appraised and selected for inclusion in the review?

9. What critical appraisal instrument(s) was/were used to determine the methodological quality of the articles? Were these instruments appropriate?

10. Are the included studies summarised adequately? (Study type, study population, location, interventions, outcomes, results)

11. Are excluded studies listed with reasons for their exclusion?

12. How was the data abstracted and synthesised?

13. Is there an adequate critique of the studies reviewed, including a discussion of study limitations?

14. Were the levels of evidence reported in this systematic review? What is your assessment of the level of evidence included in this review?

15. How should the information from this systematic review be applied in clinical practice (knowledge transfer)?

Please ensure you include each question and the response in the assessment

This review should be referenced in your assessment submission

The word limit is 1200 words

Answered Same Day Jun 03, 2021 NURS2003


Sunabh answered on Jun 11 2021
142 Votes
Running Head: HEALTHCARE        1
Critique Point 1
The objective behind the study presented by Milinis et al. (2018) was to systematically review the evidences available to measure the effectiveness of graduated compression stockings (GCS). Effectiveness of GCS was to be measured in conjugation with extended pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis in order to prevent the development of venous thromboembolism (VTE) among surgical patients.
Critique Point 2
It would be essential to consider that protocol articles are only considered for proposed or ongoing research, which has not yet started (Moher et al., 2015). The cu
ent study presented by Milinis et al. (2018) is a systematic review and systematic reviews encourages the prospective registration in PROSPERO or Open Science Framework. The review protocol for cu
ent study was published on PROSPERO (CRD42017062655) and the link to the same has been provided below.
Critique Point 3
There were numerous inclusion criteria for this research such as the research article or journal must reflect ‘minimum of 21 days of pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis’. The studies, which documented continuous use of GCS and the adults were above 18 years of age, were also included. Studies with Pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis including low-molecular-weight heparin, unfractionated heparin, fondaparinux, vitamin K antagonists and direct oral anticoagulants were also included. Likewise, studies, in which patient received prophylactic-dose pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis alone or in combination with GCS along with patients, undergoing orthopaedic or abdominal surgery was also an inclusion criterion. Finally, studies, in which VTE was confirmed by imaging were also included in this review.
Critique Point 4
Studies included in this review were the ones that documented continuous use of GCS, in which patients were undergoing orthopaedic or abdominal surgery and other inclusion criteria presented above. While the studies, which were excluded in this review were those where two mechanical methods of thromboprophylaxis were combined, Patients reflected contraindications to GCS or pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis, patients were younger than 18 years along with the studies where patients were pregnant or having clotting disorders.
Critique Point 5
Two reviewers independently conducted the literature search for this review. Databases, which were searched in order to retrieve relevant literature, included Embase, MEDLINE and Cochrane li
ary, along with
Critique Point 6
Wohlin (2014) presented that search terms plays a major role in the retrieval of literature for any research study because it helps in identification of literature, which would be more relevant to the study context. However, it would be essential to...

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