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BUGEN 5930 Business, Society and the Planet Assessment 2 This task requires you to work both individually and as part of a group to consider the sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility...

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BUGEN 5930
Business, Society and the Planet
Assessment 2
This task requires you to work both individually and as part of a group to consider the sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility reporting and the stated values of two similar organisations and apply the Giving Voice to Values framework.
There are two parts to this task:
· Part A – 25%
Individual Task - Assessment of Business Sustainability Reporting
· Part B – 20%
Group Task - Application of the GVV framework – scenario development, script development and presentation
Please see below for the details of these Task Requirements.
Part A – Assessment of Business Sustainability Reporting
This activity is based on the exercise on page 226 of ‘Business Ethics’ (Crane & Matten, 2010) – a copy of the relevant pages are available on the course Moodle page.
For this component, you need to analyse and compare the values and approaches to sustainability/CSR reporting of two companies.
In groups of 3-4 students, you are required to select two companies that produce CSR and/or sustainability reports and whose values are identified on their websites or in other company documents (that are publicly available). You are required to consider and discuss the companies as a group, but must submit your responses to the questions as individuals.
The two companies selected must be either:
(a) From different industries but in the same country; o
(b) From the same industry but different countries.
By Week 5, you must provide (for your lecturer’s approval) the names of the companies you have selected to research, and the industry and country within which they operate. Please note: your lecturer will advise of companies that are not suitable for this task and/or cannot be selected. You need to research each of your companies to determine their company values, their approaches to social responsibility and their reporting of their sustainability performances and compare the approaches of the two companies.
1. As a group, research each of your companies to determine their company values, their approaches to social responsibility and their reporting of their social performances.
2. As an individual, you are required to submit responses to the following questions:
i. Identify and describe the two companies you have researched; their core business activities and the countries and/or industries in which they operate. (15 marks)
ii. What differences are evident between the two companies in terms of the range of issues dealt with in their social reports and the depth of coverage on specific issues? Please note – this question does not ask for a description or summary of the content of each company’s reports. Instead, you need to analyse the types of information, the major themes, the presentation, formatting and tone of each report – and explain the ways in which the reports are similar to each other and the ways in which they are different. (15 marks)
iii. Discuss which of the Sustainable Development Goals you believe are most relevant to these companies, their industries and the countries in which they operate. Discuss the extent to which these SDGs were addressed, explicitly or implicitly, in the CSR/Sustainability reports of your companies? (15 marks)
iv. Based on your analyses of your companies’ sustainability/CSR reporting, identify in which Sustainability Phase/s (Dunphy, Griffiths & Benn) each of your companies sit. Explain your reasons for these assessments. (15 marks)
v. Discuss the extent to which the social reports provided by these companies reflect their stated values. (15 marks)
vi. Briefly reflect on your group’s discussions of these companies. In what ways did the ideas presented by your group confirm your own conclusions, influence your thinking and/or present another perspective to you? Please note: this question does not ask for a summary of what your group decided or who said what. This requires reflection on how your thinking, understandings and perceptions developed through your engagement with your group. (15 marks)
· A score (10 marks) will be allocated for presentation, written expression, spelling, grammar, punctuation and referencing.
Word limit: 2000 words
Referencing: You are required to follow the APA style of referencing for this task. There is no set number of references required. It is recommended, however, that you independently seek out resources in addition to those provided by the lecturer.
Due Date Week 8
Students are required to upload their assignment as a Word doc or PDF via the relevant Turnitin link on the course Moodle page.
Marking Guide
    Responses to questions
    Qi - describe the two companies that have been researched. Responses should:
· clearly identify and describe the two companies being researched
· clearly describe the industries and countries in which these companies operate
· Clearly describe any social reporting/performance issues that may be relevant for these companies.
    Qii - What differences are evident between the two companies in terms of the range of social, environmental and economic issues dealt with in their reports and the depth of coverage on specific issues? Responses should:
· compare the style, content and presentation of the social reports provided by each company
· critically analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches to social reporting evident in the reports
· comment on the range of issues covered and the depth of the coverage
    Qiii - Discuss which of the Sustainable Development Goals you believe are most relevant to these companies, their industries and the countries in which they operate. Discuss the extent to which these SDGs were addressed, explicitly or implicitly, in the CSR/Sustainability reports of your companies:
· Demonstrate critical thinking and analysis to identify key SDGs and explain why these are particularly relevant to each company
· Describe the extent to which these SDGs have been addressed (explicitly or implicitly) and the effectiveness of this reporting
    Qiv - Based on your analyses of your companies’ sustainability/CSR reporting, identify in which Sustainability Phase/s (Dunphy, Griffiths & Benn) each of your companies sit. Explain your reasons for these assessments. Responses should:
· Clearly identify and describe the Sustainability Phase in which each company best fits
· Provide accurate evidence and insightful reasons for your assessments
    Qv - Discuss the extent to which the social reports reflect the values of your selected companies. Responses should:
· Identify each company’s values (including their Mission Statement, Values, Business Principles etc.) as stated on their websites, reports or in other company documentation
· Critically analyse each company’s social reports in terms of the extent to which their stated values align (or do not align) with their approaches to social responsibility and sustainability (based on the evidence in the reports)
    Qvi - Briefly reflect on your groups’ discussions of these companies. In what ways did the ideas presented by your group confirm your own conclusions or present another perspective to you? Responses should:
· Reflect on the group discussions about the social reporting of the two companies selected
· Identify key points of agreement and disagreement with other group members
· Discuss how the different perspectives provided by group members contributed to your own consideration of the performance of these companies
    Presentation (expression, structure, referencing, organisation, word count – not including cover sheet and references etc.)
Part B – Application of GVV Framework
In this group task you will work with the same group members as for Assessment 2 - Part A. This task requires your group to consider an ethical dilemma that emerges at a workplace of your choosing. This workplace may be based on one of the companies analysed in Assessment 2 – Part A, another workplace or company with which you are familiar or a fictional workplace developed by your group. As a group, you are required to:
1. Write a fictional scenario that describes the emergence an ethical/moral dilemma for stakeholders in a workplace of your choosing;
2. Develop a script in which the central character in this scenario applies the Giving Voice to Values framework to the give voice to his/her values;
3. Present your script to the class as a role play.
1. Scenario Development
Develop a fictional scenario that outlines the emergence of an ethical dilemma in a workplace of your choosing. This scenario should be written as a na
ative piece of writing, similar in format and style to the GVV/Babson scenarios. Your scenario should describe a possible workplace situation that illustrates the emergence of this dilemma as a values conflict for one or more people. It should introduce the key stakeholders & characters, the key facts and the background information that has led to this issue.
Please discuss your scenario/workplace/ethical dilemma with your lecturer to ensure it is suitable for this task before you proceed with the development of your script.
Scenario – 25 marks (800 words)
Due date – Week 11
PLEASE NOTE: The scenario and script are not the same thing. The scenario introduces the key people, background and outlines the ethical dilemma. The scenario ends with the ethical dilemma – that is, the central character identifies the dilemma but is not sure on what to do about it. The script starts with the ethical dilemma, demonstrates how the central character applies the GVV framework to address the ethical dilemma to achieve a more ethical outcome for the stakeholders.
2. Script Development
Your group is required to develop a script in which the central character in your scenario applies the Giving Voice to Values framework in response to the values conflict or ethical dilemma identified in your scenario. Your script should include evidence that you have addressed the following questions:
· What is the ethical dilemma/values conflict presented in your scenario?
· Who are the stakeholders and what is at stake for the key parties (including those who disagree with you)?
· What are the main arguments you are trying to counter? That is, what are the reasons and rationalizations you need to address?
· What levers/arguments could you use to counter the reasons and rationalisations, to influence those with whom you disagree?
· What is your most powerful and persuasive response to the reasons and rationalizations you need to address? To whom should the arguments be made? When and in what context?
Script – 50 marks (1500 words)
Due date – Week 11
3. Script Presentation to Class
Your group then needs to present this script to the class as a group role play. The presentation of the script should be clear and enable the audience to engage with the issues. All group members must be meaningfully included. Creativity and expression is encouraged.
Script Presentation to Class – 25 marks (7-10 min. in length)
Due date – Week 11
The group will discuss and de
ief their scenario to clarify and gain class feedback.
Groups are then required to nominate one group member to upload both the group’s Scenario and Script as a Word doc or PDF (with the FedUni Business School – Assignment Coversheet attached) via the relevant Turnitin submission links on the course Moodle page.
Please ensure that the names and student I.D. numbers of
Answered Same Day May 30, 2021 BUGEN5930


Preeta answered on Jun 01 2021
154 Votes
Giving voice to value approach is a new, innovative approach to conduct business leadership with ethical and moral value. This shows the way to handle ethical issues at a workplace. In this report, ethical issues have been found at a fictional fashion company based in Australia, Night Fall Fashion Ltd. At first the situation has been depicted and then a script has been developed based on the situation, the ethical dilemma faced and the probable solutions.
Scenario Development:
Night Fall Fashion Ltd is in operation for three years. The company manufactures and then retail clothes as well as fashion accessories. The company understand its duties towards the environment and society. So, it’s trying to adopt sustainable measures and market the business as totally sustainable.
Even though the manufacturing operations are done by the company itself yet some of the products are outsourced. Vendors are given contract for the outsourcing of all such products. Leather belts are being used in some of the dresses which the company manufactures. Those belts are also sold separately as fashion accessories. The company do not manufacture the belts themselves and has an outsourcing contract with one of the vendors for the delivery of those belts. The company calculated that it requires 15,000 such belts in a month and if that is to be manufactured by the company then factory overhead and wages will cost around $150,000
inging the cost per unit to $100. The belt was a standardized product and many other manufacturers produced similar kind of belt. While checking with the vendors available in the market, it was found that cheaper options were available. Among them, one vendor was chosen who agreed to provide the required belts at $50 per unit, which was almost half than the cost of manufacture estimated. The cost of other vendors ranged from $70 to $80. So, the company made a contract with that vendor for the supply of the product. As required each month 15,000 such belts were taken from the vendor and the cost was $75,000 per month. Individually the belts were sold at $200. The dresses in which such belts were used, $100 was added to the dress for the belt.
The vendor from whom the belts are outsourced, Chris Dalton actually outsource those belts from a vendor from Bangladesh, Ahmed Khan. Recently Chris came to know that Ahmed manufactures the belts at a factory at Bangladesh where the working conditions are very poor and very low wage rates are being paid to the labours. Women and children are employed to manufacture the belts who are paid only 50 cents for an hour of work. The working conditions are also very poor. In a single room almost 50 workers are made to work. They are made to work for 12 hours a day. In that 12 hours, the workers are given 15 minutes
eak twice to eat and additionally they are allowed to go to washroom only twice. They are made to work on all of the seven days and no leaves are provided. This means that they work like that continuously almost through out their whole life. This is exploitation of the human resource and not at all sustainable.
While chatting up and clearing the dues, the operational manager of the company, Amanda Mathews came to know about the situation from Chris. She told Chris that it is not ethical to continue business in this way but Chris was of the opinion that if he trades with any other vendor, he will not be able to get the products at such a cheap rate and so he will continue the business this way. Amanda described the whole issue to the CEO of the company, Peter Holland.
They discussed the issue. The dilemma was whether to continue the operation with Chris or not. Proceeding with this contract was morally wrong and then the business will no more be sustainable. Making the value chain sustainable is also the responsibility of the company. Exploitation of human resource with bad working condition and low wage rate should not be supported at all. In a way this human resource is cu
ently one of the stakeholders of the company and the company should try to protect their interest.
But if the company terminate this contract and move on with other vendors then its cost of production will increase and so the ultimate profit will...

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